Honorable mention to the fullest
and the way people misuse it
Nothing is impossible for Allah. Pour your heart out to Him and ask whatever you need from Him. He can and will take care of you! ♥

funny how..

its funny how
you preach something you want
and then it happens
its funny how to the level of ease and discomfort I feel
I know and truly believe something is better out there waiting for me
its funny how
I can read people very well so im rarely shocked at things
and its funny how
one may appear to have it all together
but is just as scared as you are
im glad that..
towards the end of the year things are not going smoothly
so that
better things can form
and one will bounce back..
and come out ten times stronger
and its just funny how
Im going away
to gain more knowledge about my god..
and with every "male figure"
comes more strength and more god fearing powers that
with all things he knows whats best for me

Wake up and smell yourself

ONe day
just take it to yourself.
look in the mirror
and say:
because you are
I am sooooo popping!
like who wouldnt wanna talk to me!
I have soo much going for me
Do you even know how much of an honor it is
to appreciate me?
you will be blessed!!

theres goes this feeling

theres goes this feeling
that we had,
one minute
two minutes
praying three minutes
four minutes for a response
then five
the finish line is soo close
yet it seems so far...
emotions of missing that person fuels up inside
and the day continues rolling...

from M.M.

"The Wait"
im wrong
i've tried right for so long
i think my rights are turning wrong
sending me down roads that i stay stranded
lay banded with feelings that keep my bonded..
i've been here for so long in this place
standing still
trying to walk
reaching out my hand for you to lead me
for you to try to set the tone that i've been listening for
because i've heard it before
from others who have been to this place that i am trying to go to
and as im trying to focus on a destination that i know nothing of
the pressure against my eardrums weighs heavy from other ppl's words and thoughts
so lost i cant even find my own voice in this ordeal
i can hardly tell whats opposed to being real
im searching for me in you
im searching for us in truth
but im constantly here constantly constant
consistent im many ways
i guess at times its a con
an argument that stands through the test of time
asking "can we really have everything on a two-way street?"
im telling you i've seen it done to those i know, im just waiting for it to happen to me
and i dont know if its some sort of unlucky spell i was born with
my soul is torn with
this pressure that im feeling like never before
probably because my friends and loved one have been here before
been appreciated by someone who cares
i want it from you
and that's only because i care
about our future
but maybe im thinking too far
maybe im digging up scars that are supposed to be buried
hurriedly trying to make this right, trying to make you fit
but i really dont know
if thats how it's supposed to be
if you are who im supposed to be with
i just want more from you
i just want you to be mine
to be the object of what my parents want in a man for me
for what i want in a man for me
what god sees in a man for me, ultimately
but im waiting on him...still

Keep calm and carry on,,

DO not let anyone offend you
THe older you get, the harder god tests you
because he loves you
DO not worry about what you have no control over
let the negative energy go,
do not take anything personal,
regardless of if they are close to you, or not
keep calm and carry on,
no one should see you sweat
Pray to god, that he reveals himself to you
Remember how hard it is to change one thing you do not like about yourself,
and then try not to change others
Remember you can't save everyone
and it is not your job to criticize people,
accept them the way they are, keep a distance
and realize that life will move on,
keep calm and carry on,
DO not dwell on things
do not insinuate hate on others
remember 9/10 times things are one big MISUN-derstanding
but remain prayerful
and pray that god, forgives you if you have wronged
and forgive those who have wronged you,
keep calm and carry on..

self thought

...and then i hit my dougie.

"im locked inside in a place called foolish pride"

Buy your time

Is there hope
When one feels hopeless?
Navigating life with morals taken on by you
from your guardians
out into the real world
and right back to where you started,
someone is always watching
and there....

Just... Go.. with it

That little voice in your head,
listen to it


maybe one doesnt take rejection well,
Wanting something so bad,
and not getting it,
you know
Fear is a compass telling you where to go


never make an ASS
out of U and

from Jill scott: philly's own, NOt like crazy

What you do is crazy babe
Not like you belong in an asylum
Crazy babe,
Like the sun in the morning
And the moon at night
Like the rain falling from the sky
Like the trees growing from the ground
I'm astounded babe
By your love for me
And your touching me
And your trust in me
Like you do whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo

sad but true

im single until i'm married....


Putting all your eggs
in one uncommitted basket

is like riding a bike with no tires

Who are you anymore??

I know
he still watches my every move
only time will tell
because no one ever figures out why
and ...

