Human Persona

" I think the problem most human have is the inability to demand a true self. Can one have a true self in the midst of all the social scripts one lives day in and day out?
What to wear, how to wear your hair, how to dress, how to speak? Or are we just actors on this stage called life.
Instead of looking through life with a self-awareness of self and an unbreakable core, many times life and circumstances are viewed through a different lens, a Lens that is often ever-changing. For lack of better terms a "trendy lens". Very unstable view of things, based on outside people, emotions, things, philosophies that are often unstable and faulty, what's trendy and popular and what seems to get people by, is what is used.

The human persona is born with a clean script. Principles like honesty, loyalty, and uniqueness somehow become undermined and overarched in all forms of media (social) and literature. So where lies true self?

Where lies the unbreakable core? Where are the principles and values? Where is the personal constitution of self that never changes? this Human. persona.
"Cooperate with your feelings, discover and be remade"

in life

In Life, everyone must take in whatever they hear and see with a grain of salt. Too much of anything is never good for you. You must take everything in moderation. even religion

"I don't pay that much attention to other peoples successes, or do my homework on them. I'm too busy bettering my well-being and living out my own success"

So how do the tabloids do it? lol
 "Know that transformation sometimes begins with a fall. So never curse the fall." -- Yasmin Mogahed
 not allow
small minds
to rent space in my mind
not allow
mi-nute things to trouble the brain
let it travel to the frontal lobe of the brain
so logical thinking can be applied
" the hardest thing for females may be.. how to allow themselves good men that they deserve, after being involved with scum bags and men without potential for her"