Chris Bworn- 2012!

" Have you ever considered the idea of someone teaching you how to love, and the outcome is greater than you can imagine...."


Never has it been this difficult
like pulling teeth
pullings of motivation
no fire burning inside for any passions
no routine
no identity
what is for you
this is the first plan
there is no plan
no degree of urgency
to do anything
hoping that fire will come
when the time is right
God willing.
“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for." -Epicurus   


Conversation, Recognition, and Pursuit, if he’s not giving you that, then he’s just not that into you.


You must earn loyalty. 
THeir is no expiration date
patience and perseverance is key
never in history did a leader give up when everything he/she ever planned went sour
Truth is,
you might have to stick it out just a little bit more than you would normally
Sure, you might get or understand it all now
but give it time
and surely you shall see its entirety
never were name-changers okay with negative outcomes
Kill them with kindness
and work within your circle of control
you can only focus on your actions and reactions
you CanNOT moves someone else's mouth
limbs or thoughts
you must earn loyalty
respect and adornment
so choose your words wisely
a prophet once put stones in his mouth for hundreds of years
to be weary of his words
be mindful that every action has a reaction
and do not block what is meant for you

"If you can't survive and prosper in a prison you can't prosper in a palace!" J. O'Hannan



What are you praying?
Are you sure you can handle it?
You can't control the why?
Put your best foot forward.
Stop asking why?
The "Y" can kill you.
You can't control the "Y"
you can only control how you react