"Sick To My Brain" by: BrodyLangLang

whenever i hear this song i want to throw up
regurgitate every past experience we've ever had
vomit the feeling of your lips against mine
tear your words from my eardrums that
are now imprinted on my memory
i want to say I HATE YOU, if hatred was a valid emotion of mine
i'd embody it to its fullest whenever
i saw you, that fucking walk
of yours the simultaneous depth of your voice that makes me cringe
and im acting as if you're the one who has won
because you have half of what i once had
and im on anger's high horse
just your existence alone
after you've grown away and apart
we are too far for comfort to the point that
closeness makes us awkward
it makes tension timelesss
in my mind its boggling
how two people who knew and trusted so well in a way that only
our spirits can define
you walk by me as if your heart was never mine
and I reFUSE to believe that i am the reason why.
i guess you have your rights to be arrogant
with no substance and no ambition of truth
but i see now
what a little distance has done to you.

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