Hope Olaidé Wilson "Too many ppl spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want, to impress ppl they don't like."--Will Smith

tweet this!

#ilovemales who can be honest with me....i wont bite i promise! ---z.s
#ihatefemaleswho don't no how great they truly r which is why they get hurt or become bitter -__- dwa! lol

'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for.”- Tupac Shakur

"your diligence and persistence frightens her,
as she gets no reassurance"
you remind her of a past
that she refuses to re-open

old but new

"you can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves"
"A good thing at the wrong time is hazardous to your health" A.A.
"I don't have the will to find out" (...)
"it's not where you start, its where you finish"
"Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do, lets do it lets fall in love" Cole Porter
"omo naija ni me" --sisocials

I post if its thought provoking..

J.M. "Forever macking because everyday I find more reasons to stay single . Smh !"

John Legend - Selfish (Remix) i think he was talking to me!!

EFFORT (scene) scenario 1

I'm not stupid
so i know im being cyber stalked
why should i make the effort
If you dont care to make an effort why should I?
and it seems to me that I have been blinded
because you dont understand yourself
And I made the conscious effort to try with you
but you didnt meet me halfway
all you said was ok......
P.S. this monolouge will be auditioned by me! i cant reveal the rest!
J.A.>>>>Don't, let your last man.. Mess it up, for your next man. -(real scenario)-.

strike 2

remember that Drake line:
"women love attention therefore women will continue to complain"
Strike 2
and its getting old
the more you show "no"
the more the mind says "go' GO!
strike 2
and dudes wanna jump on her left and right
ask her number and say:
"Can i take you out tonight"?
But she only wants one
and that one is unsure if he wants her
i mean sureeee
they're plenty of guys to choose from her
'little black book"
but she wants the one
with no money
no house
no cook
strike 2
he hasn't been warned
and the moment shes through
she'll jump right back into that


who are you wonderful people checking out my blog?
I love you!
may god be with you
and fulfill all you ar meant to acquire!

when you browse you find...

"I bust out laughing when a girl tells me shes in love.... and my response are always... "its understandable... your hormones are just kicking extra hard..." A.F.

N.M. - " I was more in love with having someone to love as oppose to evaluating what I actually deserved...blinded by the bigger picture"

It's just that...

"in order to form a more perfect union: establish justice,
ensure domestic tranquility"..U.S. constitution
Does that really apply to only the laws of the land?
its just that
on can apply it to a lot more social endeavors
it's just that
it never will be 50/50
just a mere glimmer of ones shiny side
reluctant to open the dark side
its just that..
no one it would b easy
no one said it would be hard
But it's just that
very often
you just want it
in your grasp.

rainy days!

Rainy days don't last forever
the light at the end of the tunnel can see you
rainy days remind you
what to appreciate when its nice
do not take the little things for granted

the way...

"the more you know, the more you don't know"--The Dao
patience is a difficult virtue to grasp
pefection does not exist
so what does a human being do?
even through non-action you are doing something
silence is not golden
the way says to not ask questions
either way your solution is not fulfilled
or is it meant to be?

Fantasia - Free Yourself THROWBACK!

True? or not?

"and just know, when you don't give me th attention I need or want, another man will or is" R.W.
"Boys are like stars, there are millions out there but only one catches ur eye only one shines brighter than the rest only one can make all ur childhood dreams come true" unknown

distant infatuation

As i observed these two people today
the distant infatuation they have
I wondered
then i STOPPED
I can attest to the feeling
that was once there
but someone else to heed
of that placement
And as I watched the two people depart
you can tell they both love each other
being afraid to show it
in front of a "child" lol
their distant infatuation was lovely
only to realize that they are taking the time
to indulge in each other
which is fine :)

From a male P.O.V.(point of view)

He told her how he felt
and "girls like to analyze"
and always tell us what we should be doing
how about they just shut up
"Girls never know what they want"
"yall like to pick and choose as you go"
"it' up to you"
see w males are ego driven
take a stab at my "fu** 'd up
and i'll break loose like a monkey swinging from a tree"
and then some males like it their way
which leaves a world or unwritten code for her
From a male p.o.v.
how can you not want a lady in your life
just somebody to talk to
yet be attracted to
holding back from desire
since Desire=destruction
"and by wanting nothing you get everything"
their should be an imbalance...

at least

Why in the world are people lost?
as cliche as it sounds
Love fixes all
"at least you left with your dignity"
she said
but she also left with unanswered questions
and hurting someone else
her daily cleanse through photos
and "statuses"
at least "we don't speak"
on his quest to find himself
she will do the same
with another guy
that she notices
she's feeling
at least they both know?
at least he's out the picture
At least someone is slowly filling her "void"

A.M. thought

as the day goes by
and night slips into daylight
this is A.M. thought
is what she was used to
after talking with her
she no longer wants to
she said... "I think this one is a good piece for me"
A.M. thought?
or overthinking
or unsureness
But surely I approve!