John Mayer said it best


I know a girl,
She puts the color inside of my world
But she's just like a maze
Where all of the walls all continually change

And I've done all I can
To stand on her steps with my heart in my hands
Now I'm starting to see
Maybe it's got nothing to do with me

Fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers, be good to your daughters too

Boys, you can break
You'll find out how much they can take
Boys will be strong and boys soldier on
But boys would be gone without warmth from
A woman's good, good heart

On behalf of every man
Looking out for every girl
You are the god and the weight of her world
by: John Mayer

from my man Keishorne S. Scott.. like him on facebook!

"I just don't care to have certain "friendships" anymore. You show me disloyalty, I'll show you detachment."

;) ;) ;) ;)

you don't have to love islam to love this!!

Whatever has befallen u wasnt meant to escape u, & whatever has escaped u was not meant to befall u. All that has been preordained shall come to pass
~Aidh bin Abdullah al-Qarni
"Then whosoever wills, let him believe, & whosoever wills let him disbelieve"
~Qur'an 18:29
im so appalled
bliss is necessary
and you deserve it Why is that such a hard concept to grasp..
U got bliss?
Keep it!

Want to sing this...

future tellers

As the future is exciting
it is also scary,
hearing the dividing thoughts of women
expressing their sexual attractions
and dissatisfactions
wondering what the guy is like,
or what other girls like
One can't help but think
Is this related to me
or isn''t it
does the sassiness upset him
does the power in the prowess diminish
to fulfill his needs
does he want to take advantage
future tellers said guard your heart like its precious gold
future tellers
is scary.
but why?
why do they want power over you
want to maintain you in a charity case? no one knows?
if its not broken, don't fix it

Food for though

"as history repeats
so foul you can taste it
and while the people sleep
to comfortable to face it
his life so imcomplete
and nothing can replace it
and while the people sleep
I find it hard to say...
Rebel.. against these laws of man

--Lauryn Hill

your note to self:

Self: you might regret this...

"I came into this strange world, trying to learn about give and take.."

Food for thought ;)

We should always keep in mind that everything that has a beginning also has an end, and that every end is in turn a new beginning. As one goal is reached, another comes to take its place. We are at our best and most productive when we are striving and full of hope.

This is not a blameworthy trait. It is just the way we are wired as human beings. We do become hastier and restless as we near our goals. This is why we need to be reminded at such times and exhorted to patience. Allah says: “Therefore (o Muhammad) do show patient, - a patience fair to see.” [Sûrah al-Ma`ārij: 5]

not saying

not saying your intentions are bad but????
why that day?
questioning motives
trust is hard to come by these days


If I knew then, what I knew now...
what would be different?
what things would you change
every step you make and every action has a result.
and hindsight is better than foresight.
God please protect my heart..
and have mercy on our souls
Anything successful must stand on communication"j.a.kasumu

Pefect for me

"Love and happiness
BUT in nappiness
peanut butter skin
salt water taffy lips
cu-pid said
love aint an accident
ran outta arrows so he hit me wit a javelin
....You're perfect for me"

Oldies :) Kanye west sampled this..

the oldies make me feel warm inside

Pride Definition

a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.

THis video is MAGIC!

check out my boi's other works :)

sampled by Frank Ocean of course ;)

We all try..
Frank OCean said it best.
women tr,
girls try,
boys try,
men try
so try to believe


Many friends have led me to the realization that
in a relationship someone has to put their pride aside
If not one person, then both peoples
in order to function correctly and avoid unexplained anger
hearing your flaws from another persons perspective is refreshing
especially when you care about them, you grow in more ways than one
so fellas, tell  her how SHE really makes you feel.
If the feelings are mutual you'll be surprised ;) 
I want play monkey post
from eye to eye
i wanna play

Definitely got me through the morning

we ignore feelings here....
How can you make a difference while, at the same time, make money?
When you fin dout...
let me know

chivalry ;)

Now, when people think “chivalry,” they think of men opening doors for women, throwing their jackets over puddles, and paying for dinners. All admittedly nice things, save the jacket throwing—that just seems nuts, given the price of outerwear these days. But this is how they get you. Doing things like opening doors for people is polite. I would hope one would do as much for anyone if they got to the door first. Chivalry is something completely different.
There’s a difference between being chivalrous and being nice or polite. Opening a door for someone because you got to the door first is both nice and polite; making a huge production of opening a door for a woman in the hopes that she’ll see what a chivalrous dude you are and fuck you (and then getting all pissy when she doesn’t respond how you want her to) is not polite or nice. And that’s the thing with chivalry: It always demands something in return. If you’re being nice to me because you like me and you’re the kind of person who is nice to people you like, then that’s great. If you’re being nice to me because you’re hoping to get something out of it, or if you think you’re entitled to sex or a relationship with me because you were nice and “chivalrous,” you can go fuck yourself. See how that works?

