
billie holiday-- "ill be seeing you"


"You are what your experiences have made you to become, not how you were raised"Ftk

principle of reciprocracy!


"As a man thinketh, so is he"

get your mind right first
then we shall proceed

lose yourself

lose yourself
in the music
the moment
the twitter
the facebook
the BBM
the PING
and never let it go
thats where people
their "awesomeness"
and boredom
so go ahead
and lose yourself
and holla at  a player
when you found some sturdy ground
and something to belive in

last verse!

savin it all for you :)

say wattttttttt! oldies all day

48 laws of power... the nerd sets in lol

 Law 28
Enter Action with Boldness
If you are unsure of a course of action, do not attempt it.  Your doubts and hesitations will infect your execution.  Timidity is dangerous:  Better to enter with boldness.  Any mistakes you commit through audacity are easily corrected with more audacity.  Everyone admires the bold; no one honors the timid.

Get and READ the book!

Anita Baker - Been So Long

nothing like them oldies!!

nothing like them


the simple fact of the 
principle of least interest
defined in sociology:
"the person with the least interest controls the relationship"
and the time in clocking to 2011
faster than a slug moves 1 diameter
your inconvienience is not necessary
the tired lines
and the same sh** different toilet
shes screaming silently
before you know it
the silent yells
will subdue
like immigrants during the 1800's:
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." Emma Lazarus


head pounding like a pound cake
throbbing for your arrival
and then
no answer
Wat if she was dead
"I could have DIED yo"
she utters
his head isn't pounding
rather its not even working
the hubris comes from culture
and family
there's no dodging it

K.B. "Two stubborn people will remember an event as it affected them, not as it happened"

Who missed the bus to Regretville, Seeyoulatersisqo

pulsating rage

the rage that attacks the brain
as if a bullet were to go right thru
get out
time's up
you see
you only have a limited amount of time to prove yourself in life
and when that times up
there no
erasing mistakes
no fixing things
time only goes in one direction
so the pulsating rage
will come and go
and the anger will uprise
then subdue
there no going back in time
to fix things
to add or subtract things
and prepare for what opportunities are missed
no opportunities are missed
because someone else ALWAYS takes advantage of them
pulsating rage


you know
one of those
knee slappers
where you fall out in your chair
and he grabs onto you
and you sulk in his arms
you know
one of those chuckles
that has your dimples hurting
and your cheeks cramping out
in his company
you miss those too huh?

u wanna know what really goes on in females heads?
she is a Woman's guide

excuse the profanity

"All men care about are sex, sports, and sandwiches"

? state of music

a.k.a. swift!

The pain, the trials, the troubles, the tears. God did not allow me to go through all these things for naught. I have something to do while I am living & these tests are to make me stronger...for a reason. PURPOSE.

shopping might heal all ailments
just like NBA 2k10
track made me realize
life is a marathon not a sprint
..never was good at the 3000s
or the 4x800


simple simpleton told
cunning cunnigham she loved him
then they're love shattered
into a million pieces

don't buy her any drinks

step off of your high horse
before you get knocked right back down
who finds pride in hurting a man's pride
but mama ain't raise no fool
so you must reap the harsh words she sews..
and then re-evaluate 

R.I.P. :(

more and more

more and more as you try to see
the goodness in all of thee
and then splat
she/he want that old thing back
as if you were crawling from it
only to celbrate the obstacle of
getting it back
and then more and more
as it drifts away
you realize
you came in this world alone
ALONE you will stay

from concrete who knew a flower would grow?

no more
not anymore
but the run was fun
and the next guy
is compared to you


not cutting it 

from 1:37 -2:12 voice is umm child!


"your just like poison,
...breakin all of my defenses with time
what are we gonna do"

uncovered storytale

she might have been awkward
but it was his rights to her only

he might have been a loser
but he was HER loser
she might have been difficult
but he found joy in unraveling her difficulty

he might have been tall
but she never had a problem climbing on top of him
she might have had a small waist
but his  forceful grabbing never bothered her

he might have been quiet and shy
but he was only open to her
she might have been hard on the outside
but it was to him and ONLY him she owed her softness too

the uncovered storytale
of a match made in heaven
like he was the head
and she was the neck
but he didn't sway in the right direction this time

naija collabo

he's back!!!!


to look at

there is always the next man
to tell you
wat your man should
and the essence of manhood
"you listen to all the things  your woman is not saying"

take me on a date

She said:

is the deadline
on the hotline
endurance on E
and patience on zero
is not enough to keep you
so she let you go

This type of cold will make you ask god for forgiveness.

are you tired?
Cuz you been running
through my mind all day...

