"Today, there's gonna be fakes smiles, real smiles, & hugging. LOTS of hugging. So, let's all make sure our underarms are user-friendly." via jFancie i heart this girl!


 I’m all alone in this world, she said,
Ain’t got nobody to share my bed,
Ain’t got nobody to hold my hand—
The truth of the matter’s
I ain’t got no man.

Big Boy opened his mouth and said,
Trouble with you is
You ain’t got no head!
If you had a head and used your mind
You could have me with you
All the time.

She answered, Babe, what must I do?

He said, Share your bed—
And your money, too.

Langston Hughes (my fav poet!)


It's nonchalant

that sinking feeling depart
and i really pray you find your everything
you know that one that changes your whole perception about....
but what good would it do to tell you
rather let her(whoever her is show you)
It's nonchalant
when you least expect it
via tweet "the only excuse for you to talk like that online is because of the Ctv going around (computer transmitted viruses" lol"

via @AaronHarris12 I think all women (and men) suffer from Bi Polar disorder.

"peace is essential and then every full moon destruction is what happen" Ftk

If you comment , I promise to tell you more... ;)

Be gone

please be gone
and no hurt
be gone
no selfishness be gone
no more indirect attacks
because straightforward is not in your vocabulary
and what good will it do to justify the actions done
you'll turn around
be gone
or be silent
act like nothing ever happened
but tell thee whole world
what it meant to you
instead of telling the person
who meant something to you
Be gone in this day and age
and live by the phrase "gone but never forgotten"
"you don't understand how much power she has to demolish your mind,body.soul,and ego, so if you push her.. it's only natural for that to happen to you. It will affect you greatly"


time and time again
it's like god
is blatantly telling you
like its right in front of your face
all the sh** you been through
should not happen again
with the samee person
its like at the right moment
the right time
and on the right dime.
you do something thats just ....
theres not even a word for it
but it's like god is giving you signals and red flags
and you need to listen
"Fatia... it was the best best embrace i ever had in my life, I felt like he took my vigrinity" K.R.K. LMBO!!!

" i gotta have a gentleman.. opens up the doors & he holds my hand.. i could have a thug but it aint no match cuz a thug cant do what a gentleman can" B.Nina

  1. To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he has already achieved but what he aspires to~Khalil Gibran

you could get it all

The sex
the lies
the videotape!
Hard to resist
your masculine frame
the tingles
when our fingers
and the beat
that speaks more volumes
Before we even speak
after so long
it feels like yesterday
But no one will ever act on it
knowing "you could get it all"
was so close to reality
and then you just let it slip away
One can only allow time, a lot of god, and willpower to bring it back together"
"Love is that synching feeling'



not the diamonds
not the pearls
not the wax museum
not your cheap a**
nor your loser-ness
Understand this
everyone is not important to you
and out of sight and out of mind is better that way
its coming to that phase
pushing it to the precipice
is all too familiar
so just understand
even if your not reading this
you are un-important to someone out there..

Blessed is he...

Don't you just love..

We people contradict themselves...
especially the subliminal beings...
the twitter celebrities
but the real-life losers
the facebook 'models"
but un-originality runs thru them
but hey can you do
that's what happens when you sit alone
at home and think too much
or not think at all...

Someone was upset...

Love is a fictitious word made up by the greeting cards company in order to brain wash people to believe that they are part taking in an experience that doesnt exist.. thats love!" O.O.

RickWarren RT @TommyTenney "Cheap men are like cheap mascara. Both run when women cry,"


I am never proud to participate in violence, yet, I know that each of us must care enough for ourselves, that we can be ready and able to come to our own defense when and wherever needed. Maya Angelou
"The human heart is so delicate and sensitive that it always needs some tangible encouragement to prevent it from faltering in its labor. The human heart is so robust, so tough, that once encouraged it beats its rhythm with a loud unswerving insistency" Maya Angelou Letter to my Daughter
"I am convinced that most people do not grow up. We find parking spaces and honor our credit cards. We marry and dare to have children and call that growing up. I think what we do is mostly grow old.We carry accumulation of years in our bodies and on our faces, but generally our real selves, the children inside are still innocent and shy as magnolias." Maya Angelou Letter to my Daughter 

apple tree

Trust it
BE GLAD that isn't you.
and that he didn't pick from your apple
rather he picked from a rotten one
as the tale may have it
the better ones are always at the top
but his laziness wanted something else
so what did you expect
a rotten apple.
we'll see how this works out for you
and if their is a sudden mistake in conclusion or judgement
when you pick from the top
expect top-notch
not comfort or submissive resilience

just a little

sit back jus a little
relax just a little
"and meet him half way"
just a little if you don't mind
disregard that he's asking for a lot
disregard that when its gets steamy and hot
he might not be able to take the heat
don't even begin to mention what "baggage talk" times ya'll
probably most likely-than-not have
and remember when the going gets tough
well you asked for it
so don't be silent
"stay up and fight" one once said
but the only difference this time is she'll never let you go
and her reaction will spark his counter-reaction :)

