
"made it to wall street and life avenue
didn't know how to act seeing all the money come through
forgot all the brothers, sisters, aunts, cousins and
MOTHERS that were praying for you
so you spiraled down that turn through life
now you mourn for some money to be a ballers' wife
He gave you the money but there was a no"seeing me"
now your stuck with his babies, unmarried, no pride no dignity
and called a ho*
so you took it to shaunie o'neal
and she put you on the basketball wives show
I refuse to watch it anymore.

dont let thinking you need a significant other poison your mind

You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She's not perfect - you aren't either, and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being human & making mistakes, hold onto her & give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart. So don't hurt her, don't change her, don't analyze and don't expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, & miss her when she's not there."

Mother nature

mother nature....
got you doin un-natural things
the things your sober mind would stay in denial of..
mother nature forced you to face it

Parisian Love-damn...thas love lol

April 13 2011

"I  just wanna let you know you're beautiful"


a blast from the blast!!!
how does one get from point a
to POINT B!!!
soo weirdd..
you never really know what you got till its gone


tomorrow brings laughter
or yesterdays sorrows n worries
when in doubt
just wait for tomorrow

FUNNN!!! :)

Je pense que nous étions censés être dans une autre vie
Je sais que vous ne pensez pas de moi
probablement votre lecture de ce

alors allez-google et le traduireGOOGLE translate that!! lol
Tengo un examen mañana :(

Does it rather seem??
you are always the one trying to make PEACE
by putting pieces together
but the pieces don't adhere to instruction
which led to destruction
and torment
of the whole construction of society

I hope the feeling is mutual...?



count these women every
day of the week

WSJ Study, more Women are keeping their maiden names"

"I would change my last name to my wife's if she gives me a 4 wheeler as an engagement gift. After getting married she takes me to dinners and pays from her purse. When ever I @#$% and act grumpy she takes me to football/baseball games, she pays most of the bills and still take no credit for it. She does all the man's jobs like fixing things in house and move heavy weight stuff." --JS

"This prayer goes out to all the hopeless Romantics" --Eat, Pray,Love

A young man

A young man proposed to a young lady today
It was so surreal
there wasn't a dry eye in sight
A young man that through it all said
it was God that got "us" to where he is now
A young man that said every emotion he endured for 9 years
A young man that obviously loves and respects his counterpart
it was so beautiful
like the things you see in movies
that's why it was so hard to soak it all in
witnessing greatness at a time
and inspiring everyone too as well
A young man that said his "wife to be" is the epitome real woman
It  was beautiful
that is all
genuine beauty

"forgive your past, don't simply be mine" Adele

"anything that don't kill me...makes me better"

The more you step out of your comfort zone
the more you face the challenges you fear
since fear is a weak emotions
which includes words you never see
the more you cross over hurdles and accomplishments
the more the get rejected
the more you cry
the more you bounce right back up
the more you realize
the greater the obstacle
the more glory it is in overcoming it
the more you can do
and you are that much closer to be invincible
inspire to do what you WANT to do!

very proud of meek milly!

i love oldies.. it "sound tainted to me"

e oldies

Nothing Like loving you...

HAppy Mothers DAY!!

for most it was 9 months
for some it was straight to heaven
for all mothers out there
Happy mothers day!

it hurts to know.. u might never come back to me

Languages: english, french, sarcasm(fluent)....


I never loved nobody fully
always one foot on the ground
and by protecting my heart truly
I got lost in the sounds
--Regina spektor