BOLD! lol

life gives you disappointments in increments
and happiness in large quantities

cupid's got a gun, and he's pointing right at you.


and as the time rewinds
and the facade fades...
"Who is your opponent?"
no one
WHy is there no opponent?
"because your opponent is just a mere faction of your imagination
WHo is the judge?
"and why is he the judge"?
because only god can judge me
--Great debaters

the minority report: pt 1

you wanna do it
so bad
it makes you want to cry
ever been something so dear
to your heart
that you just wanna sit and cry
cry at the angry frustrations that run through your veins?
and putrid things that torment your being?
and he asks:
"the question is: what are you going to do about it?
If you want something of that element, you have to be apart of the social dynamic of the situation"
the minority report
is true in the United States
corruption rules
not by the books..
but by the rules
they go against
so you wanna get far in life and be rich and wealthy?
you have to be corrupt
this place is not made for you to be stinking rich
so there is some form of corruption you will partake it
not by choice though
just by breaking the rules

wat a coincidence. this is a good song

theres nothing better than knowing
your support system
defies all odds
and only god can judge


MOOD picker-upper

..and fly with me

this is the red eye and the new era
of unfortunate
and uncertainty
but what is true to the heart is that no one can
take minutes
or diplomas from you1
..and fly with me


Don't miss me when I'm gone, love me unconditionally while I'm with you.

What yall know about this?? R.I.P.

EVER !!!!!!!!!!!

Crisis on time

It's weird
how you know
 who's really there for you
in a time of crisis
and urgency
thank you!
and I love you dearly

To say

to say
to judge
to belittle
is not worth anything
a person will get hurt
and once you have the intrinsic need that
you are worth
is a testament
you should start believing
to say its not where you start,
its where you finish?
is bullshit
to say
to belittle
is not housed here
has no purpose

pride and dignity?

and you left it with him
and her
 and her
there's a difference between the special one and the chosen one...

She ain't holding back

thanks to the new follower! :)

"I'm Gonna Find Another You"

BE THERE! and support

The Art of Acting 101 =A+

I told you already "what's on your mind"?
and all you have to say is me?
I see, so your gonna tell me what I wanted to hear Bryan
you keep whispering these sweet nothings.
I question why I even thought to trust you
didnt give me a reason not too
What is on your mind?
About what?
It's a simple question
that involves a simple answer
What do you want from me?
Could you stop recycling MY LINES AND USING THEM
Yea, I get it,
so you answered my question
with a question
and I figured you out
you want my heart
you never told me what's on your mind.

"Sick To My Brain" by: BrodyLangLang

whenever i hear this song i want to throw up
regurgitate every past experience we've ever had
vomit the feeling of your lips against mine
tear your words from my eardrums that
are now imprinted on my memory
i want to say I HATE YOU, if hatred was a valid emotion of mine
i'd embody it to its fullest whenever
i saw you, that fucking walk
of yours the simultaneous depth of your voice that makes me cringe
and im acting as if you're the one who has won
because you have half of what i once had
and im on anger's high horse
just your existence alone
after you've grown away and apart
we are too far for comfort to the point that
closeness makes us awkward
it makes tension timelesss
in my mind its boggling
how two people who knew and trusted so well in a way that only
our spirits can define
you walk by me as if your heart was never mine
and I reFUSE to believe that i am the reason why.
i guess you have your rights to be arrogant
with no substance and no ambition of truth
but i see now
what a little distance has done to you.

"Another Love Song" M.A.M.

i can listen to love songs and not be emotionally attached only emotionally connected to the possibility
of love and all that entails
embodying it to the fullest
me and "who-ever-you-are"
loving every note
as i touch them emotion in my voice
another love song

don't know what to do this time...?


So appalled-- kanye

"that was a lil joke..viola!.. praises due to the most high Allah"

Say to yourself right now! "IM FRIGGING AWESOME! say it loud, say it proud

"When a guy breaks your heart, break his Xbox, he'll understand your pain" @B.F. lol!

"its over
she got colder
cant locate where her heart is" ralphfolarin

in one word

in one word
thought long and hard
and strenuous
destructive was in there
emotional was in there
fear and all its calamaties
in its truest form
love to hate one
and love to love one

life is a growing pain.. no gain

sagittarius plus virgo!!love them!

trust is like glass..
and you know how that goes
its hard to see
and easy to break
and you never recover

Chicken SOUP for the human soul

the options available
its like guy has 1,000 women
but only one catches his eye in the crowd
this probably won't come around again
its like those things only last for certain people
and once its gone
dang... is the end of it
all the things you wish you said
all the things you still want to say
the many times ALONE
has never escaped the tongues
of the likes
and yet
still his memory sticks
and her memory sticks
as if it was just yester-year
the tears flowed
of pain
of joy
of pleasure
of sadness
of happiness
and as their tears continue to flow
no words are spoken
and no actions in motion
no letters of endearment
NONE shalt forceth
god-eth shalt
do it
whatever time that is
one year...
two years..
life-eth will move-on eth

thank you?

feel so good
that burst of goodness energy in you that has been raging
all day
then you suddenly feel sad
because you forgot to thank god
for allowing you to enjoy your happy moments
hmm... maybe she's born with it..
maybe its the blossoming imperfect person she has become
maybe its in his walk that denotes each stepping stone
but like..
how can you NOT say thank you?


