
You must earn loyalty. 
THeir is no expiration date
patience and perseverance is key
never in history did a leader give up when everything he/she ever planned went sour
Truth is,
you might have to stick it out just a little bit more than you would normally
Sure, you might get or understand it all now
but give it time
and surely you shall see its entirety
never were name-changers okay with negative outcomes
Kill them with kindness
and work within your circle of control
you can only focus on your actions and reactions
you CanNOT moves someone else's mouth
limbs or thoughts
you must earn loyalty
respect and adornment
so choose your words wisely
a prophet once put stones in his mouth for hundreds of years
to be weary of his words
be mindful that every action has a reaction
and do not block what is meant for you

"If you can't survive and prosper in a prison you can't prosper in a palace!" J. O'Hannan



What are you praying?
Are you sure you can handle it?
You can't control the why?
Put your best foot forward.
Stop asking why?
The "Y" can kill you.
You can't control the "Y"
you can only control how you react

Some Life words

You will never miss out on what is meant for you, even if it has to come to you in a roundabout way.

"If you want to attract your ideal relationship, you must become a “vibrational match” to the person you want to share your life with. In fact, you do not get what you want but instead you get what you vibrate. The vibrations that you emit can be either positive or negative and the Law of Attraction will always respond to the vibration that you are sending out by giving you more of the same."

"Always follow the wise advice given by Russ Von Hoelscher “Don’t rush into any kind of relationship. Work on yourself. Feel yourself, experience yourself and love yourself. Do this first and you will soon attract that special loving other.”


There's comfort in...
"Everything is happening exactly the way God planned it too.. Nothing is going to fast, nothing is misplaced everything is strategically happening the way God mapped it out for you" YOU are doing exactly what he wants you to do. 

Your time will come.. it will happen! WHo, What, Where and When are still question marks, but that's okay.

Because everything is happening exactly the way it should. 


Options are always great..
In life.. in health
in people
in relationships..
in all ships..
options help you express and expand your responsibility
the ability to choose your response..


May the good habits you acquired continue
May your thought-fullness never go in vain
May you be appreciated for your loyalty
May you be clear in your wants, and needs,
May you never be sick
May you always have the good things on your side
and if bad should occur, may you never find out
May you live a pure, serene life

That's What
Be the change you want to see in the world
Have patience and be kind
Do not despair
For God is with those who are patient and persevere.

Human Persona

" I think the problem most human have is the inability to demand a true self. Can one have a true self in the midst of all the social scripts one lives day in and day out?
What to wear, how to wear your hair, how to dress, how to speak? Or are we just actors on this stage called life.
Instead of looking through life with a self-awareness of self and an unbreakable core, many times life and circumstances are viewed through a different lens, a Lens that is often ever-changing. For lack of better terms a "trendy lens". Very unstable view of things, based on outside people, emotions, things, philosophies that are often unstable and faulty, what's trendy and popular and what seems to get people by, is what is used.

The human persona is born with a clean script. Principles like honesty, loyalty, and uniqueness somehow become undermined and overarched in all forms of media (social) and literature. So where lies true self?

Where lies the unbreakable core? Where are the principles and values? Where is the personal constitution of self that never changes? this Human. persona.
"Cooperate with your feelings, discover and be remade"

in life

In Life, everyone must take in whatever they hear and see with a grain of salt. Too much of anything is never good for you. You must take everything in moderation. even religion

"I don't pay that much attention to other peoples successes, or do my homework on them. I'm too busy bettering my well-being and living out my own success"

So how do the tabloids do it? lol
 "Know that transformation sometimes begins with a fall. So never curse the fall." -- Yasmin Mogahed
 not allow
small minds
to rent space in my mind
not allow
mi-nute things to trouble the brain
let it travel to the frontal lobe of the brain
so logical thinking can be applied
" the hardest thing for females may be.. how to allow themselves good men that they deserve, after being involved with scum bags and men without potential for her"
"a man does what hes supposed to do, a boy does what hes made to do"
To manage yourself, use your head; to manage others, use your heart. ~ Mauritania via African Proverbs

" everybody know im like a bomb.. BOOM!"