"...and if you're still here lets try it again in a few years. WHen all that's wrong is forgotten or we no longer care" Stylz

the moments

When I get famous
"Ill give you a handshake"
and then tell you how it really feels
the women abandoned
the wife in the corner sighing
and then there was you
with that tone
and the type of hatred in your voice
so as if someone committed a crime
and then one wonders why the women are the way they are
did I mention strong
and god-fearing
and resilient
so as to why you will not respect the womb from which life came
and disrespect the elements in which you stick your thing in
boggles my mind
"Husbands,and sons, mess it up for the rest of the females out there" anonymous
--dedicated to the woman that husband beat her stupidly today


Got a problem with me? solve it. think im trippin? tie my shoe. cant stand me? sit down. cant face me? turn around an start walking.

Does it apply to you: Read the "skitz"


just to get a little taste, so next time around it can be just as sweet as the first sip ;)

"Educate two daughters, you will get paradise" via Hadith

We might not know who you are, but we will surely find out
We appreciate your concern
as you are our competition
but we will meet at the same range one day
don't worry
and when we finally see you after X amount of months
divided by X amount of subliminals and indirect actions
that equals= freedom, closure, just speechless,
but its still nice to know
i mean i guess (shrug shoulders)

world without it by M.Martin

We live in a world where thank you
dosent go far at all
the appreciation for my appreciation has depreciated
and i just sit and watch it all fall
slip through cracks that i never knew existed
this world contains sorrow where 
sorry no longer counts 
and humane humans just count how many times
they can get you on your knees
"forgive me please"
tickles the eardrums of the ruthless
ones who dont forgive
and countless times i've done this
begging for forgivness in this world 
and my apology is spat on
this world consists of humans who forgot about genuine love
genuine care
but i wouldnt care because my genorosity is taken for granted weakness
and it leaves me speechless
the wrathful souls
and all their wrath is sold
to the clear-hearted like me
suffering naunchalantly
as the epitome of 
what we were taught not to be prospers
and as it offers
me a ticket to the show
where before purchasing they let me know that i will never be the same
after taking center stage
in this world without peace.

be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt.."-maya angelou

Dont be madd at someone for caring more about themself than you care about your own self. they want it more than u do period #getontheylevel-- my naija boy :)

mic Check

check it
all mean the same thing
mic check this
who said you were of any importance?
and these species are the main reason
why the do not get along
everyone gets their feelings into
replaceable people and situations
and do not mic check
or fact check!
no one cares
you are of no importance
you are and the next ones
will be discontinued
and are replaceable
mic check THAT
and come back to reality
there is only butt soo much one can utter on social networking
and on the blogs
and on the web
until it gets real
and people use your material against you
employers call it improper use of the social networking
steve jobs called it insanity
and when are beings going to get back to reality
and mic check?

this is bad poetry

no matter what sign
all 12 of them 
ALL have issues as it depends on the person
and no one is perfect
the sagittarius 
free spirited and thoughtful yet open 
seeking the "divine"
the gemini
"life" of the party
and the sign of privacy only seems to reckon with virgo and capricorn
social networking does not make that any better
all the cyber-philosophers
and bullies
and fake friendships
who ever thought PEOPLES FEELINGS were being played with over 
a simple-minded
that simple minded people made
and beings "being" paranoid 
over simple phrases 
that is being said
out of guilt and out of boredom
where losers lose their sense of common sense
and ramble about how bad life can be
which comes to the final term
you know that old-fashioned
mother said mind your own affairs
with the emergence of social networking..
privacy is no longer
are you apart of the new wave?
getting sucked into 
the " twitter-beefs"
and competitive bloggers
this is bad poetry so just think about it.
"They are for what you are for, THEY ARE NOT FOR YOU--CONSTITUENTS" bishop T.D.Jakes

so don't get mad when they leave you
because they were never for you
And the next time a shot is called

What is taught by example is more significant than what is taught by words~John McQuiston II


"Welcome Everyone to the greatest show on earth FACEBOOK! Where liars tell more lies;losers are now CEOs; enemies are cloaked as friends; every sinner is asaint; weak people are cyberthugs; haters complain about haters; everyrelationship is loving & secure when really they're lonely &insecure! Step right up... people, u can be whatever & whomever uwant to be on here!Repost if u like". O.A.

auntie toyin! lool



the ship is in halo
and the hints of the precipice
curl over like some crossaint's not lik
and you still plant yourself vibrant in memory
and confused is the word
its not like every time
you said (.....)
change happened
or all the while you knew what you wanted
yup I said it
so once your soul reached its climax
you admittedly tumbled down
so just don't bullsh**or save yourself the trouble
and .....
to the point where your strongest organ in your body
doesn't fall short
of what your mental said
you should do


