She ain't holding back

thanks to the new follower! :)

"I'm Gonna Find Another You"

BE THERE! and support

The Art of Acting 101 =A+

I told you already "what's on your mind"?
and all you have to say is me?
I see, so your gonna tell me what I wanted to hear Bryan
you keep whispering these sweet nothings.
I question why I even thought to trust you
didnt give me a reason not too
What is on your mind?
About what?
It's a simple question
that involves a simple answer
What do you want from me?
Could you stop recycling MY LINES AND USING THEM
Yea, I get it,
so you answered my question
with a question
and I figured you out
you want my heart
you never told me what's on your mind.

"Sick To My Brain" by: BrodyLangLang

whenever i hear this song i want to throw up
regurgitate every past experience we've ever had
vomit the feeling of your lips against mine
tear your words from my eardrums that
are now imprinted on my memory
i want to say I HATE YOU, if hatred was a valid emotion of mine
i'd embody it to its fullest whenever
i saw you, that fucking walk
of yours the simultaneous depth of your voice that makes me cringe
and im acting as if you're the one who has won
because you have half of what i once had
and im on anger's high horse
just your existence alone
after you've grown away and apart
we are too far for comfort to the point that
closeness makes us awkward
it makes tension timelesss
in my mind its boggling
how two people who knew and trusted so well in a way that only
our spirits can define
you walk by me as if your heart was never mine
and I reFUSE to believe that i am the reason why.
i guess you have your rights to be arrogant
with no substance and no ambition of truth
but i see now
what a little distance has done to you.

"Another Love Song" M.A.M.

i can listen to love songs and not be emotionally attached only emotionally connected to the possibility
of love and all that entails
embodying it to the fullest
me and "who-ever-you-are"
loving every note
as i touch them emotion in my voice
another love song

don't know what to do this time...?


So appalled-- kanye

"that was a lil joke..viola!.. praises due to the most high Allah"

Say to yourself right now! "IM FRIGGING AWESOME! say it loud, say it proud

"When a guy breaks your heart, break his Xbox, he'll understand your pain" @B.F. lol!

"its over
she got colder
cant locate where her heart is" ralphfolarin

in one word

in one word
thought long and hard
and strenuous
destructive was in there
emotional was in there
fear and all its calamaties
in its truest form
love to hate one
and love to love one

life is a growing pain.. no gain

sagittarius plus virgo!!love them!

trust is like glass..
and you know how that goes
its hard to see
and easy to break
and you never recover

Chicken SOUP for the human soul

the options available
its like guy has 1,000 women
but only one catches his eye in the crowd
this probably won't come around again
its like those things only last for certain people
and once its gone
dang... is the end of it
all the things you wish you said
all the things you still want to say
the many times ALONE
has never escaped the tongues
of the likes
and yet
still his memory sticks
and her memory sticks
as if it was just yester-year
the tears flowed
of pain
of joy
of pleasure
of sadness
of happiness
and as their tears continue to flow
no words are spoken
and no actions in motion
no letters of endearment
NONE shalt forceth
god-eth shalt
do it
whatever time that is
one year...
two years..
life-eth will move-on eth

thank you?

feel so good
that burst of goodness energy in you that has been raging
all day
then you suddenly feel sad
because you forgot to thank god
for allowing you to enjoy your happy moments
hmm... maybe she's born with it..
maybe its the blossoming imperfect person she has become
maybe its in his walk that denotes each stepping stone
but like..
how can you NOT say thank you?


\i forgot how many strong black women there are in my family
i forgot how many strong happy, loving marriages
my aunties hold
I forgot how much food we can throwdown
I almost forgot how much genuine love surrounds me?
What are you thankful for?

With each level

With each level
comes harder and tougher decisions
and assumptions
with each level of this
comes more assumptions \and what many like to call "over-think"ment"

the new commandment: thou shalt not hate kid"

Track 11. My Beautiful dark twisted Fantasy

the manipulation pt 2

"that scary love
never get select these people..
i keep my friends close..enemies on a leash" Wale Folarin

Professor: A woman of Academia

by Kent ;) !

"Practice makes perfect; Perfect makes paper; Paper takes patience"

bar-b-que music!

you sound bitter, you sound hurt, you sound retarted

Only LAMES play the blame game
those "men are no good statements"
and "females are realll funny" or
even better "females never know what they want"
THIS tops it ALL off
"all females are evil"
if your not gonna do anything about
the social construction of the human species
or do something about it
because you sound bitter
most of all
you sound like you ain't getting none

support fellow bloggers!
more and more people are being born.. and stealing my first and middle name! LOL


All i wanna hear you say i DO!

Pageant time

pageant time
for girls and guys
I wish you could be here
to experience...
the ...

He's nigerian :) NAME: Taio(olawatayo)

when im with you, i feel like the only the girl you desire..

"I take a kind heart"

theres only
BUT SOO much browsing and searching you can do
biting your tongue
to the things you choose

Search for thee Ambitious girl...

Expect to see me there...

dang. i'd never thought I'd believe this..