— Jessica Valenti, He’s a Stud, She’s a Slut, and 49 Other Double Standards Every Woman Should Know

...And what about the truth

"I want a sunday kind of love, that lasts past saturday night"

Can you stand the rain

This is not rain I am standing in This Is hope I am standing If not for hope Then it's over
dont try to change her
she will resent you
forgive her
speak kind words..
kindness from you
reveals faults in her
she will never tell you
but she will change in more ways than one


As the treasures of the world
so many of them
at such depreciated value
does anything have worth anymore
ones like >>> that
are a rare breed
Too much of anything is NOT good for you
Too much pressure, too much care,
Too much love
Too much of the same people
It's just not good
Friendship caught on fire is LOVE

tough cookie

No one said it would be easy.
These "creatures" lack a certain type of common sense
to be the most common of sexes you would think the battle was easy

Rap just does something to me..

MOnolouge #4

"two tattoos one red...
one said love was cursed by monogamy"
who knows if we will make it out alive
one must have faith in a higher power to rely on when things get tough
or put faith in something that you love to at least escape it
hearing the fear in the wayward of the statement:
" Pretty girls always find a way to end up in the wrong hands, I hope it doesn't end up with my daughter".
That's my worst fear.
 Wait, father please!!
Tell me, daughter, how to love,

What should I do?
How should I act?
When do I stop living in fear of hurt and deception
"You never stop being cautious, he will hurt you at one point"
would you rather be a lesbian?
So what else do you need?.

C.E.M. great literature

this is the year

This is the year,
that will force many...
to grow up
and become adults..
now Everybody say "I"

So trueeeeee ;)

"At the end of the day, tell your lady, I'm sorry.I was wrong I promise amazing things
Will happen that night".

"At a certain age, you should not look for a friend's approval of your significant other"

Take it or leave it
Your dating the person.
and that's...FINAL

Mode of thinking

Past is experience
Present is experiment
And future is expectation
Use your experience
In your experiment to achieve your expectations

By a.ade

"I know the type of man I want, not what he looks like
But how he treats me"
Mother said it's not nice to play with peoples
How about yours!?
Mother said it's not nice to play with peoples
How about yours!?


Your an advocate for full time lovers
Bestfriends of brothers :))
And long time strangers
The melodic rhthym that lovers go thru
Is experience
So that they get knocked down to reality
This birthday love is so much. I really do appreciate the people that make me!
I love you all

Say This!

Say this to yourself before you go to bed every nite
Promise it is an instant reality to know that
No one cares enough about you except for you..
Do yourself a favor and care about your well being

Practice patience

Practicing patience
Might be an everlasting thing
There's no time limit
No one tells ou when to stop or go
Kinda like you just roll with the punches
And this month the punches...
Ohh the punches
Foul shots
Mistakenly taken a time out
It's only a matter of time
As the patience wears off
But do not act in haste
Patience my young sister and brotha
You don't know what tomorrow may bring
And who else is responsible for your life story

Yup :)))))

Ex's running into each other
Boy: hey I really miss you
Girl: *sneezes*
Boy: bless you, are you sick?
Girl: no I'm just allergic to bullish**

I wonder who's loving you


I'm gonna be producing for Justin brier and Keri Hilson soon!!!!!

Strive to live by this..

Learn the art of patience.APPPLY
Impatience breeds anxiety,fear, discouragement
And failure. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness and
A rational outlook, which eventually leads to success
--Brian Adams
Do not bite the mouth that feeds you
And do not play with fire

I love you

Dont try to change me
Don't try to explain me
Don't try to decode me
The little things I do that don't make sense
Who else goes through seven moods in one hour
And is still deemed sane
Don't even try to change me
No one is perfect
And there are walls you have to dragg down like superman
And underneath is a wonderful being you won't want to leave
Phenomenal women come in this form you see
So on their behalf
Except me
And love me for that
And I love you

Remember ;)

"For the rest of thy days
Keep calm and carry on
Throw fear and control to the wind
To reach new heights" Fati


And everytime it gets high
Something brings it down low
Not keeping what yours and dear to you
Away from people who do not think so
And tear it apart as it may not be so
Self inflicted judgements coming from a place of hurt and anger
And the more you deteriorate the Ills of the person
The more you think
You think about why they would say thy
And mask the feeling of hurt? Anger? Or distress
So you say nothing no no one anymore
" be wary of friends"

I like having options ;))))

Only time can tell...

Because no one wants to be boredom's best catch
Or lonely's only hope..
Only God can tell
Do not give up on him
Before the coal has turned to diamond

"They might all be dogs, just some are well trained" FtK

Just that uneasy feeling you can't shake off

Go to God.. to get to me.

