Monolouge prospective #2

Find a spot
so I can spark conversation
and figure out my thoughts
see I wasn't always like this
You can thank my first for that
Young and naive
pregnant at 14
prospective dreams appearing shattered
out of my poor 14 year old body
and you wonder why I overreact
when something gos wrong
I just want you
I want to know that I can talk to you
like my first allowed me too
which is sad because w don't even talk anymore
but I need to tell you what I feel
and let my ego go since it is the MAIN barrier
late in th night I wonder what you are doing
I dont think I consume his mind as much as he does mine
Its funny because my inside voice tells me
"Well he doesnt have to do shit basically,!
Are you guys dating?
Are you pregnant?"
But he is replaceable
which always seem to be my course of action
"on to the next, as they call it"
But in the meantime
I'm gonna get on this bus
and head to the coffee hut
so I can figure out my thoughts!

P.S. >> What do you think? Cool? Thought-provoking? funny?

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