Just married

"you know your not ready to get married when the thought of saying husband(or wife) and saying HUSBAND( wife)
Makes you feel quesy
"you were scared to answer loves call"


A man cannot make u happy. Piece of mind and contentment will help. A man can only contribute to ur happiness. AMEN. Learn to luv oneself n everything will fall in place. Know who u r and wat u want then u will be able to make the right chice in a partner. AMEN.

money rules the world

riches make people happy
because sorrow affects the poor
if my sad its because of money
but if im happy is because of money

right? so money where art thou?


Telling your haters that you hate their guts... And u care what they think is giving them more
Power over you.
Do not respond to them publicly unless they physically
Attack you
Remember haters are your motivators
So stop complaining
Shut up
Keep calm and carry on :)

American Gangster

every woman secretly wants a guy like Frank Lucas
takes care of business
shows no signs of weakness
still open car doors
provide for his family
And loving behind closed doors
--American Gangster
There is no judge
You have no opponents
You are the best
You are not perfect
And you roll with the punches but don't get knocked out
Do not make decisions is haste as they can be detrimental to your success or your feelings
You do remember you have those right?
There are only a few times in life where you actuAlly have it all figured out- D.A.

via BrodyLang Lang

"Voids and Emptyvoidness" 
Today when i was walking to work 
i thought about how empty i felt. 
i felt empty and its an emptiness i feel very often
and that void does not come from lonlieness bc i love being with me 
but its something that i've never been able to explain quite vehemently
all i know is that god can help free this of me
how silly of me
to think that it could happen so freely and easily
and all i know is that god knows
this void and what it is
but i dont quite get it
but when i get the message recorded on my life's memo pad
telling me exactly what it is i need to persue
then maybe that's when i'll be full
after im finished and through coming for you
and even though i cant identify you
soon i'll meet you face to face
in that mutual place 
where god will present you to me
and i'll see what i've been missing
and after confronting you 
that void will be filled
whatever you are
whoever you are

I think God is keeping "MAN avenue" clear for me because he's got something on "Better Road", as long as i don't detour to "Settle blvd,

"I'm not interested in holding a man back, I am interested in holding him down though"

African boys don't wanna like me, they wanna wife me
Black boys don't wanna wife me, they wanna like me
And the Spanish boys just wanna feed me burrito and beans
But I tell them I stick to my soul food yams and a plate of greens

Lost In the World - Kanye West i love

"The Chinese call luck opportunity and they say it knocks every day on your door. Some people hear it; some do not. It's not enough to hear opportunity knock. You must let him in, greet him, make friends and work together."
Has your heart even been hurting? Because human suffering is inevitable?
According to the story of the Gita, attachment to anything causes pain

"I'm just saying, I can do better"

dont be a hard rock when you truly are a gem

Most girls
like most girls
worry about who they are
how others percieve them
how boys percieve them
and frame a tough exterior/facade around them
most girls are so tough you forget they are women
embrace your emotions
your odd and quirky movements
embrace why god has chosen you to be a woman
so evade all the cursing, desensitivity and lack of respect for yourself
and respect yourself
You know you've come to terms with someone or something when your stomach doesn't churn anymore. Either that or you need to eat. Simple

"you need to know the only way to change a person is to start praising them...you need to know to be gentle"

there is nothing better than a man that knows how to pray
sexy.. damn...
Enlightened by the way you walk and your smile
Is enough for my infatuation
His chest upright and skin black and lovely
Like the night amongst a thousand stars