\i forgot how many strong black women there are in my family
i forgot how many strong happy, loving marriages
my aunties hold
I forgot how much food we can throwdown
I almost forgot how much genuine love surrounds me?
What are you thankful for?

With each level

With each level
comes harder and tougher decisions
and assumptions
with each level of this
comes more assumptions \and what many like to call "over-think"ment"

the new commandment: thou shalt not hate kid"

Track 11. My Beautiful dark twisted Fantasy

the manipulation pt 2

"that scary love
never get select these people..
i keep my friends close..enemies on a leash" Wale Folarin

Professor: A woman of Academia

by Kent ;) !

"Practice makes perfect; Perfect makes paper; Paper takes patience"

bar-b-que music!

you sound bitter, you sound hurt, you sound retarted

Only LAMES play the blame game
those "men are no good statements"
and "females are realll funny" or
even better "females never know what they want"
THIS tops it ALL off
"all females are evil"
if your not gonna do anything about
the social construction of the human species
or do something about it
because you sound bitter
most of all
you sound like you ain't getting none

support fellow bloggers!
more and more people are being born.. and stealing my first and middle name! LOL


All i wanna hear you say i DO!

Pageant time

pageant time
for girls and guys
I wish you could be here
to experience...
the ...

He's nigerian :) NAME: Taio(olawatayo)

when im with you, i feel like the only the girl you desire..

"I take a kind heart"

theres only
BUT SOO much browsing and searching you can do
biting your tongue
to the things you choose

Search for thee Ambitious girl...

Expect to see me there...

dang. i'd never thought I'd believe this..

"Never ask a woman what she wants in a man, if she tells you, then you won't be yourself..." 
thanks "if" ur a smart man! lol

Thanks to all the viewers in the UK

NO excuses but

no excuses but
YA'll ALLLL the same
like every dog has his own ball of tricks

Did you pray today??

you know what's hilarious

you know what's hilarious
what you want is right in front of you
and its up to you to take
those IMMEASURABLE steps to grasp it
no ONE guarantees it to be easy
no one said you were gonna remain yourself
because change is necessary for growth
so creep out of that "class act" and get a move on it 
cuz you know what's hilarious
you knowing you can do it
but you 

I wish I still had an oldies show! EPICNESS

Langston Hughes.. "Esthete"

she got it

You all are soo difficult to put into words
because to each its own
its like causing yourself massive headache
trying to explain
beings sooo SIMPLE
is SOOOOO difficult
save the headache
and eat a bean pie

pshhh damn

I see you
he sees you too
a man of god
sexy as shi**
prayer looks good on you
and so does that blessing that
affected me and you

SHOUTOUT to Bez Banner!

view playlist...

you might find yourself there...

like water for chocolate

the time is incorrect
the space is compromised
the prayers are dwindling
and the life keeps rolling
life's sweetness
so you wanna trade life for sweetness
or sweetness for life
life water for chocolate
and snare at the ones who have it all
but do not
who die a slow, painful death
like Langston Hughes said: " what happens to a dream deferred, do it dry up like a raisin in the sun? or fester like a sore and then run?

"I’m all alone in this world, she said,   
Ain’t got nobody to share my bed,   
Ain’t got nobody to hold my hand—
The truth of the matter’s
I ain’t got no man."

GLEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! :) boy stop trippin cuz its just me and you..

"beggars can't be choosers" ricky blaze


lmbooo only   I.Od." but fellas is there a more attractive sound on this planet than a woman's moan?"

like "for colored girls"....

to accept a rose, you must accept its thorns and dirt...

"Girls want alot of things from one guy, guys want one thing from alot of girls." I.R. Him

Friday Night lights

she don't believe in shooting stars
but she believes in bags and guards
guards that stay up so high
its hard to forget to let them down
or turn around
and see the beauty inside
and bags or loads
of pressure
and consciousness
of how much people don't know about you
or understand the method to the madness

"For Colored Girls, Who have tried to commit suicide, when the Rainbow is enough"

If you love yourself
this is not a chick flick
It's suggested everyone go and see this
it is a must watch..

It's kinda hard to tell a girl from philly to be graceful" Ftk

LISTEN TO THIS! poppington!

I'd rather a loser than a winner whos too scared too lose" C.Michelle

virgo power prowess :)


It's funny how you said
"but you got soo many options bae" just pick one
just because the options are superfluous
doesn't i want
or most of all YOU
but then again I want one of
but It might be too late to want
in the way that I do
optional to propose a toast for the other
doosh bags
A** holes
that make it impossible to understand you
find the strength
to follow the groove
and let it goo..

Daniel Gullman said

When asked: "can you describe the emotionally intelligent person?
Be astute in reading reactions and feelings. They are the natural leaders...articulate unspoken sentiment...emotionally nourishing"


"You can't change people. Don't waste your time trying to put in what was left out. Try to draw out what was left." Professor X

stress over ----- is for suckers.. why bother? it's not that beneficial anyways.
Women admire a man because he is strong , but they love him for his weaknesses

"if what's ahead scares you, and what's behind hurts you, Just look above. He never fails to help you. "

Don't deny yourself of the things you want, Because what is denied, becomes strongly desired.