"Never ask a woman what she wants in a man, if she tells you, then you won't be yourself..." 
thanks "if" ur a smart man! lol

Thanks to all the viewers in the UK

NO excuses but

no excuses but
YA'll ALLLL the same
like every dog has his own ball of tricks

Did you pray today??

you know what's hilarious

you know what's hilarious
what you want is right in front of you
and its up to you to take
those IMMEASURABLE steps to grasp it
no ONE guarantees it to be easy
no one said you were gonna remain yourself
because change is necessary for growth
so creep out of that "class act" and get a move on it 
cuz you know what's hilarious
you knowing you can do it
but you 

I wish I still had an oldies show! EPICNESS

Langston Hughes.. "Esthete"

she got it

You all are soo difficult to put into words
because to each its own
its like causing yourself massive headache
trying to explain
beings sooo SIMPLE
is SOOOOO difficult
save the headache
and eat a bean pie

pshhh damn

I see you
he sees you too
a man of god
sexy as shi**
prayer looks good on you
and so does that blessing that
affected me and you

SHOUTOUT to Bez Banner!

view playlist...

you might find yourself there...

like water for chocolate

the time is incorrect
the space is compromised
the prayers are dwindling
and the life keeps rolling
life's sweetness
so you wanna trade life for sweetness
or sweetness for life
life water for chocolate
and snare at the ones who have it all
but do not
who die a slow, painful death
like Langston Hughes said: " what happens to a dream deferred, do it dry up like a raisin in the sun? or fester like a sore and then run?

"I’m all alone in this world, she said,   
Ain’t got nobody to share my bed,   
Ain’t got nobody to hold my hand—
The truth of the matter’s
I ain’t got no man."

GLEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! :) boy stop trippin cuz its just me and you..

"beggars can't be choosers" ricky blaze


lmbooo only   I.Od." but fellas is there a more attractive sound on this planet than a woman's moan?"

like "for colored girls"....

to accept a rose, you must accept its thorns and dirt...

"Girls want alot of things from one guy, guys want one thing from alot of girls." I.R. Him

Friday Night lights

she don't believe in shooting stars
but she believes in bags and guards
guards that stay up so high
its hard to forget to let them down
or turn around
and see the beauty inside
and bags or loads
of pressure
and consciousness
of how much people don't know about you
or understand the method to the madness

"For Colored Girls, Who have tried to commit suicide, when the Rainbow is enough"

If you love yourself
this is not a chick flick
It's suggested everyone go and see this
it is a must watch..

It's kinda hard to tell a girl from philly to be graceful" Ftk

LISTEN TO THIS! poppington!

I'd rather a loser than a winner whos too scared too lose" C.Michelle

virgo power prowess :)


It's funny how you said
"but you got soo many options bae" just pick one
just because the options are superfluous
doesn't i want
or most of all YOU
but then again I want one of
but It might be too late to want
in the way that I do
optional to propose a toast for the other
doosh bags
A** holes
that make it impossible to understand you
find the strength
to follow the groove
and let it goo..

Daniel Gullman said

When asked: "can you describe the emotionally intelligent person?
Be astute in reading reactions and feelings. They are the natural leaders...articulate unspoken sentiment...emotionally nourishing"


"You can't change people. Don't waste your time trying to put in what was left out. Try to draw out what was left." Professor X

stress over ----- is for suckers.. why bother? it's not that beneficial anyways.
Women admire a man because he is strong , but they love him for his weaknesses

"if what's ahead scares you, and what's behind hurts you, Just look above. He never fails to help you. "

Don't deny yourself of the things you want, Because what is denied, becomes strongly desired.

Ruled Index Cards

reach out and touch
somebody's hand
then rule out the pain
the lonliness
the "all up in ya chest"
emotions that just can't seem to
keep its cool off of you
it's as simple as telling a stranger
"hey, you look nice today"
or hey god, "I need to talk to you"
I never really done this before
But I want..(x)....(y)..and (z)...
and I pray i get it
Ruled index cards
all lined up like dominos
in your heart
Just breathe
and rule out the...

jus cuz its raining today!!

I'd like to be the one you can "toast up on"
I'd like you to be the one
I will feel guilty about doing wrong


its upsetting
rather upsetting
highly upsetting
did I mention ITs upsetting
disrespecting girls like that.
im sorry you told she "naw girls disrespect themselves"
the double standard in America is baffling
all the dudes
that say: If your a Bi*** then your a Bi***
if your a H*e then your a h*e
HOw can you say that?
have you no shame?
even if she was
your still gonna participate in her vain insanity
and its up-sentiment
like you don't know your influenced
by ALLLLLLLLLLL the rappers
guilty as charged
ALLLLLLLL the Wale's
kanye's and JAy-z's
of this era
if they just once all stopped cursing
maybe we "people" would too
as much as we follow up on their lives
and yet try to hide
its still up-sentiment
everybodys the same
all girls wanna do is shake their a**
have fee s*x
and wonder why he's Like this
and every male
wants to "have their cake"
and eat it too
then play 2k10 and watch the game, then eat a sandwich
it's pretty common all too well
But the blame game never ends
it just hurts knowing that your brother, sister, or friend