A dear friend from High school, enjoy

Wednesday, May 26,1010

Dear Heart,

I Love You. Yes, I Can Love You From The Place That Love Comes From, And That Is You. See How Powerful You Are. Yet Lately, You've Been Slightly Weak. My Mind's Been Running The Show. Why Are You Hiding Out? Scared You'll Get Broken Again. Or Maybe Thats My Mind Tricking You. Sometimes, You Just Must Disregard. This Me. Speaking I Guess From You To You. These Past Few Days, You've Been So Heavy. Lighten Up. It'll Get Better I Promise. That Boy, He Doesn't Deserve Your Beautiful Glow. You Know Why? Because He Couldn't Even See Your Shine. Only The Chosen Ones Are Able To See Your Shine. You Light Up My Whole Being. All The Tragedies, They Come & Go. Thats Life. Beat Faster. I'm Tired Of Your Slow Pitter Patter. Love Will Come To You. In The Meantime, I'm Working On Mellowing Out My Mind So That You My Heart, ...Can Dance Again.
>>>>>>>>>>> Lakin Starling http://www.lakin-ism.blogspot.com/

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