Ruled Index Cards

reach out and touch
somebody's hand
then rule out the pain
the lonliness
the "all up in ya chest"
emotions that just can't seem to
keep its cool off of you
it's as simple as telling a stranger
"hey, you look nice today"
or hey god, "I need to talk to you"
I never really done this before
But I want..(x)....(y)..and (z)...
and I pray i get it
Ruled index cards
all lined up like dominos
in your heart
Just breathe
and rule out the...

jus cuz its raining today!!

I'd like to be the one you can "toast up on"
I'd like you to be the one
I will feel guilty about doing wrong


its upsetting
rather upsetting
highly upsetting
did I mention ITs upsetting
disrespecting girls like that.
im sorry you told she "naw girls disrespect themselves"
the double standard in America is baffling
all the dudes
that say: If your a Bi*** then your a Bi***
if your a H*e then your a h*e
HOw can you say that?
have you no shame?
even if she was
your still gonna participate in her vain insanity
and its up-sentiment
like you don't know your influenced
by ALLLLLLLLLLL the rappers
guilty as charged
ALLLLLLLL the Wale's
kanye's and JAy-z's
of this era
if they just once all stopped cursing
maybe we "people" would too
as much as we follow up on their lives
and yet try to hide
its still up-sentiment
everybodys the same
all girls wanna do is shake their a**
have fee s*x
and wonder why he's Like this
and every male
wants to "have their cake"
and eat it too
then play 2k10 and watch the game, then eat a sandwich
it's pretty common all too well
But the blame game never ends
it just hurts knowing that your brother, sister, or friend

sparked flame

whats your inner spark?
when and where was it received?
Since when did you talk like that?
walk like that?
and ACT like that
shut  down
shut down it all!!!!
the facebooks  open ended
and the twitters in jail
sparked flame
had you at stop 1
and the flame blew out
by stop 3
so go into your corner
to meditate
and remember
it's never that serious
life will NOT defeat you
and people are not people anymore
its all "frontstage vs. backstage"
"feeling so fly like a G6"

obama at TU

your like everything!
you should come
just to see me
read me
and feel me
you feel me?

dang//// your the #statussss... ;)

in your sleep

you unconsciously dream of him
like it was yesterday
when he spoke
and today
how he is no longer
you inherently speak
to each other
in your sleep as is
but one thing about pms

the inner song outside

" i no do kele kele
kele kele love ooo

PRAY and ask him or her what you want.. thru him you get to her ;)

WHat's th REEL deal in this motion picture of your life?

Hard times

hard times calls for meek millz
or old school hip hop
"meek milly im illy like swine flu"
you look at lyrics to a song
because it captures
what you can't
or refuse to say out loud to someone
can you attest to that?

damn son..

you didn't hear any explanations
but ok
human beings are inherently selfish
"u know ur an excessive worrier when u start worryin about other ppls problems! Be a  not worrier!!" RevRunWisdom
"It is as if, you want him, to get to me, for your own insecurities--female species" Ftk

Oldies!!!!!! :)

surrey with the fringe on top

sit with me on the surrey
protected with the heart (fringe) on top
and even when I'm old and grey
im gonna feel the same way
because you make me feel so young
and the tampered "acquaintance and friendship
has left her with you
and you with me
Will you go to that dirty ol' fling
and sit with the next best thing?
but be mindful that's dirty
and I don't like her because of it
so please do not fall naive to her games
because she's attracted to you
the surrey with the fringe on top

you have to listen to the whole thing to understand


Because you say "no homo"
does not excuse the state that you made...
like saying no offense
when you had the intrinsic need to offend someone

" I've learned to not sweat the petty things, and not to pet the sweaty things."

thanks Malik!
it's like one those things you read in story books...
not fairy tales
or in movies
magic is real
your voice is raw
and all there is grr power
to "free" madness

"Ima put my mack down, that's where you lack at"

the undelying message is...

honestly this is heartfelt..

follow via twitter

tues and thurs 1 2 pm
the VOICE behind the NAME

your morning

your morning
is her mouring
over you

oldie but goodie ;)

"times a wasting.. please don't waste it"

almost forgot

you almost forgot dear sister
that where one man lacks
another one will always be there to pick it up
after the rounds of shyness or show-offness
and the laughter and sob stories are done
theres a reason why everything happens
almost forgot to let you know
that it's time to let it go..

"I think I found the Simba to my NALA" lol Ftk

remember when...

This blog is dedicated to the unspoken fears witnessed in others on a daily basis.

it's called substantive rationality
and macrosociology
End result> followers


The only way in this life to say
is to be in the "IN CROWD"
to NOT dare to be different
to not accept what people say or do as the norm
and question it
to anger your supporters
and anger your followers
to push buttons you've know
some has pushed to you before
is the expressive mode of defense
for you
this time you will speak up
and not take "NO" for an answer
and acknowledge your flaws an shortcomings
and realize
it's okay
it's gonna be alrite
I just hope you don't share your hurt with anyone
but then again
your perspective against all the 878765632792084373
so what makes it stand out?
not too many ....'s out here
know the deal
or the expression
do you have what it take to be with me?

