
"BUT if she reminds you so much of happiness
why don't you want her anymore"
he said she broke his heart
she says his heart already had some mending to do
before she rolled in
and then roll out
And still she doesn't know
how he feels
how ANY man feels
no one cares enough to tell her
while she sits alone with her teddy bear and thinks
"Did I really do that?"
and finally he offers a hand of forgiveness
yet she has no words
see the last guy ruined it for the next guy
and the next guy was the last guy
same shit different body
different attitude
same lifestyle
But she still has hope
if he hasn't stripped all of what's left from her
and the trials of her relations with these
specimens keeps her pondering
knees quivering
and mind-boggling
will we ever get along
and what do you have to say for yourself
the silence in your spirit is too quiet for her
the next move you make was very uneasy
she ended it
and don't about her
she'll be alright
will you?

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