Advice from billionaires

Passion is the ability to get excited about something. Irrepressibility and tenacity is about the ability to stay with it. If you take a look at all of the companies that have been started in our business, most of them fail. If you take even a look at the companies that have succeeded, Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook, you name it, all of these companies went through times of hardship. You get some success. You run into some walls. You try a formula for a new idea, a new innovation, it doesn’t work. And it’s how tenacious you are, how irrepressible, how ultimately optimistic and tenacious you are about it that will determine your success.~University of Southern California, 2011

Always think creatively and boldly. Where do you see a massive opportunity? Where do you think something is going to change, where you see something that most other people don’t see? Part of being a successful entrepreneur is to be contrarian and to be right. It’s the two that are particularly important because if it was obvious to everyone there’s no market opportunity, there’s no gap to go do something about it. But then you have to be right about it.

No matter what you do in life, your ability to succeed will be largely dependent on your ability to work with people. Indeed, it has often been said that what you do is less important then who you do it with – that the people you surround yourself with, whether a spouse, or friends, or co-workers, will ultimately be the principal determinant of the course your life will take. So don’t just focus on the job descriptions, or the brand name of the organization you’re going to join – also focus on who you’ll be working for, and with


Age old question

This is exactly what shouldn't happen as
young adults..
What is the point of dating?
Are we looking for a good time?
A future?
A spouse?
What exactly is it?
Is it fair to put an "exact-a-tion" on it

For once

No soul should be left alone
should women be idle for a man's tender touch and care
for Man to be in a state of despair for a woman's love
as one was created fot the other
to procreate and live in harmony


"One must have a sole reliance on God to navigate"
Navigate through life's bullets
Its way of tearing you down to bring you back up...
And what if you are stuck
As a young adult that does not have all the answers
your mind is written in french
and your body only listens to the language of emotion
The internal struggles
of how to feel
what to do
Who to turn to?
Trying to control everything that happens to you
One must remember "everything that happen and will happen is already planned.. no point is trying to kill yourself to figure it out"
just let it


To be assertive
One must:
Be unapologetic in his/her swag
the way ones confidence carries them afloat
to be unapologetic:
one must have confidence in his/herself
confidence to succeed
and confidence after a failure
is the way

Dont jealous me - Part Letter - "What Women Want"

but i know what i want ;)
but boys dont like me!
Every king needs his queen

Meek Mill - Amen ft. Drake & Jeremih

If you know me, you know my guilty pleasure and unending love for meek millz is serious.
Dreamchasers 2 mixtape comes out today at 8:15 pm :)

"she a devil in that dress but if she kock I let her in"

Cloud NONE

now that she-players are back on cloud nine
temporary feeling is over..
she knew it..
those guys always do the same thing
every other guy does..
playing "brotha in distress"
F*** outta here
SHe-players back to reality

Frank Ocean - Miss you so ( yrics on screen)

omg. on repeat x10!!!

Frank Ocean - Girlfriend's Best Friend 2011

Don't treat her like gold.. someone else will :)

"I'm not a player i just crush a lot"

She -players
those that fall and get back up again
the she's that pray for the next.. LONG_LASTING THING
if everything is temporary then how does something last
the new beau
the honeymoon phase
the glow in your skin
in your face
of that new guy
just shines within her
the state of euphoria just seems so ever existent
like its never going to end.
DOes her hair look okay?
Can she be mean?
Is she being too harsh?
Does he like her corny jokes
Its too early to tell
because everything is supposed to be temporary right? 
She-players pray for the euphoric state to last
Are they gonna go out on dates? 
how are they going to see each other
does he know dating her requires 
faith, money and time
but nothing is permanent
"im not a pllayer i just crush a lot though

Justin Bieber - Boyfriend


Dont jealous me - Happy Belated Valentines

i forgot how much i love this man. we getting married. i love funny guys :))))))
just make me smile and laugh


