lack of trust
is open to suspicion
and one must be vigilant

We must..

We must remain steadfast in prayer
and have wholly trust in God..
that right now...
at this moment..
everything is exactly in lined..
of what is supposed to happen
nothing more..
nothing les..
but what is mean to happen will happen..


I want to share in your joy
I want to share in your achievements
I would love to be the one next to you
as a proud.. woman
Seeing you at your lows
helping you achieve your highs
but how can one be efficiently supportive if their achievement list is short
or in the works
or is still in the process?
one must be whole
and comfortable in their own skin
before trying to make someone elses' happiness mean something
I would love to take care of you
cater to you
and help you through those dirt cheap times
allowing you to open yourself in the most vulnerable state
and receiving it in return 100 plus one
I would love to be supportive
I'd love to


There's no way your getting an invitation back
so do not leave and then RSVP
or do not
come bearing gifts and notions of happiness'
you see this birthday party is selfish
one day ALLL
to ones self
no tired old lines " oh i was gonna come"
I'm already in (your life)
so as the birthdays pass
and the patience continues
no promises
no commitments
just pure fun.
the great thing about patience is
it is time's way of giving you answers
So your not getting an invitation back
your on my list of
"who NOT to invite to my after party"
take your broke, tired, and lame a** somewhere
"the problem with optimists is that we look at the sides of a story, and we acknowledge the elephant in the room, when others want to ignore it or change the reality of.. what is..."