How many

I never do this
and I should do this
I love you
until the tears will end as
they wallow on my face 
just look around you

stunt double

stunning is a habit...get like me
not one to turn down any offers
rather unlock the discounts
and sale the "ballers"
fly across the shore
just to see you
and habitually fall into "THAT" category
you know
the one where no one wants to speak
and everything stays the same
that awkward what should I say to her?
or how will h feel if I tell him this
and honestly the trend has been
people just give a phuck
no one works for anything
like some thing aren't prized possessions
but rather similar objects of attraction

2 things

he muttered
I want two things...
I want her to stay
and I want her to go
I want to silence her cries
and fuck her mind
rearrange her sighs
and say LINE...
2 things
I want you to stay
and I want you to go
but we never get what we want
but request what we expect

What you do for yourself depends on what you think of yourself. What you think of yourself depends on what you know of yourself. What you know of yourself depends on what you've been told. -Haki Mathibutu

wine glass up

If some new york girls would just kiss a ni*** or do PDA they wouldn't be so ruthless" lol!

streetcar named desire state of mind

I don’t go in for that stuff ... compliments to women about their looks. I never met a dame yet didn’t know she was good looking or not without being told. And I’ve met some of them who give themselves credit for more than they’ve got.
A Streetcar Named Desire
Stanley to Blanche, Scene 2.

You take it for granted that I am in something that I want to get out of.
A Streetcar Named Desire
Stella to Blanche, Scene 4

And men don’t want anything they get too easy. But on the other hand, men lose interest quickly.
A Streetcar Named Desire
Blanche speaking to Stella, Scene 5.

You need somebody. And I need somebody, too. Could it be — you and me, Blanche?
A Streetcar Named Desire
Mitch, Scene 6.

"Acting is the undercover emotions we dare not express in real life.. rather--we act it" FtK


It's because
she doesn't get "any"
she complains
and her brain
is dis arranged
she must cry
to cleanse the soul
in hope for a better tomorrow
because thats what humans should do...

"If my focus only focused on the wallet in my jeans my worth would only stretch as far as pockets & my seams" @Aimetothe

thanks david!

naija valentines day.. wheres my yori yori?

strictly lyrics!

new appeal

evidence appearing real
and the day I saw you
I knew what I wanted to do
with you
and the tears flow like there's a well
and a person waiting at the end to receive
the liquids
but th invocation of fear
makes most things
seem almost impossible
no guidance
no "fine"
situation is easy
and emotions are all outta wack
to this new appeal
and the time that sets
by his grace...
the new appeal she aspires to have will hopefully be

"anything u need..I got it" ;)

To be

to be there when the sun comes up
and inspiring you to laugh
acknowledge your fears
and let your talent shine
To be in the empire state...
and notice you?
oh how selfish...

from 2 mins...

its like he said
I want a girl that could give me the world
not one that dances
"face down a** up"?
then why did you dance with her?

...what's even more hilarious...

what's even more hilarious is that hate is strong
and love conquers all
but it all may seem
"that love is sweet in venom and honey"


"its funny how things all work out for themselves"
what you couldn't see I could
what you could have avoided
I told you to dodge
what you falsely believed in
I told its not a reality
all the hurt and pain you went through
I knew it was coming
and all the b.s. he put you through
I told you
so please don't be mad at me sister but
he doesn't love you...

"Are Silent Prayers Answered?

i always think about it

so you know its what i want
and my only question is
are you working
in my favor while against my wishes?
i want so bad to see this aspect of my life
the way it was before
and i wonder if i am asking for too much bc i want more
but what i want is you and i cant help but lust for
you soul
your spirit
that matched min
i miss me
and you
what the ring of that tone used to do
music to my ears
your voice
your eyes
meeting mine
i miss the genuinity behind them
the story they told to me
your touch
and after i thought
that i've thought about it enough
i slip back relapse
i want you
i want you back
...BrodyLangLang :)

click to stream
tuesdays and thursdays 1 to 2 pm
I love you

Ladies are full of surprises: they can get wet without water...bleed without injury...and make a boneless piece of meat go hard. #POW

he's from Alabama..enough said ;)

if only this WASN'T true

Jonzing World

who am I?
who am i?
but you follow me like im indiana jones or something
or detective carmen sandiego
who is the child of god/?
not indiana jones


"nothing should ever be THAT serious" ("sexual-chocolate")


the voice behind FtK
go to click icon to stream :)


The MC

you see the space between my fingers
they need to be filled
with your strong hands
and the encompassing of  its warmth is soothing
because its getting cold out
and we all need a warm hand
and a warmed heart
"and you double-dare yourself to get jealous, at the attention you did not receive tonight. I DARE YOU" Ftk

if you haven't heard.. shes my powder puff girl!

happy independence day nigeria

take my heart you got my love

Besos conmigo y mi amor :)

your game tight

I don't even know you
like yo thought i did
I don't even know which bejamin to spend
for you to forgive
but I can assure that
in the future
if your heart is still open
and your prayers are aligned
they always said second time's a charm
and he told the world
your his future girl
so why not get in where you fit in?
because I was never fond of fitting in
rather the mind wanders and always leads to the destination
that led you to something better
more times for the airwaves
and less times for the ones you focus on
but a great man once said
"there's a reason why time only moves in one direction"
more times for the airwaves
and less times for the ones you focus on
but a great man once said
"there's a reason why time only moves in one direction"

Work hasn't made anyone this happy since Martin!

check it if you think its cool!

