
billie holiday-- "ill be seeing you"


"You are what your experiences have made you to become, not how you were raised"Ftk

principle of reciprocracy!


"As a man thinketh, so is he"

get your mind right first
then we shall proceed

lose yourself

lose yourself
in the music
the moment
the twitter
the facebook
the BBM
the PING
and never let it go
thats where people
their "awesomeness"
and boredom
so go ahead
and lose yourself
and holla at  a player
when you found some sturdy ground
and something to belive in

last verse!

savin it all for you :)

say wattttttttt! oldies all day

48 laws of power... the nerd sets in lol

 Law 28
Enter Action with Boldness
If you are unsure of a course of action, do not attempt it.  Your doubts and hesitations will infect your execution.  Timidity is dangerous:  Better to enter with boldness.  Any mistakes you commit through audacity are easily corrected with more audacity.  Everyone admires the bold; no one honors the timid.

Get and READ the book!

Anita Baker - Been So Long

nothing like them oldies!!

nothing like them


the simple fact of the 
principle of least interest
defined in sociology:
"the person with the least interest controls the relationship"
and the time in clocking to 2011
faster than a slug moves 1 diameter
your inconvienience is not necessary
the tired lines
and the same sh** different toilet
shes screaming silently
before you know it
the silent yells
will subdue
like immigrants during the 1800's:
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." Emma Lazarus


head pounding like a pound cake
throbbing for your arrival
and then
no answer
Wat if she was dead
"I could have DIED yo"
she utters
his head isn't pounding
rather its not even working
the hubris comes from culture
and family
there's no dodging it

K.B. "Two stubborn people will remember an event as it affected them, not as it happened"

Who missed the bus to Regretville, Seeyoulatersisqo

pulsating rage

the rage that attacks the brain
as if a bullet were to go right thru
get out
time's up
you see
you only have a limited amount of time to prove yourself in life
and when that times up
there no
erasing mistakes
no fixing things
time only goes in one direction
so the pulsating rage
will come and go
and the anger will uprise
then subdue
there no going back in time
to fix things
to add or subtract things
and prepare for what opportunities are missed
no opportunities are missed
because someone else ALWAYS takes advantage of them
pulsating rage


you know
one of those
knee slappers
where you fall out in your chair
and he grabs onto you
and you sulk in his arms
you know
one of those chuckles
that has your dimples hurting
and your cheeks cramping out
in his company
you miss those too huh?

u wanna know what really goes on in females heads?
she is a Woman's guide

excuse the profanity

"All men care about are sex, sports, and sandwiches"

? state of music

a.k.a. swift!

The pain, the trials, the troubles, the tears. God did not allow me to go through all these things for naught. I have something to do while I am living & these tests are to make me stronger...for a reason. PURPOSE.

shopping might heal all ailments
just like NBA 2k10
track made me realize
life is a marathon not a sprint
..never was good at the 3000s
or the 4x800


simple simpleton told
cunning cunnigham she loved him
then they're love shattered
into a million pieces

don't buy her any drinks

step off of your high horse
before you get knocked right back down
who finds pride in hurting a man's pride
but mama ain't raise no fool
so you must reap the harsh words she sews..
and then re-evaluate 

R.I.P. :(

more and more

more and more as you try to see
the goodness in all of thee
and then splat
she/he want that old thing back
as if you were crawling from it
only to celbrate the obstacle of
getting it back
and then more and more
as it drifts away
you realize
you came in this world alone
ALONE you will stay

from concrete who knew a flower would grow?

no more
not anymore
but the run was fun
and the next guy
is compared to you


not cutting it 

from 1:37 -2:12 voice is umm child!


"your just like poison,
...breakin all of my defenses with time
what are we gonna do"

uncovered storytale

she might have been awkward
but it was his rights to her only

he might have been a loser
but he was HER loser
she might have been difficult
but he found joy in unraveling her difficulty

he might have been tall
but she never had a problem climbing on top of him
she might have had a small waist
but his  forceful grabbing never bothered her

he might have been quiet and shy
but he was only open to her
she might have been hard on the outside
but it was to him and ONLY him she owed her softness too

the uncovered storytale
of a match made in heaven
like he was the head
and she was the neck
but he didn't sway in the right direction this time

naija collabo

he's back!!!!


to look at

there is always the next man
to tell you
wat your man should
and the essence of manhood
"you listen to all the things  your woman is not saying"

take me on a date

She said:

is the deadline
on the hotline
endurance on E
and patience on zero
is not enough to keep you
so she let you go

This type of cold will make you ask god for forgiveness.

are you tired?
Cuz you been running
through my mind all day...

BOLD! lol

life gives you disappointments in increments
and happiness in large quantities

cupid's got a gun, and he's pointing right at you.


and as the time rewinds
and the facade fades...
"Who is your opponent?"
no one
WHy is there no opponent?
"because your opponent is just a mere faction of your imagination
WHo is the judge?
"and why is he the judge"?
because only god can judge me
--Great debaters

the minority report: pt 1

you wanna do it
so bad
it makes you want to cry
ever been something so dear
to your heart
that you just wanna sit and cry
cry at the angry frustrations that run through your veins?
and putrid things that torment your being?
and he asks:
"the question is: what are you going to do about it?
If you want something of that element, you have to be apart of the social dynamic of the situation"
the minority report
is true in the United States
corruption rules
not by the books..
but by the rules
they go against
so you wanna get far in life and be rich and wealthy?
you have to be corrupt
this place is not made for you to be stinking rich
so there is some form of corruption you will partake it
not by choice though
just by breaking the rules

wat a coincidence. this is a good song

theres nothing better than knowing
your support system
defies all odds
and only god can judge


MOOD picker-upper

..and fly with me

this is the red eye and the new era
of unfortunate
and uncertainty
but what is true to the heart is that no one can
take minutes
or diplomas from you1
..and fly with me


Don't miss me when I'm gone, love me unconditionally while I'm with you.

What yall know about this?? R.I.P.

EVER !!!!!!!!!!!

Crisis on time

It's weird
how you know
 who's really there for you
in a time of crisis
and urgency
thank you!
and I love you dearly

To say

to say
to judge
to belittle
is not worth anything
a person will get hurt
and once you have the intrinsic need that
you are worth
is a testament
you should start believing
to say its not where you start,
its where you finish?
is bullshit
to say
to belittle
is not housed here
has no purpose

pride and dignity?

and you left it with him
and her
 and her
there's a difference between the special one and the chosen one...