Afterall you changed me

If you lie to me... I will find out

even the smallest lie
the most randomest lie
that lie that you could just told the truth in the first place
everyone lies but...
I think this lie is a sign
and a RED FLAG

God is a two way street

He does his part.. so you do yours..
And what have you done for him??


"all the good things I ever wanted for you.. Came to you.. The absentee was just me"


It's funny how money change situations
It's almost like sincerely working for something
Isn't so common anymore

From sister Danielle

As a beauty, I want a beast

Just married

"you know your not ready to get married when the thought of saying husband(or wife) and saying HUSBAND( wife)
Makes you feel quesy
"you were scared to answer loves call"


A man cannot make u happy. Piece of mind and contentment will help. A man can only contribute to ur happiness. AMEN. Learn to luv oneself n everything will fall in place. Know who u r and wat u want then u will be able to make the right chice in a partner. AMEN.

money rules the world

riches make people happy
because sorrow affects the poor
if my sad its because of money
but if im happy is because of money

right? so money where art thou?


Telling your haters that you hate their guts... And u care what they think is giving them more
Power over you.
Do not respond to them publicly unless they physically
Attack you
Remember haters are your motivators
So stop complaining
Shut up
Keep calm and carry on :)

American Gangster

every woman secretly wants a guy like Frank Lucas
takes care of business
shows no signs of weakness
still open car doors
provide for his family
And loving behind closed doors
--American Gangster
There is no judge
You have no opponents
You are the best
You are not perfect
And you roll with the punches but don't get knocked out
Do not make decisions is haste as they can be detrimental to your success or your feelings
You do remember you have those right?
There are only a few times in life where you actuAlly have it all figured out- D.A.

via BrodyLang Lang

"Voids and Emptyvoidness" 
Today when i was walking to work 
i thought about how empty i felt. 
i felt empty and its an emptiness i feel very often
and that void does not come from lonlieness bc i love being with me 
but its something that i've never been able to explain quite vehemently
all i know is that god can help free this of me
how silly of me
to think that it could happen so freely and easily
and all i know is that god knows
this void and what it is
but i dont quite get it
but when i get the message recorded on my life's memo pad
telling me exactly what it is i need to persue
then maybe that's when i'll be full
after im finished and through coming for you
and even though i cant identify you
soon i'll meet you face to face
in that mutual place 
where god will present you to me
and i'll see what i've been missing
and after confronting you 
that void will be filled
whatever you are
whoever you are

I think God is keeping "MAN avenue" clear for me because he's got something on "Better Road", as long as i don't detour to "Settle blvd,

"I'm not interested in holding a man back, I am interested in holding him down though"

African boys don't wanna like me, they wanna wife me
Black boys don't wanna wife me, they wanna like me
And the Spanish boys just wanna feed me burrito and beans
But I tell them I stick to my soul food yams and a plate of greens

Lost In the World - Kanye West i love

"The Chinese call luck opportunity and they say it knocks every day on your door. Some people hear it; some do not. It's not enough to hear opportunity knock. You must let him in, greet him, make friends and work together."
Has your heart even been hurting? Because human suffering is inevitable?
According to the story of the Gita, attachment to anything causes pain

"I'm just saying, I can do better"

dont be a hard rock when you truly are a gem

Most girls
like most girls
worry about who they are
how others percieve them
how boys percieve them
and frame a tough exterior/facade around them
most girls are so tough you forget they are women
embrace your emotions
your odd and quirky movements
embrace why god has chosen you to be a woman
so evade all the cursing, desensitivity and lack of respect for yourself
and respect yourself
You know you've come to terms with someone or something when your stomach doesn't churn anymore. Either that or you need to eat. Simple

"you need to know the only way to change a person is to start praising them...you need to know to be gentle"

there is nothing better than a man that knows how to pray
sexy.. damn...
Enlightened by the way you walk and your smile
Is enough for my infatuation
His chest upright and skin black and lovely
Like the night amongst a thousand stars

Living for the adventures you spend with people you care about enhances your life

Love and happiness..
comes in many different shapes, sizes, colors and hues...

Love Is Not Love If Its Not a Lil Crazy.. @mrhabull

I think Im gonna marry him

hope and pray for the best..we all believe in you

Im ready to make new memories
because the old ones stink
and no one wants to put up with old baggage
and derrty laundry ;)
Ay boii!!!

Wtf move on

move on
move on
move on
whats holding you back
its stupid to stay in the same position for a prolonged period of time
move on
 move on
major moves right here baby
more than I could stand
love is a losing hand
self-professed profound
now the final frame
love is a losing game...
 Amy Winehouse
Only two things are necessary to keep one's wife happy. One is to let her think she is having her own way, and the other is to let her have it.

