If your not getting money stop assuming you are and do us all a favor and be quiet" G.Haines lool!


you said your moving on to something better
and the next cannot compare to the last
so all the complaining wasn't better
and the chats and calls rejected
just because "botherment"
is not in my vocabulary
so its better if you be alone
which apparently is different from lonely
and say bye bye
to the memories and good times
and its better if you remain silent
knowing when to talk
and when you are not needed
no calls EVERYDAY
no "hit-ups" as they call them whenever your bored
because no one wants to be bothered unecessarily
at the WRONG time
well its better that way...

see what she talking about its NOT a game

not about....

she said its better to fight early
get that out the way
make up "..."
and wake up next to him
or her
and start all over
but it's not about....
because if he aint fight
she'll probably get bored
if she don't give him a run for his money
he might not wanna hit the jackpot
and run after what she thought
he knew
was his...

F.E.A.R. >false evidence. appearing real. Thank you! K.K.:)

Many times its not what uve done wrong that makes life hard on u & ppl 2 dislike u, ITS WHAT UVE DONE RITE! #keepgoin! RevRun

All 2 familiar

Same circumstance
and occurance of events
can one ever be tired of repetition
not "sponti-nu-ity"
and the occurance has reached it peak
so are their decisions to be made
things to do?
going for the ride
has not been the best of explanations
nor can this be explained
patience should be exercised
but you forgot who and what your dealing with
wait..o you even know?
did you bother to ask?
and your intentions?
oh ok thats what i thought
All 2 familiar
didn't know :
"Same sh** different toilet"
but maybe this one is at ease
for something more practical
and "sacred"
but its all to familiar
meaning the ending could be near... :(
Don't Trust Money!! Bcos it gives Bed but not Sleep, It gives Books but not sense, It gives Luxuries but not Happiness, So Transfer it to My Account for your peace of mind
"Everyone likely reaches a certain point in their life and wonders, "Is this what I was meant to be doing?" If that question doesn't arise, I can't help but wonder what kind of meds they're on. Or if they are just suckers who have bought into the mainstream mentality." G.Miller

I only encourage people to speak the truth. That way I can know if you should stand on my right side or left side. Both sides are full of love but the left side has that "get well soon love".... cause who has time to spend on nurturing negativity--it's an illness. All my right siders... endless love and empowerment. Nothing less. Shake off anything slowing you down.W.Davies!

something for the males i adore men take note pls

Peace sign jus a middle n a trigger finger...


NO negativity for evil against me shall prosper
"it has been scientifically proven the acts we do are simply because the pre-frontal cortex apart of th brain is not fully developed"Ftk

prove my razor right and shave your back!! loool

Begin? at where?

to start off
fuck you
because she fucked you over
then apologizes
but still fucked you over
you'll never know how ;)
you know who you are
Begin? Where?
so you think your entitled to things?
so you think this is a game?
so you think your thoughts are between you and your "followers"
its cyberspace
and anything goes
Begin sulking?
At where?
not over here
and the thought about it
is irking
and fluffed
like you actually thought______
you deserved that?
oh ok
we all see know
so where you start is not where you end
because haters continue on
and they'll never win
and the little respect left
you blew it out the window for yourself!
so where to begin?
let's start off
by realizing that you are the problem
and it's not even worth it!

small space

the small space
known to you
becomes filled then erased
how many heads in your small space?
and eveyone of them you dated so
don't blame you being the
"Social butterfly"
because you know all the homies
and in time your mind is telling you
this small space gets crowded t\by your associations
people knowing you and the other people
you know
know each other
the small space becomes filled with innocence
and you might end up being the victim
Platonic Relationships Are Just Absolutely Beautiful. Even If They Didn’t Start Off That Way. When They Revert Back To Complete Simplicity & Basic Bright Energy, One Can Appreciate The Journey The Friendship Has Made. via EarthBella
"Violence is the way of the weak man/woman. where there is an angry person, leave them with love... they might not smile but they're heart is slowly healing." W.Davies
men telling their close male friend they love them is a beautiful thing-- join team brotherhood

Black Ice - The Ugly Show via Philly!

The word liberal comes from the word free. We must cherish and honor the word free or it will cease to apply to us. -Eleanor Roosevelt

"your haters are your motivators" Y.White


It is the rivalry
simple as that
is it the way you thought you had her?
is it her "difference"
What is it?
Why you push her buttons at 2 am
and then come ten-fold
with a lame line
and then your sarcasm is beyond funny
its not even amusing
just smell the rivalry
and the way you used to make her feel
is no longer in the limelight
and post "aunt flo" has taken in her state
which is why she speaks in that way
of your rivalry
and you don't understand her battles
but you want to attack them
just do her a favor and be a silent rival!