"You ever get that feeling like when you're with that don't know what to say, but when they walk away, you know what to say."

SOCIAL network twiiteradventure

"i'm racist I only like boys with green faces, benjamin and jackson are my favorites"


"what you do might make me cry, what I do might pass me by" time

"u never know homie, about these ho** homie.. you need to pump your breaks & drive slow homie" yeezy


"If your not in cardiac arrest when you get here, it means you didn't chase me far enough" j.C. aka spin :)

"keep the glasses on and the silver spoon in your mouth!"

ARE you scared of the "cool"

but what is real?
are you?
and what is not?

decisions.. decisions

"the stars are alive
and the path is colliding
the plan is arriving
and she's out there smiling
the fear is upon us
the skies tried to warn us
their perils are goners" MAtt Santos
you were on fire
enraged in the mental
as if you are miles away
when a dollar and cent
is all that stands between us
and you prayed to the creator of you
to weekly check on your perils
and your decisions

R for Real

"So, he wants what he is not necessarily mature enough to handle and accept. He wants a blessing but has no idea what to do with it. Unfortunately, some people ask for blessings when they are not necessarily ready for them mentally. They receive that blessing and have no idea what to do with it or how to maintain it. So, they lose it. That is what happens when you ask for things  you are not ready for."

always make sure your actions congruent with your words...

What if you told your parents your qutting college to join a capitalist econmy (your own way)?


instead of reading your books you'd rather gossip
instead of minding your own business
you take it to social networking
instead of...
making judgements about others
go and mind your business
and stop social networking attacks
it is the devil
and people are praying for its downfall as we speak
so of you girls
need to fix your self-esteem'
and join in sisterhood
and maybe
these guys your worrying about will respect you
and treat you better
food for thought

this is for you... YOU

...and the more you try the more you prove my point...
like unknowingly let out answers and hints and clues..

"1996.. is it too early to rob the cradle? and be suga mamma" looool

Male perspctive.. hmm!!!

"Who else could make kings out of bastards?" A woman the rate of diseases would go lower

appreciate good lyrics
and lately rap has been doing it for me
its just soo raw its so good

no argument here

"Experience is the name every one gives to their mistakes." ~ Oscar Wilde

What would alfalfa do?

Boy: I want to change something about you.. Girl: What is it? Boy: your last name.

umm! a good UMM! ;)

"If you chase they run, and when you pull back they come".HumanPhysics by E. McClean

Love this man.
"I don't compete, I WIN" Tyrese via Rev Run


"what I'm more interested in, is evidence of a mind at work" R. Smythe acting prof :)

hands in the air

And everybody put your hands in the air
and wave to the right
like you care
and listen to the murmurs of your life
and the haste you make in decisions
"Ill be here'
by your side
on your heart
in your mind" Lupe
hands in the air
waving frantically goodbyes
and new hello's
and the late
"i miss you's"
hands in the air to all of them
and drop all fingers
next to the middle
and turn to see who's 
behind you ;) 

I am a lyric fiend! i love him dearly

...And if you rep the 5 boroughs get a passport" :)

"she said you wasn't half the man, I am, so I guess she had to double up" Luda

mailing list...

Address the problem
state the facts
and at the end
you are the issue

War with unspoken words

take it to the head
when it comes to matters of the heart
for you only know
what has been disclosed to you
but do not know the maddness erupting freely
as you stalk
and stalk
war with unspoken words
how dare you challenge
a winner
and then you lost
and because you lost
you took it to heart
when matters of the heart come to you
you do like you always do
and say okay
and take it to the web
war of unspoken words
yet when you are in the flesh
your eyes do this weird thing
and so does your.......
so the war of unspoken words has begun
be mindful you are fighting no one but yourself
and empowering the ego to
have control over your mind
and soul
as it still encompasses you...


"the perilous world where boys become men" Michael Kimmel

"today i found a souvenir that belongs to you" :( or :) ?

Ntozake Shange

 "I am gonna write poems til i die and when i have gotten outta this body i am gonna hang round in the wind and knock over everybody who got their feet on the ground."


yea.. I love you sooo much I had to write about you
yea right
get real!