Martin Workin' Day & Night Part 2 Whipped martin? lol

you can

ONe can...
convince themselves
into liking
into loving
you can
tell yourself i want
this person
or THAT person
yet one not knows how the other counter part feels
one will not ask
but hope for the other to tell
you can
tell yourself you miss her
or him
BUT what is that going to do
you can...
but their prescence you will not feel
one can...
reminisce on th happy memories
and get saddened by the ending
you can want the person
but only a wise man knows that
while wanting nothing
you can..
get everything

"Without Confidence Ur Nothing.." Muhammad Ali

some interesting news


A dear friend from High school, enjoy

Wednesday, May 26,1010

Dear Heart,

I Love You. Yes, I Can Love You From The Place That Love Comes From, And That Is You. See How Powerful You Are. Yet Lately, You've Been Slightly Weak. My Mind's Been Running The Show. Why Are You Hiding Out? Scared You'll Get Broken Again. Or Maybe Thats My Mind Tricking You. Sometimes, You Just Must Disregard. This Me. Speaking I Guess From You To You. These Past Few Days, You've Been So Heavy. Lighten Up. It'll Get Better I Promise. That Boy, He Doesn't Deserve Your Beautiful Glow. You Know Why? Because He Couldn't Even See Your Shine. Only The Chosen Ones Are Able To See Your Shine. You Light Up My Whole Being. All The Tragedies, They Come & Go. Thats Life. Beat Faster. I'm Tired Of Your Slow Pitter Patter. Love Will Come To You. In The Meantime, I'm Working On Mellowing Out My Mind So That You My Heart, ...Can Dance Again.
>>>>>>>>>>> Lakin Starling http://www.lakin-ism.blogspot.com/

It wasn't until...

the awakening at this oddly hour of the morning
the chill that ran up her spine
from the central air
the breeze that flew by her
It wasn't until...
that argument settled his nerves
then he took action
the fear in hr soul
it wasn't until...
then she knew
it wasn't good
unless she changed it

the heat reminds people how irritated the sun can make you

3 choices

she told her friend she had three choices
one was a silly yet unattractive man
the other was somewhat attractive and ambitious
the last choice was fresh out of nowhere
and she wants one of them more than the other two
yet she asked herself???
does he want me too?
3 main attractions
1 decision
and i asked her
"so what are you gonna do?
she said nothing.....
"all that glitters isnt gold!"
all that shimmers shouldn't be sold

"blessing are out there waiting for you! patience, prayer, and actively believing are th routes to take to get ther" --ME :)

Chimamanda Adichie: The danger of a single story

╔♫═╗╔╗ ♥

A mind is a terrible thing to waste

The secret has been out
the show must go on
"close minded-ness"
a mind is a terrible thing to waste
in the words of ebonics:
"people be saying some stupid sh**"
Mr. Balbier once said "apply your niche
know your role!"
thats the dummest thing most people have heard
but no one listens anymore
no one sits down and
shuts up!
everyone has been guilty
a mind is a terrible thing to waste
do not act in haste
only prayer can solve it
and its been working

power of the womb

the connection between a mother and a child
is bond forever
a child cannot expect a mother to not have her own intuition
"you was damn near in my stomach for 9 months and
I know what you up to when your not here" K.R.K.
power of the womb
scientifically broken down into 3 trimesters
then the miracle of life
power of the womb
is so strong
the instance when a mother knows
and has that intuition
is powerful
and the fact is mother knows best
and shes always right

the instance

"The instance of her reality
is depicted by her surrounding environment"
the Ego
the super Ego
the Id
the instance when
his or her matriculation
proceeds the mind
beyond its wild imagination
of the mind
the instance is a complicated concept

morning cleanse

The thoughts are racing
the images come and go
the feelings come and go
the suppressed desires do the same
morning cleanse
of thought
of feeling
of skepticism
evading it
is only temporary
time will heal
think happy thoughts
proceed with caution
and pray