Lyndon B Johnson

Praying gets you back on track


you never know how much your words
could cut deep into someone
never thought it would be you
never thought a sharp edged attitude with a hint of softness
could hurt so deep
the real people know
...couldn't even hurt a fly if I tried
but it's not trying that did it
not willing to do it
not willing to say it...
that I...
like on the eve on a virgin's honeymoon
what is thee poor gyal supposed to do
you can't replace pain
and you can't say:
" i want that old, untouched thing back"
because someone once told me...
time only moves in one direction
and for that
one is powerless here
Here at the crossroads of empathy
and it feels like roles have been switched
lord knows karma already came after thee...
so either forgive, forget, regret,
or relapse..
but don't go back in time...
oh dear..

by special request

Dared to
challenged to
yet succumbed to the moment
everytime I go to that train platform
I think of you
everytime that one song plays memory triggers strike the mental
everytime I think about you it gets better with time
to know your only across a bridge
but we probably will never cross >>>
that bridge

ninjas almost cried yo

The stripes on a tiger are hard to change

Lil Wayne - How To Love BOSS!!

Business is business

and the greater the obstacle
the more glory in overcoming it

Practice, patience, perseverance, prayer, progress, POWER

whenever you go on E... listen to Rap..raw emotion

via.. brodylanglang

I told myself i wouldnt think of you
and its not that anything was ever planned
but along with you thoughts of us crossed my mind
thoughts of doubt
trying not to slip up and have this summer turn out like the last
but last time it wasnt my fault 
that you drifted away to be quite frank.
i dont know...
and i hate not knowing
the muse of confusion 
i take what you do and analyze it
still trying to fight it
what may be inevitable i dont know 
only god knows 
and man im just waiting on you 
but while im waiting god can you 
help me stay focused
i dont want another repeat of emotion
and mental comotion ever again

by my homie.. Grantastic

"The reason so many black men are having trouble finding good black women is because u have commitment issues. U want girls to stick around n play the part w/o a title. No one with common sense will do that n we move on! A relationship is NOT marriage but it gives us a reason to give u our time n not move on."


"made it to wall street and life avenue
didn't know how to act seeing all the money come through
forgot all the brothers, sisters, aunts, cousins and
MOTHERS that were praying for you
so you spiraled down that turn through life
now you mourn for some money to be a ballers' wife
He gave you the money but there was a no"seeing me"
now your stuck with his babies, unmarried, no pride no dignity
and called a ho*
so you took it to shaunie o'neal
and she put you on the basketball wives show
I refuse to watch it anymore.

dont let thinking you need a significant other poison your mind

You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She's not perfect - you aren't either, and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being human & making mistakes, hold onto her & give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart. So don't hurt her, don't change her, don't analyze and don't expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, & miss her when she's not there."

Mother nature

mother nature....
got you doin un-natural things
the things your sober mind would stay in denial of..
mother nature forced you to face it

Parisian Love-damn...thas love lol

April 13 2011

"I  just wanna let you know you're beautiful"


a blast from the blast!!!
how does one get from point a
to POINT B!!!
soo weirdd..
you never really know what you got till its gone


tomorrow brings laughter
or yesterdays sorrows n worries
when in doubt
just wait for tomorrow

FUNNN!!! :)

Je pense que nous étions censés être dans une autre vie
Je sais que vous ne pensez pas de moi
probablement votre lecture de ce

alors allez-google et le traduireGOOGLE translate that!! lol
Tengo un examen mañana :(

Does it rather seem??
you are always the one trying to make PEACE
by putting pieces together
but the pieces don't adhere to instruction
which led to destruction
and torment
of the whole construction of society

I hope the feeling is mutual...?



count these women every
day of the week

WSJ Study, more Women are keeping their maiden names"

"I would change my last name to my wife's if she gives me a 4 wheeler as an engagement gift. After getting married she takes me to dinners and pays from her purse. When ever I @#$% and act grumpy she takes me to football/baseball games, she pays most of the bills and still take no credit for it. She does all the man's jobs like fixing things in house and move heavy weight stuff." --JS

"This prayer goes out to all the hopeless Romantics" --Eat, Pray,Love

A young man

A young man proposed to a young lady today
It was so surreal
there wasn't a dry eye in sight
A young man that through it all said
it was God that got "us" to where he is now
A young man that said every emotion he endured for 9 years
A young man that obviously loves and respects his counterpart
it was so beautiful
like the things you see in movies
that's why it was so hard to soak it all in
witnessing greatness at a time
and inspiring everyone too as well
A young man that said his "wife to be" is the epitome real woman
It  was beautiful
that is all
genuine beauty

"forgive your past, don't simply be mine" Adele

"anything that don't kill me...makes me better"

The more you step out of your comfort zone
the more you face the challenges you fear
since fear is a weak emotions
which includes words you never see
the more you cross over hurdles and accomplishments
the more the get rejected
the more you cry
the more you bounce right back up
the more you realize
the greater the obstacle
the more glory it is in overcoming it
the more you can do
and you are that much closer to be invincible
inspire to do what you WANT to do!

very proud of meek milly!

i love oldies.. it "sound tainted to me"

e oldies

Nothing Like loving you...

