not at ALL!

this whole
male and female bashment is just getting old
BOTH SPECIES have problem
you see
not at all does one supercede
and you too should know that
on top of that
rewind and push back
the past of THAT*
and see how it differs
if it does at all
does one have to be a down-er
not at all does one have to take it so seriously
not at all
are there always solutions and answers
but the scary thing is
we never say or express it
after pondering and wondering
and late nights alone
with a pillow between our legs
or a porno in our hands
does one get the urge to speak
the blunt truth
can you handle the truth
"people do not accept the truth as much as they believe in the perception of truth" Viola Davis
"They call it a mans world yet this is mother earth, all i ask is to take care of it and its inhabitants" fTk

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