Worry be gone
because she know God will take care of that..
she just hope he's well-endowed
and that moment will be magic
It's not about the journey
but its about the mileage through out the journey
LIsten to the song I like by DeBarge
"if i'm lucky, god will let me witness my enemies perish"

its not peace

it's not peace
if when I see you
i harbor unspoken emotions
of great confusion
I felt that the less I see you
the less I interact it will help
but thats not possible,
our social circles collide
I don't even know what to say
sorry wont suffice because I already said that
I'm gonna pray to god and have perfect reliance on him that
He WILL take care of this situation
and show me peoples true colors
A friend of mine once said:
"there are some things in life that happen that are confusion, unexplained twist of events. that allow you to withdraw from the world completely for a while"
2012 has did that for me
so much going on in my social being that I cannot explain.
I've been outside of my comfort zone soo many times this year,
and in those zones
somehow I managed to breakthrough and get over it
I think thats the lesson I take from 2012
as clichè as it sounds: Shit Happens. Get over it
the sooner I can accept that the happier I can be
its not peace when you find yourselves growing apart
and the person you once tolerated suddenly wants to be more of a bother
to my being
I can't shake the feeling off
I know no one is perfect but this one in particular is such a special case
We were so close. what happened???
its not peace when I suddenly feel like Im trying or I think you talk about me to others
we once had something?
I just want to be strong and take away from all this
SHIT HAPPENSSSS!!! get over it?
Have you?

BOttom Line

bottom line is..
everyone has a past
and I love me
If you want me
im right here?
failed the first time?
try again?
can you support yourself?
are you capable of allowing ourselves to correct ourselves? motivate ourselves? uplift ourselves?
if not?
i digress


filled with compassion
sensual kisses
seeing it every morning
when i open my eyes
no tears to count on
no hurt to be blamed
shame long gone
God filling my entire being
I love you
I do not know a greater love
so caring,
our conversations can be stressful and tumultuous at times
but I wouldnt trade you for anything
The greatest love their is..
the love of self
being so self-indulged and preparing your future
by yourself
feels so refreshing
don't need to rely on anyone
holding yourself out
and picking yourself back up
being alone has never felt so good
waking up everyday to that beautiful smile of yours
the first time i experienced it
with myself
i recommend you to do the same
just talk to yourself re-learn about yourself,
what makes you happy?
what times are you at your best?
Its such a good feeling
Continually I thank the lord everyday for it.
It shall only increase from here.

girls want

a guy with ambition
high self-esteem
because any goal is attainable
a positive attitude about life
NOT a loner
DOES NOT indulge ample amounts of his time on social networks..
is that too much to ask?


Out of you came a lot
scared to go back there
so I'll pray for guidance
and won't tip-toe around the past
or vulnerabilities
lack of trust
is open to suspicion
and one must be vigilant

We must..

We must remain steadfast in prayer
and have wholly trust in God..
that right now...
at this moment..
everything is exactly in lined..
of what is supposed to happen
nothing more..
nothing les..
but what is mean to happen will happen..


I want to share in your joy
I want to share in your achievements
I would love to be the one next to you
as a proud.. woman
Seeing you at your lows
helping you achieve your highs
but how can one be efficiently supportive if their achievement list is short
or in the works
or is still in the process?
one must be whole
and comfortable in their own skin
before trying to make someone elses' happiness mean something
I would love to take care of you
cater to you
and help you through those dirt cheap times
allowing you to open yourself in the most vulnerable state
and receiving it in return 100 plus one
I would love to be supportive
I'd love to


There's no way your getting an invitation back
so do not leave and then RSVP
or do not
come bearing gifts and notions of happiness'
you see this birthday party is selfish
one day ALLL
to ones self
no tired old lines " oh i was gonna come"
I'm already in (your life)
so as the birthdays pass
and the patience continues
no promises
no commitments
just pure fun.
the great thing about patience is
it is time's way of giving you answers
So your not getting an invitation back
your on my list of
"who NOT to invite to my after party"
take your broke, tired, and lame a** somewhere
"the problem with optimists is that we look at the sides of a story, and we acknowledge the elephant in the room, when others want to ignore it or change the reality of.. what is..."