HAppy Mothers DAY!!

for most it was 9 months
for some it was straight to heaven
for all mothers out there
Happy mothers day!

it hurts to know.. u might never come back to me

Languages: english, french, sarcasm(fluent)....



I never loved nobody fully
always one foot on the ground
and by protecting my heart truly
I got lost in the sounds
--Regina spektor


gut it? got it!

the gut is it
the gut has got it
no more feelings of uncertainty
never will you ever lower those standards
got tells thee
that he is not the "M"
for ME
gut tells thee
that what she prefers over he....
is her...
embodying herself narcissistic-ly
that no one can treat you better than you
or if one can do...
show it better than father..
more like lover
got it?
i gut it

" don't just talk the talk, WALK thee walk!


writers block
conkers block
yonkers block
empty block
unhappy block
turn over
and reload
boom boom pow!!
homesick block
lonely block
talk to me block
cry block
unfullfilled block
life on an insomniac block
unsure block
insanity block
devilish block
what block do you fit in? if any?

can't help but wait

6 figures
1 on 1
yet one still finds down time
to reflect on flaws and mishaps
and only you can move forward
from your backwards way of thinking

by M.M. :)

"i guess its kinda scary, love
signing that dotted line
not reading the fine
print,because the lesson is to be careful of what you ask for
because you never know if your penmanship
will legibly sign you up for
all the things you never bargained for"


"whatever you give a woman, she will multiply. Give her a seed, she'll give you a child, give her a house she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. Give her a smile she'll give you her heart. She will multiply and enlarge whatever you give to her, so give her crap and you will get a ton of shit....#SWAG"
"every guy says the same thing
yo when i have a daughter she aint dating
no boyfriends
no nothing!
ima have a tracking device on her
yea. ok.
and the economy ill turnover tomorrow.."

try something new

SOmething new
out of all the old
it just comes and hits you in the face
like a ton of bricks...
you don't know when it is going to end
or how long it will last
but if your a pretty girl...
boys are like periods...
theres always another one coming
try something new
what do you have to lose
girls are like buses...
miss 1 next 15...one coming
and be prepared to spend money...
try something new...
stay yourself
and watch who you attract
 being by yourself for so long
and then having to adapt and accomodate another persons feelings
is too much work...
we all know who's lazy ;)

M.A.M :)

"Searching The Floor"
searching everywhere
on my knees looking in low places
avoiding those high places that i used to know
i want to know where to find
those receipts with the dates that told me when i purchased these feelings
i wanna give them back
because i didnt know the defect of this product
i didnt know that i would hear the voices on the right and the screams to the left 
of this brain 
where i cant escape memories
and times that carry me into a place of wishing and hoping
but i thought i purchased feelings of cetainty!
beautiful feelings that comfort me on lonely nightss
but all i got was those lonely nights
where is the expiration date because im ready for these sour thoughts to go bad
and to spoil over
into next weeks garbage
and i feel like you started a task that you weren't brave enough to finish
you weren't brave enough 
to care
you weren't brave enough to embrace the fact that im here
and why do I bother?!
why did I come to this place?
this is all i know...
the only place i've seen where i could purchase something that i bought that was so sweet
now i dont wanna know the taste im willing to waste 
that spare feeling that i had left
and when can i leave this place and forget the bad?
when can i find someone who can replace what we had?
when will you wake up and miss what we had?
when will you see that im the only one who has
the capability and capacity of heart and mind to care
and even to share something so valuable so worth your time
and im out of my mind scrambling here on this floor 
trying to find the very reason i went there with you for
trying to find that reciept 
so i can finally get back to me
genuinly not caring not thinking 
not calculating every move every word every thought 
that you heard
and because im torn in a herd of bitches who dont deserve my place
i ask for a place of forfeittedness and beautiful bliss 
where i dont have to look at this 
i mean to look at you
and to see you go through all the motions we knew
with someone else
and it hurts myself
to know that i am even here
but now that im here 
i have to turn to what i know and get up off this floor
return these feelings to the place where i was once untorn.
Some relationships are like Tom & Jerry. They tease eachother, knock each otherdown, irritate eachother, but can’t live without each other.

How do you live? how do you breathe without god?

