potential (monolouge that is)

See I thought you had the right stuff
but I didn't know what your potential was
you know
your capabilities
a wise man said never underestimate your opponent
and your potential is no longer in plain sight
the actions done is horrendous
as the lies come one by one
It's okay to deny someone
or tell them NO!
at least i'm ok with that
and now my respect for you
is gone
no emotion no strings attached
the potential
see those long nights
of chit chatter
and the calls and text messages have no value
your slowly fallin into that category
but I didn't lose control
because I still have my dignity
while you have hurt and hatred within yourself
but remember Bill,
I was always 10 steeps ahead of you
you may never see this but
thats why you were the rebound guy
I will never tell you
because you tried to play me
but plenty of people have beat you to it
so your mission has failed
and even if I'm wrong: FU** you :)
so you've proven your immaturity
and the potential you had is gone
but you were always on a different plane
which is why karma is a b****
And you suck at ......g
but then again you were always on a different plane
and your potential is lost
leave me be
and stop trying to hide from your feelings Bill!
COOL RIGHT!!! im using this! :)

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