Sociological insight

"We continually emphasize that we are giving our own opinions,
not acting out some external role. Joking and irony
are very popular ways of speaking; these are ways
of demonstrating that we can maintain a psychological
detachment from the pressures and social organizations
around us..."
by: Randall Collins

new jawn

Attention all BLOG VIEWERS!!
please comment on anything you find interesting
you can remain anonymous
or tell me who you are
where you from 
I am wack
You don't like anything you read
or your favorite food
or you can remain a loyal viewer
I still appreciate it
Please and Thank you! :)

anger is too much energy, so entertainment is preferred

#Momsalwaystoldme women are like corn on the cob: butter'em up and they'll go down good. But careful, 'cause they'll be all in your sh**

none the less..

"that's what happens when ugly boys/girls get a cute girl/boy they start thinking their fine and act out of order... #stopitfive" thanks.. lol

need a spirit booster??

G.O.O.D. Music never fails ;) thanks


"appreciate the brothers that add value to your life, not the ones who are obsessed with you sadness" Ftk
"they said the grass was greener so we ran and hopped the fence"

twitter tales #1

If twitter occupies your life
that is a personal problem
The social media makes you wonder
does anyone give a f*** about you in real life
and when boredom strikes
or isolation
you take it to twitter
but that's your own prerogative
Let's keep the social attacks to a minimum
because its just gonna feed the "attackee's"
and you wouldn't want that would you


It has been brought to your attention that
he doesn't like you
and has co-horts to form against you
what will be your mode of defense?
Calling all persons who will listen
he can be a b****
at times
you must bring it to his attention
he might hurt your feelings
and tell you things he didnt know he was capable of saying
yet he means all of it?
he didn't say you were best friends online
in person
in a book
or ever
but he is capable of hurting you so much
and his co-horts have the power
to flip it and reverse it
but at the end of the day
he has the power
and your still stuck
down and out
Can you guess who he is?


"Im the type to cut off all ties, trim the fat...nothing but dead weight anyways...on simpler terms you are useless right now"

instead of doing homework...

J. Bewo "No man is truly married until he understands every word his wife is not saying"

"Reminiscent Missing Feelings" M.A.M.

because your special times
sparked special premieres
in which you were the first
no one's touch will feel the same
no one's lips will feel that way
no one's words will soothe the
drums in my ears beating
like the 808's...wait...*sighs*
Valentine's Day will never be the same
after a change in plans
after your gift and thoughts touched my hands
and intertwined like ours did today
bringing back memories of yesterday
and i want you back
in all certain of tones
a message from my soul
that i feel coming from yours
but i dont want to be an ass
i've assumed too much
but i miss your on time timing
i miss your touch
so much you feel like a need
and i dont want this way to be
so hopefully God will understand the sincerity of my pain
so that he can finally reach down and take the reins.

"u need to gwt involved at the universal level.. u need a team" Wale"

not really but nice try cuz...! lol

 in a romantic relationship, the concept of "you complete me" is BS. I dnt want to complete some1. I want him 2 be pretty close to complete when we meet bc I'm nt trynna fix any1. F.B.


If you dare witness
the diminishing of these species
you would know why "we" (females as a whole)
do not respect themselves
they deteriorate their partners in the struggle
as well as tear themselves up
rather degrade than uplift
and gossip with others
than talk with each power
most stress unnecessarily
as to blame others for their "suffering"
when in fact
you tease yourself
this is not feminist
it's common sense
and if more exercise pace,
and sympathy
maybe just maybe
He will respect you
"I like to think of myself as a feminist that likes to wear lip gloss"
--Chiamanda Adichie

she said she's "badd" lol

attention from
3, 4,
and 5.. of you GUYS 
its too much
and a little overwhelming
so suggested outcomes:
and read your books!

"funny because you taught to use my sense with you"

theres no where
 absolutely NO WHERE
that holds and accomodates more band aids
more guaze pads
than the heart
it hurts too much to open back the wounds of the yesteryear
and that's just life
or god's way of opening doors
but only he knows what the future holds

dear future husband.. all yours :)

Take it to the mountain top
and bring it right back down with you
If your gonna take it
at both discretions
you might as well leave something behind to
have at stake
a heart?
a soul?
or a tear?
your pick!
But pow wow
because most of the time
"they're mad because you made the right decision"
you know
whoever they are

"so...your used to teasing the real thing"

this is not a female

I've witnessed it done, I have living proof! so why can't you meet those mandates"

secret man

What's your favorite type of flower?

rose...good looking with thorns like most women. J.A.V.


A boy you knew said
"We live for the moments"
and the moments
we never know
where it will take us
and the darlings
we pass by
and encounter
not knowing where it will take us
 so we count on ourselves
to allow our expected outcome to come to life
but theirs only one guarantee:
The moment is skin deep
(see playlist)!
"I WILL be on the cover of Forbe's Magazine, Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen" :)

its just sooo great!

"Design in nature is but a concatenation of accidents, culled by natural selection until the result is so beautiful or effective as to seem a miracle of purpose" Botany of Desire

psst.. ya'll question love just as much as we do..." W.t.f.