And then enlightenment began
"You don't want your haters prayers, because they were never for you to begin with" T.D. Jakes
constituents that overflow more than your confidantes
and the difference can be crucial
and draw a thin line between love and hate
constituents! Oh how you were disguised
and do not deserve the innermost precious thoughts
and the privacy of the mental
that is sacred
and to cherish those who are close to you
and the creator ALWAYS gives you someone
its up to you to recognize it

not at ALL!

this whole
male and female bashment is just getting old
BOTH SPECIES have problem
you see
not at all does one supercede
and you too should know that
on top of that
rewind and push back
the past of THAT*
and see how it differs
if it does at all
does one have to be a down-er
not at all does one have to take it so seriously
not at all
are there always solutions and answers
but the scary thing is
we never say or express it
after pondering and wondering
and late nights alone
with a pillow between our legs
or a porno in our hands
does one get the urge to speak
the blunt truth
can you handle the truth
"people do not accept the truth as much as they believe in the perception of truth" Viola Davis
"They call it a mans world yet this is mother earth, all i ask is to take care of it and its inhabitants" fTk

(k)new all along

And for you to blame the opposite sex
you get a fail and #byeBoy for that
when you (k)new all along
it was you
just admit it
if you haven't already
the world would be a better place

via @lexxaunaturale

Shortenings of Life

Stupidity 411:
The only reason why
I keep making the same mistakes 
think Im stronger to handle the outcome the next time

thinking on a whim

her brisk thoughts race
as to not slow down
and gave space and time for their happy memories
as they once were
before they departed
before her conscious effort and decision
was to break free
right before the final test
and the final round
thinking on a whim
maybe not?
but they will never know
as the couple hi's
and couple bye's cease to exist
and indirect concern and hatred
as one might say
but wishful thinking wails to go back
to relive those moments
but time has undone what both couldn't have done maturely
and serenity is all thats left
but it was nice to think on a whim
knowing that nice time around
you want a sturdy platform to think
and love on. ;)

a quote from white oleander (via kari-shma) (via quote-book) (viasiddman) (via maxshreckkari-shma)

"Loneliness is the human condition. Cultivate it. The way it tunnels into you allows your soul room to grow. Never expect to outgrow loneliness. Never hope to find people who will understand you, someone to fill that space. And intelligent, sensitive person is the exception, the very great exception. If you expect to find people who will understand you, you will grow murderous with disappointment. The best you’ll ever do is to understand yourself, know what it is that you want."

2 ways

You can deal wit this
and you can deal wit that
and you can some around when you want
and one can flee without consent
and there are two ways 
to do this
wait some get "cocky" on the low
and the "player" ways goes both ways
but you will never know ;)
but then again
there shouldn't be given any evident reason to
so the 2 ways depart
one way or another
and from the start 
you felt uneasy
but you want new results...
start doing new things...

"Loyalty brings forth Royalty" E.B.Morrison


the faint
the taint
the lip stain
the dark knight
the pretty girl
the faint kiss
the tug and cuddle
the cease to exist words
as the faint
catch up onto you
and us
and yet
no faint words are spoken
by choice?
or is it just no words to tamper around with?
no more silent cries?
no more longing
and "feening"
no more hope?
the faint end is near
just make it quick
come by soon
so you can get on it like a car
speed thru those weirs emotional highways
and completely get to the other side

"I have an impression of what he** is like: Everyone's laughing but nothings funny, so you better be good" Bill Cosby

"women are the ultimate doubled edged sword..." Markiemark!

"ni**as aint s**t but h**s n trixs lolz" this is how this woman feels?


"no evil against you shall prosper"
Chalking it up
keeping it close to you
your mad but so what
..wish you best of luck
key it to yourself
let it roll of the shoulders
like the water from a shower
and key me in the real
but nope
then you'll see
your tired of trying
and its never vibing
so keep the key
and spare another one

"So just chill till the next episode" Snoop!

you worship?

"Worship ease in the mind
having a conversation
nothing extraordinary
just personal
magically makes all the worries go away"

JUst to think

"just to think
I can't believe
you tryna block me"
the unknown celebrity
the bored one
the short one
or the tall one
or the bald one
you must give yourself a lot of credit
thinking because your alone
everything you feel guilty is signed. sealed, and delivered to you
but you forgot
the world doesn't revolve around you at this point
maybe in 2009 it did
maybe it didn't
but you will never know ;)
if you feel it is about you
then maybe it is
maybe it isn't
"If you was over here taking care of business
no one would have to ask you anything"
but what is done is done
But the two opinions that matter the most
mocked "uhh cornball"
"what were you thinking"
he needs to pull up his skirt"
"damn you really hurt him"
:( all i have is sorry life goes on....
no shots fired
unless your duel isn't complete..