another b.cox joint!

...when I find i.. he'll know ;)

sweet sweet

Sweet sweet memory
turned into the conjugation
"let me patient, let me be kind"
but let me not suffer blind"
tell him It will be alright
sweet sweet
tender love n care
for this pretty fine young thang
and his power he possess
its hard to know if you will ever go away
or just a book tha has more chapters
and more years than one can describe
sweet sweet
but where?
but how?
sweet sweet still thinks about you
and sweet sweet was looking might cute the other day
and the tough cookie started to cry...

" Yo...don't love em yet son, cuz you love hard" A.I.

i've done this before though

Him: Hey
You (to yourself): Oh my God.. he just texted me.. I wonder what he wants.. maybe he just wants to talk... maybe he's mad at me, i mean all he said was hey... I should just answer him, i don't want to keep him waiting...well maybe i'll wait another 3 minutes so he thinks i'm busy... no, that's too obvious. Could this mean he's into me? Or is he just bored? Either way is fine, i mean i don't care if he likes me back. who said that i even liked him?! i'm just gonna text him back now. Should i reply hi or hey? or hey with three y's? no that's stupid. 2 y's works. He won't know if i did it on purpose or if it was just accidental. Okay. I got this.
Breath in, breath out.

You: Heyy
she said she want you...but only from the neck down...

flashback..cuz we all want that old thing back

MIchelle Obama says:

"With men, don’t be swayed by “cute”: “Cute’s good. But cute only lasts for so long, and then it’s, Who are you as a person? Don’t look at the bankbook or the title. Look at the heart. Look at the soul…When you’re dating a man, you should always feel good…You shouldn’t be in a relationship with somebody who doesn’t make you completely happy and make you feel whole.”

is it possible to have a FAVORITE broken heart?

the lips are an important and sensitive part of the human careful  what you put in there

"Great minds think alike, correction: WEAK minds think alike"

Man.. (mankind)

How do you know
what the next man doesn't know
how do you feel for?
what the next man doesn't feel for you.
how do you like to be
to guard others feelings
when nobody guards your own
how does it feel man?
to be confused 95% of your lifetime
life is hard cuz a
bit** is easy
how do you try to be so nice
yet feel taken for granted?
how do you tell someone you know dearly no...
and NOT offend them
how do you give in so quickly
and hurt so effortlessly
how do you be yourself in this world
with a lot of people walking around angry at the world..
some things just don't add up.

I came walking... he came running on one knee.. think about it

As journalists you must be objective ;)

Females: their attention is too much, for males: their attention is NOT ever enough


"To that end, sex researcher Rosemarie Basson has proposed a new framework for thinking about female sexual response, one that places the importance of emotional intimacy and relationship satisfaction at its center. Basson’s framework contends that female sexual arousal is more complex than a male’s and depends more intensely on factors such as relationship satisfaction, self-esteem, and previous sexual experiences."
"this is what I'm meant to be, see it's just my destiny, and i came up from the bottom now im facing super stardom, see i made it" Iceberg slim