"I'm not a player i just crush a lot"

She -players
those that fall and get back up again
the she's that pray for the next.. LONG_LASTING THING
if everything is temporary then how does something last
the new beau
the honeymoon phase
the glow in your skin
in your face
of that new guy
just shines within her
the state of euphoria just seems so ever existent
like its never going to end.
DOes her hair look okay?
Can she be mean?
Is she being too harsh?
Does he like her corny jokes
Its too early to tell
because everything is supposed to be temporary right? 
She-players pray for the euphoric state to last
Are they gonna go out on dates? 
how are they going to see each other
does he know dating her requires 
faith, money and time
but nothing is permanent
"im not a pllayer i just crush a lot though

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