Pefect for me

"Love and happiness
BUT in nappiness
peanut butter skin
salt water taffy lips
cu-pid said
love aint an accident
ran outta arrows so he hit me wit a javelin
....You're perfect for me"

Oldies :) Kanye west sampled this..

the oldies make me feel warm inside

Pride Definition

a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.

THis video is MAGIC!

check out my boi's other works :)

sampled by Frank Ocean of course ;)

We all try..
Frank OCean said it best.
women tr,
girls try,
boys try,
men try
so try to believe


Many friends have led me to the realization that
in a relationship someone has to put their pride aside
If not one person, then both peoples
in order to function correctly and avoid unexplained anger
hearing your flaws from another persons perspective is refreshing
especially when you care about them, you grow in more ways than one
so fellas, tell  her how SHE really makes you feel.
If the feelings are mutual you'll be surprised ;) 
I want play monkey post
from eye to eye
i wanna play

Definitely got me through the morning
we ignore feelings here....
How can you make a difference while, at the same time, make money?
When you fin dout...
let me know

chivalry ;)

Now, when people think “chivalry,” they think of men opening doors for women, throwing their jackets over puddles, and paying for dinners. All admittedly nice things, save the jacket throwing—that just seems nuts, given the price of outerwear these days. But this is how they get you. Doing things like opening doors for people is polite. I would hope one would do as much for anyone if they got to the door first. Chivalry is something completely different.
There’s a difference between being chivalrous and being nice or polite. Opening a door for someone because you got to the door first is both nice and polite; making a huge production of opening a door for a woman in the hopes that she’ll see what a chivalrous dude you are and fuck you (and then getting all pissy when she doesn’t respond how you want her to) is not polite or nice. And that’s the thing with chivalry: It always demands something in return. If you’re being nice to me because you like me and you’re the kind of person who is nice to people you like, then that’s great. If you’re being nice to me because you’re hoping to get something out of it, or if you think you’re entitled to sex or a relationship with me because you were nice and “chivalrous,” you can go fuck yourself. See how that works?

— Jessica Valenti, He’s a Stud, She’s a Slut, and 49 Other Double Standards Every Woman Should Know

...And what about the truth

"I want a sunday kind of love, that lasts past saturday night"

Can you stand the rain

This is not rain I am standing in This Is hope I am standing If not for hope Then it's over
dont try to change her
she will resent you
forgive her
speak kind words..
kindness from you
reveals faults in her
she will never tell you
but she will change in more ways than one


As the treasures of the world
so many of them
at such depreciated value
does anything have worth anymore
ones like >>> that
are a rare breed
Too much of anything is NOT good for you
Too much pressure, too much care,
Too much love
Too much of the same people
It's just not good
Friendship caught on fire is LOVE

tough cookie

No one said it would be easy.
These "creatures" lack a certain type of common sense
to be the most common of sexes you would think the battle was easy

Rap just does something to me..

MOnolouge #4

"two tattoos one red...
one said love was cursed by monogamy"
who knows if we will make it out alive
one must have faith in a higher power to rely on when things get tough
or put faith in something that you love to at least escape it
hearing the fear in the wayward of the statement:
" Pretty girls always find a way to end up in the wrong hands, I hope it doesn't end up with my daughter".
That's my worst fear.
 Wait, father please!!
Tell me, daughter, how to love,

What should I do?
How should I act?
When do I stop living in fear of hurt and deception
"You never stop being cautious, he will hurt you at one point"
would you rather be a lesbian?
So what else do you need?.

C.E.M. great literature

this is the year

This is the year,
that will force many...
to grow up
and become adults..
now Everybody say "I"