"When u let go of what was & ask for your Hearts desire, whats meant 2 be urs will show up & be better than u imagined! #TDL"

holier than thouu

Apart of sigmund freud's theory
the ego,
the super ego,
the Id
the super ego can sometimes be looked at as
a being of being
always listening to your gut instincts
always listening to your parents for example
always trying to do good
battling between good and bad
right and wrong
trying to be mistake free..
many have suffered with most of these at one point
I must admit i am GUILTY
holier-than thou

the different

Being yourself comes at a cost
many at times leave the different
others take the different as it is
while most oppose and question the different
her daring and innocence self frightens her
she must be "holier-than-thou" in being
because what most people do about "this"
she didnt
but takes the innocent and pleasable route
the different can be retrospective
can be difficult and mostly
somewhat complex
maybe too "nice"
does not deny anything
the different is toxic at times
and contagious

Martin Control Part 1 pay special attn to JEROME! lol

MALCOLM X:"Who Taught You To Hate Yourself?"

I.S."Although the “line” may at times become a desolate epoch, life is always present and simply needs reviving."


"lmao i love it!! haha im guna stop giving them wat they want .. they wana see me sweat. lol #whereheydothatat? not herelol

said by a trooper! love it :)

Her voice is epic this song is what i like!!

"dont know why theres a sun up in the sky,
if my man and I aint together
keeps raining all the time
life is..gloom, misery everywhere..
stormy weather
just cant get my poor self together
so weary all the time"
R.I.P. Lena Horne>>Stormy Weather

It's just

not that it isnt right
but it isn't wrong
who ever said one had to be a risktaker
It's just....
whoever mentioned taking a path in life
because apparently god laughs when one plans life
when you dare to be different and people start to question
no freedom of choice
or expression
but question is apart of you the moment one is able to form a sentence
It's just...well...
One of my favorite male figures said this quote..that i should probably put on my wall...
"Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change."
Malcolm X.

Bahahahahaha sir take note..please

Rihanna - Rehab "thought-provoking"

and this is why

She wishes you could just TELL her
"say something baby" drake.
and this is why
He let what you wanted go
withOUT "emotion"
but he forgot that apart of the human is a heart
that is the size of his fist
and beats at a good pace as long as it stays healthy
and she has moved on
did not want to wait around
and what could be
the feeling of the unknown
with multiple contributing factors
is toxic
and only time and prayer heals
so on that note
if he wants her back
just talk to her
effectively express yourself
like you know you want to
but she will not come to you
as I have assessed
and this is why
you should do what you can to get what you want

this is

"the effects of no self control
can lead to self destruction" T.K.
hurting others can hurt more than you think
"your haters are your motivators" Y.W.
so please take heed to their public display of jealousy
is what many strive for
but one must know that..
this is
you obviously have the able resilience to tackle the struggle
this is...

#the ugly friend via twitter

liv3lif3loud #theuglyfriend is usually smart!!

liv3lif3loud#theuglyfriend secretly hatezs ur guts

zayXclusive #theuglyfriend be the one with the most makeup on and still not up to par

Swagtim3 #theuglymalefriend is always tryna find out waaattsss goooood....so nobody
calls you first huh

DJ_Gobah #theuglyfriend is the one that always got the cute friend smh

Swagtim3 #theuglymalefriend has a great personality --___-

soambitious91#theuglyfriend is always the loudest smh

PoLoRoy#theuglyfriend never had to or rarely used their temple university guest card for the opposite sex.

"Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed that is. Train yourself to let go of everything u fear to lose". Yoda #TDL

Ryan Leslie - - Used To Be oldie but goodie :)


memory stopped by
to say a few words:
"i once made you smile"
and i thrice made you cry"
but im hear to say
you dont know what goes through my mind"
memory stopped by to explain the past
to try and re open
what "ONCE"
and what "NOW" is
no longer
thanks for stopping by memory
but your memories have sailed
just like Columbus
i discovered an
imparial reality


there is no other way
but indifference
free from attachment
yet lacking in
overdose of emotion
just indifferent
no questions
no ties
no relations
just indifference

"I can do for you what Martin did for the people, ran by the man but the women keep the tempo."- Beyonce

You ingrate..

