So trueeeeee ;)

"At the end of the day, tell your lady, I'm sorry.I was wrong I promise amazing things
Will happen that night".

"At a certain age, you should not look for a friend's approval of your significant other"

Take it or leave it
Your dating the person.
and that's...FINAL

Mode of thinking

Past is experience
Present is experiment
And future is expectation
Use your experience
In your experiment to achieve your expectations

By a.ade

"I know the type of man I want, not what he looks like
But how he treats me"
Mother said it's not nice to play with peoples
How about yours!?
Mother said it's not nice to play with peoples
How about yours!?


Your an advocate for full time lovers
Bestfriends of brothers :))
And long time strangers
The melodic rhthym that lovers go thru
Is experience
So that they get knocked down to reality
This birthday love is so much. I really do appreciate the people that make me!
I love you all

Say This!

Say this to yourself before you go to bed every nite
Promise it is an instant reality to know that
No one cares enough about you except for you..
Do yourself a favor and care about your well being

Practice patience

Practicing patience
Might be an everlasting thing
There's no time limit
No one tells ou when to stop or go
Kinda like you just roll with the punches
And this month the punches...
Ohh the punches
Foul shots
Mistakenly taken a time out
It's only a matter of time
As the patience wears off
But do not act in haste
Patience my young sister and brotha
You don't know what tomorrow may bring
And who else is responsible for your life story

Yup :)))))

Ex's running into each other
Boy: hey I really miss you
Girl: *sneezes*
Boy: bless you, are you sick?
Girl: no I'm just allergic to bullish**

I wonder who's loving you


I'm gonna be producing for Justin brier and Keri Hilson soon!!!!!

Strive to live by this..

Learn the art of patience.APPPLY
Impatience breeds anxiety,fear, discouragement
And failure. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness and
A rational outlook, which eventually leads to success
--Brian Adams
Do not bite the mouth that feeds you
And do not play with fire

I love you

Dont try to change me
Don't try to explain me
Don't try to decode me
The little things I do that don't make sense
Who else goes through seven moods in one hour
And is still deemed sane
Don't even try to change me
No one is perfect
And there are walls you have to dragg down like superman
And underneath is a wonderful being you won't want to leave
Phenomenal women come in this form you see
So on their behalf
Except me
And love me for that
And I love you

Remember ;)

"For the rest of thy days
Keep calm and carry on
Throw fear and control to the wind
To reach new heights" Fati


And everytime it gets high
Something brings it down low
Not keeping what yours and dear to you
Away from people who do not think so
And tear it apart as it may not be so
Self inflicted judgements coming from a place of hurt and anger
And the more you deteriorate the Ills of the person
The more you think
You think about why they would say thy
And mask the feeling of hurt? Anger? Or distress
So you say nothing no no one anymore
" be wary of friends"

I like having options ;))))

Only time can tell...

Because no one wants to be boredom's best catch
Or lonely's only hope..
Only God can tell
Do not give up on him
Before the coal has turned to diamond

"They might all be dogs, just some are well trained" FtK

Just that uneasy feeling you can't shake off

Go to God.. to get to me.

Afterall you changed me

If you lie to me... I will find out

even the smallest lie
the most randomest lie
that lie that you could just told the truth in the first place
everyone lies but...
I think this lie is a sign
and a RED FLAG

God is a two way street

He does his part.. so you do yours..
And what have you done for him??


"all the good things I ever wanted for you.. Came to you.. The absentee was just me"


It's funny how money change situations
It's almost like sincerely working for something
Isn't so common anymore

From sister Danielle

As a beauty, I want a beast