"I am th leather jacket, black glasses, all-american bad boy" lil wayne

unspoken words

"it was nice meeting you today
you inspire me to achieve
as a male that's moving onward an upward
its about grind and hustle
work now sleep later
work now kiss and tell later
GO and leap to your destiny
if you know you want it"

"only educated elites know the story of Porgy and Bess"

classic- the ability to be better than you ever been.

mook a.k.a. mouka foam lol!

 "practice makes better not perfect..csince there is sumtin wrong wit everything..there damn sure aint no such thing as perfect"

you aint never lie Luther tell em!

"the day you see all those fake friendships fall apart will be the day your life is stress free" B. Jones

these sagg's are fiesty lol by M.A.M :)

"An Orgasmic Revenge"
its so hard to trust
and since i dont know love
this should come soo easily
to ignore and you and you
just play like you dont exist
but only i wont be playing around
and it feels so good to have these males in the cusps of  my footstep
beneath my feet
making them feel lower
than they have made their previous lover feel
because i guess hurt is an emotion that we all must feel
and if i've suffered from it before
than your ass is guaranteed to suffer more
intensified hurt to the merciless
the ones who care less
about how they treat a females precious fragile soul
my goal is to make you feel
like me
in the prime of my insecurity
and my fucking depression
but you'll feel like its a lifetime of pain
and this way
you'll know
not to toy around
with the likes of me. =]

" why put your life on the internet, thats what journals are for...silly, happy reading" Ftk

...and when I see you now i'm no longer afraid...


you are the confidant
you will NEVER amount
to anything
fix your life
maybe you can holler
or sit down
and don't be a bother
all thought you were
but take is all you know well to do
do unto others as you have not been done unto!
just that simple
but do not ask for a pity party
and do not dwell on your past
because you know you want it back
consider yourself
un-called for
and unreliable
rely on the ones that hurt
and keep expecting them to change
as they pull you back
you were never a confidante to begin with..

today was the day

where people got their backs blown out
and then the "baby baby baby why u wanna hurt me so bad"
today was the day
true colors
and ambition was shown
and separated  the real
from the "realist"
and the fake from the real
the comrades
were reinforced
the confidants lost their rank
and the constituents held their job high and mighty
today was the day
people utterly expressed themselves
but at the end of the day
the womb will comfort you
no one else will compare....

mike from job lol!

yess!! this is whats cooking! ummh! MUST WATCH

"you were never too much, but three much!"


"...Second.....please carve out time to have fun while in college.....this is the time to enjoy." S.G.

All i want for my b day was seasons 1 -6!


In the sea of possibilities
one gets ANGRY
in the realm of grasp
of undenying triumph
one gets angry
relying on one person
affecting the whole course
of the potpurri
the scent of laughter
and smiles
and tears
one managed to take it all away
in one day
leaving the potpurri
sitting their lusting
and musting
but time will come
when your own fresh scent
will outshine the others
and the monetary needs
of the outgrown smells
will no longer bother you

" i wanna risk the fall so I can know how it feels to fly...up there in that high" A.Keys

Keep the Faith

"it seems to me that becoming a Christian is a lifelong endeavor. I believe that is also true for one wanting to become a Buddhist, or a Muslim, a Jew, Janist, or a Taoist...It is in the search itself that one finds the ecstacy M.Angelou

Salute to older lovers

I have come to speak of love
of its valleys and hills
its tremors and thrills
I have com to say I love love
and I love loving love
and I, surely, love
the brave and sturdy hearts
who dare to love
these lovers
have broken the bond of timidity
and stepped out.
--Maya Angelou


"its crazy when u c how childish subtweeting can actually all these subliminal messages constantly beating around the bush" M.A.M
"You wanna get to me--ask god first"

Its also on the playlist....good vocal control

A Brodylanglang original

The Beginning of Getting Over"
"we parted ways like Ben and J-Lo"
that part of the song replayed in my head as the song
went on with its routine continuation
and im in a situation 
that i am all too familiar with
the typical
who doesn't know what the fuck he wants typical
typical...the one who doesn't know how to maintain communication trypical
atypical males 
[shaking my head]
i guess i've shook it too much and overlooked what was really for me?
and even i dont believe that
doubt is apart of me
and since it is my worst enemy then IM MY WORST ENEMY
beating myself up 
for occurrences that i cant control
mind control taken complete control over
what i've once known 
and he just walks past
as i nod and pass
i guess that means "hi"?
but hey
maybe not??
maybe that was your name??
but maybe not
and i guess im being oblivious
to people's alternating ways 
didnt know you'd change 
and it would end up this way
but i waited for you
i waited for your fuck-ups...for a while until i let inhibitions
and then i saw you
in a light that noone else could ever view you in
to look in those same eyes and not place those same feelings in
a void that has been empty for approximately 3 months
3months of nothing and yes i understand
a young man 
in this crazy place trying to find his way
but vibes arent the same
and i listen to the voices of my intuition
telling me to listen
to his distant heart
and how he wants us to split apart 
all that we've known together
and all alone a whole fucking summer
of "FUCK YOU'S" and "IM OVER IT"
and i guess im really over it
i have yet to shed a tear over it.