its not peace

it's not peace
if when I see you
i harbor unspoken emotions
of great confusion
I felt that the less I see you
the less I interact it will help
but thats not possible,
our social circles collide
I don't even know what to say
sorry wont suffice because I already said that
I'm gonna pray to god and have perfect reliance on him that
He WILL take care of this situation
and show me peoples true colors
A friend of mine once said:
"there are some things in life that happen that are confusion, unexplained twist of events. that allow you to withdraw from the world completely for a while"
2012 has did that for me
so much going on in my social being that I cannot explain.
I've been outside of my comfort zone soo many times this year,
and in those zones
somehow I managed to breakthrough and get over it
I think thats the lesson I take from 2012
as clichè as it sounds: Shit Happens. Get over it
the sooner I can accept that the happier I can be
its not peace when you find yourselves growing apart
and the person you once tolerated suddenly wants to be more of a bother
to my being
I can't shake the feeling off
I know no one is perfect but this one in particular is such a special case
We were so close. what happened???
its not peace when I suddenly feel like Im trying or I think you talk about me to others
we once had something?
I just want to be strong and take away from all this
SHIT HAPPENSSSS!!! get over it?
Have you?

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