By: M.A.M :)

"Wet Dreams and Realities"
I have dreams of you
bursting through my cherry's seams
and it all seems to feel right
dreams in which I've drowned
in from frequent memories
and nightscapes
where we play
aimlessly aiming
into me, my nails find
refuge in your back
sinking deep
so deep
even our screams feel those seams
"pain is pleasure" you said
so pleasure me deeply
I want to make you not
want to leave me
wet dreams that leave me
moist in secret places
secreting from places
the ones that never see your faces
parts of privacy
you're driving me
to want to indulge
in all that's new
and I'm only going there if Im with you
because no one else knows, quite frankly,
how to do..what you do to make me feel soooo
telling you to stop
knowing I want more
as I scream more and moan making your
blood vessel soar into a position that signifies it's ready
and I steadily take my hand and caress it away wishing inside me I could tuck it away
and are these really a
virgin's words??! I dont know what to say
I dont know how to feel
but this temptation is real
and this indulgence I feel
too many thoughts to keep sealed
so many truths are revealed
all in our body's communication
I feel the vibe-brations
as we come to a calm
only to realize we're gone too far over our heads
knowing that temptation has lead us to want more from one another
temptation from each other
and through all the lust's hype
It feels soo good to know
that you would never travel and further in distance
unless you had my permission.
another b.cox joint!

...when I find i.. he'll know ;)

sweet sweet

Sweet sweet memory
turned into the conjugation
"let me patient, let me be kind"
but let me not suffer blind"
tell him It will be alright
sweet sweet
tender love n care
for this pretty fine young thang
and his power he possess
its hard to know if you will ever go away
or just a book tha has more chapters
and more years than one can describe
sweet sweet
but where?
but how?
sweet sweet still thinks about you
and sweet sweet was looking might cute the other day
and the tough cookie started to cry...

" Yo...don't love em yet son, cuz you love hard" A.I.

i've done this before though

Him: Hey
You (to yourself): Oh my God.. he just texted me.. I wonder what he wants.. maybe he just wants to talk... maybe he's mad at me, i mean all he said was hey... I should just answer him, i don't want to keep him waiting...well maybe i'll wait another 3 minutes so he thinks i'm busy... no, that's too obvious. Could this mean he's into me? Or is he just bored? Either way is fine, i mean i don't care if he likes me back. who said that i even liked him?! i'm just gonna text him back now. Should i reply hi or hey? or hey with three y's? no that's stupid. 2 y's works. He won't know if i did it on purpose or if it was just accidental. Okay. I got this.
Breath in, breath out.

You: Heyy
she said she want you...but only from the neck down...

flashback..cuz we all want that old thing back

MIchelle Obama says:

"With men, don’t be swayed by “cute”: “Cute’s good. But cute only lasts for so long, and then it’s, Who are you as a person? Don’t look at the bankbook or the title. Look at the heart. Look at the soul…When you’re dating a man, you should always feel good…You shouldn’t be in a relationship with somebody who doesn’t make you completely happy and make you feel whole.”

is it possible to have a FAVORITE broken heart?

the lips are an important and sensitive part of the human body..be careful  what you put in there

"Great minds think alike, correction: WEAK minds think alike"

Man.. (mankind)

How do you know
what the next man doesn't know
how do you feel for?
what the next man doesn't feel for you.
how do you like to be
to guard others feelings
when nobody guards your own
how does it feel man?
to be confused 95% of your lifetime
life is hard cuz a
bit** is easy
how do you try to be so nice
yet feel taken for granted?
how do you tell someone you know dearly no...
and NOT offend them
how do you give in so quickly
and hurt so effortlessly
how do you be yourself in this world
with a lot of people walking around angry at the world..
some things just don't add up.

I came walking... he came running on one knee.. think about it

As journalists you must be objective ;)

Females: their attention is too much, for males: their attention is NOT ever enough

via CNN.com

"To that end, sex researcher Rosemarie Basson has proposed a new framework for thinking about female sexual response, one that places the importance of emotional intimacy and relationship satisfaction at its center. Basson’s framework contends that female sexual arousal is more complex than a male’s and depends more intensely on factors such as relationship satisfaction, self-esteem, and previous sexual experiences."
"this is what I'm meant to be, see it's just my destiny, and i came up from the bottom now im facing super stardom, see i made it" Iceberg slim

"Don't mess with me when I'm hungry" ;) Ftk

"I miss you" GLOBAL phenomenon

tu me manques-French
Ek mis jou--Afrikaans
te echo de menos- Spanish

My pageant sister.. speaks truth!