The fact of helping out of
"charity begins at home"
you are too dumb to realize what blessings you have
then you dwell on the non-agressors
the non attention seekers
without taking action that
the problem is YOU
cry about it if you need to
but be proactive in your life
If you want to stay in the same situation for an extended period of time
"she" cannot be apart of that
you must learn on your own
talking about it will only
reprise your anger
so let it roll!!
thought of the day: "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller

The Knife--marblehouse

"the moment we believe we've never met
another kind of love is easy to forget"

Ryan Leslie ft E-Clipz To The Top #memories


"..and she plays with all the silly hearts of men"
he can just hide his emotions
she gives a little of her "guard" away every circumstance
then he does something
and she takes it back
like a heartbeat
but heart beats are steady
they go at which the rate in which your mind allows
and she captures it swiftly
but the damage has already been done
her guard will only open to the more deserving guy
because remember
she at first plays with all the silly hearts of men


when you know you did almost all you could
it still does not seem enough
your grades are good
your faith is stronger
nothing could make you more happier right now
eyes set on the prize
you cant deny how you've tried
so hard
to listen to your instincts
and it work
"I thank god"

A little Rev Wisdom...

Complacent is defined as: Self satisfaction especially when accompanied with the DANGERS that comes with it

the cycle continues..

the same everytime
no anguish
no bad habits
no bad aura
but patience is virtuous
the cycle continues
step one: admitting the situation
Step two: being ok with it
Step three: moving on
with no hormonal or emotional attachment
and the cycle will continue...

new post

the older generation are truly wise
ode to my auntie "N"
"at least you left with you dignity"
it would have been different is one lost
their self-worth and dignity"
puts it all back into perspective
Thank you

Just a moment

Please give her a moment
While she wraps in her atonement
well no apology here
just not willing to shed bittersweet
Free from desire
will not lead to self destruction
but just a moment
he put a smile on her face
a chuckle that no one can erase
just a moment because this is bittersweet


your word is your bond
your actions remind your mind what you feel
"words have no weight"
someone once said,
"be careful of what you say"


"You gave me closure, and you didn't even know it"


See I added you
and you added to the contested concept
then I subtracted you
and you fell right into the
mainstream conference


"I can get my own chauffeur, I can put myself in a plane"
Don't be the one to strip her of herself
the feeling of uncertainty
as protruded by you in humor
is not settling
it is not natural
maya angelou said
if people show you their true colors
BElieve them
don't think otherwise

@diggy simmons

"Idk why but to me, hurting another person's feelings feel far worst than mine being hurt."

"you are never prepared for the moment that changes your life"


@ RevRunWisdom When u get sad enuff. it hurts bad enuff & u get MAD enuff,, U WILL CHANGE! MAD = (M)ake (A) (D)ifference

Man if u could jus forget about past relationships,, God has sooooo much new... FOR YOU

Havin a mature relationship means “I'm willing 2 live my life 4 sum1 more than jus me!!”

Lena Horne Stormy Weather (TEAR, one of my fav oldies)

Stormy Weather

"when he went away the blues walked in and met me...all i
do is pray the lord above will let me, walk in the sun once more"
R.I.P. Lena Horne, you will be greatly missed :( june 30, 1947-May 10,2010

Are you ready?

It is not easy as it looks
Too much thought
too much guard
and uncertainty
but needing his company?
you were the one who left him
removed yourself from the equation
the intrinsic need from another to be loved
to at least know someone else thinks about your
well being
besides your kinsfolk
are you ready?
to take that plunge?
be responsible for someone else's feelings?
their baggage?
their habits?
their emotions?
do you want to go crazy?

King Jesse (mummy) HAppy mothers day mommy :)

I'm gonna need you to say something

say something baby
say something baby
I'm gonna need you to say something baby
but you chose to be selfish with me
selfish with your thoughts
selfish with your emotions
so you left me hanging
and I cut you dry
dry like the well
when the water dries up
so i say F***
no more complaining
no more thinking about you
life is just that simple
"im gon need you to say something baby"
cuz if not
im not goin to say
whats going to happen


"My attitude aint celebate
I DO give a F*** "
thoughts of you still exists in her mind
but nothing comes out
time and god should take care of it
"they say is you let something go,
and it comes back it was meant to be"
that only exists in the prescence of
which is not present in most people
the willingness to set your ego and selfishness aside
to communicate and be on the same page
attitude is still there though

Cheri Dennis - I Love You (Feat. Jim Jones and Yung Joc) THROWBACK lol

See,you listen

She just needs:
Her words
your hearts
and paper
because it does the best job in the world
see, it listens
just sit there
and take in all her thoughts
no judgements
no rebuttals
is what is does to her


IMa break it down for you
if your not scared?
loving the things you do
doing the things you love
good that they work in your favor
thank god
take this time to say thank you
for the good things
and the bad things
"...all have equal weight..."


he said..
"female friends are happiness blockers when it comes to guys"
they dont even know me
and her judgement about me changed because her friend
said something"
possiblility of jealousy
but he wants exclusive-i-ty
bubbling in his world
its him and her
not accomodating any strangers
just them
bubbling together

oh we.....

