world without it by M.Martin

We live in a world where thank you
dosent go far at all
the appreciation for my appreciation has depreciated
and i just sit and watch it all fall
slip through cracks that i never knew existed
this world contains sorrow where 
sorry no longer counts 
and humane humans just count how many times
they can get you on your knees
"forgive me please"
tickles the eardrums of the ruthless
ones who dont forgive
and countless times i've done this
begging for forgivness in this world 
and my apology is spat on
this world consists of humans who forgot about genuine love
genuine care
but i wouldnt care because my genorosity is taken for granted weakness
and it leaves me speechless
the wrathful souls
and all their wrath is sold
to the clear-hearted like me
suffering naunchalantly
as the epitome of 
what we were taught not to be prospers
and as it offers
me a ticket to the show
where before purchasing they let me know that i will never be the same
after taking center stage
in this world without peace.

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