Seeing pictures
automatically has the mental conjuring up phrases like:
"THis could be you"
"HE can only hold her"
"valentines' day"

"i know i've met you once before, but I haven't found you"

i kneed that knee-slapping laugh ;) Martin L.

the power of the estrogen

blame the girls that make these
useless egotistical men feel important
the girls that allow them to get trasheddd
when it comes down to it
as a unit
understand that yes "females" look bad
but a few spoiled the bunch...

he gave me the green light..to ordinary people

"Maybe its just the thrill of the chase, I got a feeling of winning this race" ;)


Ladies, if a girl ever steals ur man, theres no better revenge than letting her keep him. Real men cant be stolen unless they want to.


its perfectly fine to get
no questions asked
eat dusk
and the leftovers
and stay with your in-crowd.


under developed
gone untreated
this condition is rampant in the african descended community  

love song

via twirra

Honestly I think most women choose to be weak, because it makes their lives easier...

Safety net

humans are born with the intrinsic need to
feel like someone cares about them
and then they get a wake up call by the time they hit puberty
that the girl/guy your attracted to doesn't want you
not because they don't want to
bu they don't know how to
safety net
talk talk talk
preach preach preach
life life life
truth truth truth O_--
Life isss to short
the challenge is to make it worth something
so get off your butts and STOP talking

Why cousin?

"Before sex, you help each other get naked, after sex you only dress yourself. Moral of the story: in life no one helps you once you're fucked"

that feeling when you had a wonderful night...and then you wake up...


"to all the men in my life
brothers and friends
you continue to reiterate how great of a job
I'm doing with them" ;)
loool sashaaa!!

the obsession continues ;)

via @iSpeakfemale

A person hates you for 1 of 3 reasons;
1. They want to be with you
2. They Hate themselves
3. They see you as a threat

Someone who really loves you sees what a mess you can be
How moody you can get, how hard you are to handle,
but still wants you in their life
      My life is not like a revolving door
where you can come and go as you please
Either you come in and stay for good
or i'm shutting you out

"It's sad to know once i make it to the top, i have already determined who I'm taking with me and who I'm leaving behind" Ftk

New Rain

New rain
as he falls from beneath me
his spirit lives in me
his blessings shower over me
"sometimes it's hard
as a misty rain"
And one simply loses control
and regains faith
no forces of evil shall evil prosper
this new rain
with a sense of direction
and reassurance

Beauty...brains....just doesn't get better than that!

"Its just not logical to return to the place that made you sick" Loon

Amir Junaid Muhadith (Loon) – From Rap Sensation To Islam: A Wake Up Call

Amir Junaid Muhadith (Loon) – From Rap Sensation To Islam: A Wake Up Call

"Men are like children, treat them with candy and rules to follow" hehehe ;)

detailed mind

The detailed mind
and its many affects
and assets
can get one into trouble
the radicalism
that goes along with it
and the thoughts racing left and right
as if longing for some sort of approval
justified in the body
offers another reason to question
and re-question
and re-think
that thinking man..
can get you in trouble
curiosity killed the cat
and honesty got hr killed

"I confuse myself wayy too much to become a lawyer"

i love him dearly it hurts!

i love hi

distance and time

She'll be waiting
for your sunshine
good things come to those who wait...
patience and endurance were not always her strongest points
so like the yoruba  proverb continues..
"e ma she jeje"

funniest scene in history lol

You sir.. pay attention

"At some point you will realize that you have done too much for someone, that the only next possible step to do is to stop. Leave them alone. Walk away. It’s not like you’re giving up, and it’s not like you shouldn’t try. It’s just that you have to draw the line of determination from desperation. What is truly yours will eventually be yours, and what is not, no matter how hard you try, will never be." via K.kenner


your the sweetest thing
the ripe banana on my fruit tree
oh how i can't wait to kiss thee


No more whipping illegally

BEST husband in the world

tommy bitter!! lol

"...and curiosity killed the cat"

Thank you for checking my blog.. traffic is crazy! :)

who else knew today was friday?

"Obi Rere" :)

its okay boy.. cuz imma be alright tonite...!

i been saying this

Never argue with someone who thinks they know everything. Its like arguing with a rock, both are hard-headed and impossible to get through.

family like that...

if your m=numbers 48 i dam sure wont be late lol!

you win

Here's a trophy
with your initials on it
and your
'big picture ideas"
and the cheeks
that say:
"spread and capture the trophy in the middle!"

"your too predictable"

48 L.O.P.

"TO make your false sincerity an effective weapon in concealing your intentions, espouse a belief in honesty and forthrightness as important social values. DO this as publicly as possible"

Happy birthday Kappa Alpha Psi ;)

now listen to this...

where's your pillow?

"Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods, lives, and the fruits of your toil. But give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere. those who say, when afflicted with calamity, To Allah we belong and to him is our return. They are those on whom descend blessings from their lord, and mercy. They are the ones who receive guidance."