"love love love love
oh baby
oh baby"--keri Hilson Make love
colors of love
oh we
feels better
who is she kidding
not all the way completely detached
but prayer should get her through
but does one have to be completely detached
from a once "their world"
more time
more time
oh we....
what we once were
now suddenly
are no more
moved on
her friend muttered...
"you can't bullsh** a bullshi*er
oh we
oh baby

IYAZ Replay Cover/Remix by SAMII ( Official Video) TRULY INSPIRING ENJOY


ALL Thi$ $tudying
$hould pay off
other $ubjec$
the co$t of a college education
room and board
expen$e$ Expen$e$
a bachelor$ degree
better pay off

Xscape Understanding..Old school gets no better


this moment in time
Finals has everyone going
no time to joke around
Must do your best
and settle for nothing below a B-
GPA MUST be on top
thats not the only thing that has
one on "top" lol

Pullin Me Back- Chingy ft. Tyrese inspired by KudiKooh lol

where do they go?

and once again
university depression
where do they go?
each and every time these two people meet
aunt flo must be in her way
but its bittersweet
Krishna states,
do not want happiness in fulfillment
or sadness
each one is important. One should not be desired over the other.
so where do they go from here?


tick tock tick tock
time did this
social networking did you
time heals all wounds?
no prayer does?
"letting go no time for stress on my mind" janeele monae said it best
every day gets better
Its not gonna rain everyday
the sun will force itself out
put your wonderings
into music
into poetry
into dancing
the essence of time:
your guilty pleasure

Put your whole army

"Dont make me have to call your name out"
--Mobb Deep
you almost put your whole army of emotions out
they dont exist here so they say...
theres numerous ways to "shook"
You cannot change anyone
unless they want to change for themselves
one has the right
to disregard "Statuses"
and mind games
one has the option to pray for a person
"as long as im alive im gonna illegal"
--mobb Deep

MIley Cyrus - Party In The U.S.A. - Official Music Video (HD)

Religion and disposition

Hinduism says
to accept the good and bad
both hold equal weight in ones life
do not desire one more than the other
they both serve their own purpose
...thought you'd always be mine...
"whether your high or low
you got to tilt on the tightrope"
but dont fall off
people live their lives with caution
Is this a lifetime kind of thing?
How many people have seen this before
Step out of something
and leap into something else
and caution is key
God is key
Prayer is key
Patience is essential
everything comes full circle
just like everything in life has a purpose

Ryan Leslie - Gibberish W/ Lyrics


no its not that easy
re-eruption of emotions
aunt flo talks
mind thinks
thought yelp!
put on the backburner
should come to the forefront
and mind how else to deal
she said. "let go and let god"
Words of wisdom...


11:16 PM Apr 29th via mobile web

#YourResponse to a #DreamKiller should be.. "Because YOU don't SEE what I SEE w/ wht I wanna do w/ MY LIFE don't me it's not gonna HAPPEN

It's funni how...

It's funny how
many past judgement
many males are just as "confused" as females are
it's funny how
the importance of communication
should be dear to everyone's hearts
many claim to be
but never reach their end of the bargain
it's funny how
We want to know solutions to problems and people
but its every man for himself now
"get your being together and holla at a chick later"
im not going to say where i got that quote from
You know who you are
It's funny how ideas are stolen
WHisper down the lane gets played
it's funni how
subconsiously you know what is going on
but it is never directly projected to you
just funny...


Thoughts of what he is doing
what he isnt doing
angers her state of mind
she blamed aunt flo
I told her "..."
moving on without her
his well-being
she does not know
hope it is well with his soul
a whirlwind of emotions since her "aunt flo"
no excuses but
she cannot help it
5% pleasure
50% pain
and all the more reason she remebers his name

value of nature

The birds and the pigeons
leaves and the weaves
this might sound cliche but the soun
brightens mood
allows"love" to flourish
people are polite
at least some
the value of nature
looking around and see
all there is
how the trees and grass communicate


"when the lights dont flow
the same way that they used to
You see someone gotta lose
i though i could have it all"
the subtlessness in swag
the studious in mind
and soul