Happy fathers day!

Some say you ya'll are only meant to be sperm donors
and leave the rest ALONE
and some of you are in tact with the lives you've created
some of you have sacrificed everything
some of you have sacrificed nothing
father: a male figure who aids in the child's develepment from birth till death, prescence in mind, body, and soul.
Sounds pretty accurate
and to my father
who told me : "If a man tell you he loves you, tell him your daddy loves you more"
"if a man likes you
He's just looking for a visa"
"shouldn't you be talking to your mom about this stuff"
If he doesn't wanna meet me don't bother bringing him"
father might not be the typical all american dad
but I wish he raised all the men in the world
and would love for my son/husband to be at least half the man he is
I love you dad
you help me shine
YOu taught me how to be firm and strong
you are always supportive
words cannot describe how proud I am to call you my dad
Even though you always try to play me
but I know deep down you mean well
you taught me how to ride my bike
and how to fight
you are the epitome of what every man should be
not for you
but for those who love and care for you
dedicated to all the fathers out there
and the ones looking down on their children
Thank you!
this day doesn't get enough credit!

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