All the ones
those ones
"these" ones
the ones you layed down to create
and those ones you held silence in their state
I'm speaking out of ignorance
no figure in their lives
gives them an mptyhole
someone's gonna be responsible for doing so
and when the time
when you wake up
from your state and face reality
just maybe
you'll "illegitimize"
your non-chalant-sprem-donating-ways
and wake up in reality


Whoever told you
that PDA was cute
told a big FIB
a false one at that
erroneous purely
and simplistically
and all giggly
one could say im jealous
one could say im bitter
one could say I envy that
whoever told you that happy endings, marriage,and
material things
could make you happy
told a fu**ing fib
on yours and their behalf
they played a big fool on you
In this crowded space
of departures
toilets,and trolleys
and "lifts"
recognize all the "fibbibg"
going on
the family with 6 kids
arguing about baggage claim
the couples making "amends"
from their fight
from last night
while PDA and eye-gazing seem
to to be the attraction in this crowded space and all the fibbing being told
I just wanna get home

Humanity does not differ

"Written Out Finally My Life Hopefully"
Im weary of the ones with much more judgement to distribute
those that look at you as if they've never bee through
and yet they are the ones, the judgemental
with tongues as sharp as a gun
and they're judgement and their words that pierce and sting the most beacuse in the
back of your mind all you can do
is repeat:haven't you beenin my place at one point in time?
and if it's no:you're lying and im done trying to impress the impressionable minds
so maybe its about that time?
maybe i should embrace me
to live my life? Hm..maybe its a thought but hey i just thought
that it's be safe to just go on ahead and live this crazy life my way
because what's life without mistakes and giving all it takes just to better you
so that years later that better you can confront you in the past
and just laugh at those days when everyone put you under scrutiny's eye
now that eye is blind and i hope it never sees again because this go round
change it up and do things different
lets try living life for me.


The soft melody of his heartbeat
and the smile put on him
for the country
excites my unfortunate generation

walks in the park

and the union resides
for lifetime that is
with a simple morning
and all day service
some invite a lot of people
many go to a court downtown
some have little money
some have fortunes for 2 generations
the walks in heart that took place
as studies have shown
and then those walks in the park
that kept them close
like the matters of the heart
and then the bittersweet moments that joined them together
i hope their union is blessed
and the walks in the park continue to be
found again
and cherished


And those raining days never fail
waking up feeling like hail
and then those non chalant care-free
days come sparingly
wake up
no care in the world creativity
a new day a new possibilities
and then the inner transitions begin
they start to form inside you like it
was awaiting to happen
those people in transition
are the best
recognizing everything
and anything
absolutely a great sign of maturity
and inner excitement
that screams
you are on the right path
to a better you
not a different you
a more defined,discreet you
and then there are those
who forget to thank the being
that made them
or they deny his existence

London Bridge

your london brigde is falling down
trembling over
all around
dno't bring it back
the first sight
beautiful anglo-saxon men
the cool breeeze the hustles over
and the return of something much more bitter sweet
london bridge
is falling down inside
no more walls to hide
out of sight
and you can't deny
why you come back for MORE
then hide :(


"it's as if the world is going to go into a black hole"
and you are succumbed to being apart of this whole
natural disaster
Basically 'out of sight and out of mind'
as the phrase goes
and everyone you know
knows everyone I know
and the earth keeps getting tinier
the disposition of yourself is obvious
by your stance in public
your aura in pictures
it's as if you would trade to be in another skin
but basically
you'd rather keep it basic
and not crawl out until your ready...

how come

How come life is precious?
not knowing the value until the tables turn unto you?
Why do groupies exist?
How come most young ladies do not respect their bodies?
end result disrespecting themselves?
How come its taboo for a guy to turn down s_x?
Who said you can't say no?
How come their are no communities of men to turn to for wisdom?
How come suffering happens to the the best of "us"
Why are there still places in New Orleans that are tore up?
Why did you do that to her?
How come "you never know what you got till its gone"
Why is this a capitalist economy?
How come everyone doesn't appreciate honesty?
Why do people put their faith and trust in money?
Why do some girls have premarital sex?
Why is it rare that guys are virgins?
How come you ask for a lot?
How come you don't realize that YOU are the joke?
Why is Obama adored?
Why does your mom like calling your name?
Can you answer these questions?

"they wanna push my top back like JFK" rick ross

" and the sad part is he's gonna always want you, because you never went back to him!" B.Nina

If you facebok love ur asking for trouble lol


"You Can Get With,This Or You Can Get With That ;You Can Get With This,But This Is Where It's At"
"saying all the wrong things at the wrong time"
"and the things that happened to you 3 years before me, you will have to pay for, since it was your decision to pursue me" k.J.M...>> i mean it makes sense! right?
"and all of you pressed to be in "love" or already in "love"
see it clearly through lust! a stage you must heap over to reach
to love's true meaning...a wise man knows nothing lasts forever"


"my mind doesn't work like most
it goes on random tangents" L.I.S.
And the journey is beautifully deterred
by others
but deeply by me
and the moments when I don't wanna leave
but I need to
"don't BE yourself"
"don't ACT a fool"
and see if I won't find out
the mind is something thats scary at times
how much power I have to use it to the best of my ability
and scar along the way
if it hasn't happened already
so the tangent continues
with grace and ease
as things slowly begin to decipher
and the "bad" people
weed themselves out
with no outside help
my mother always said "...thy will meet themselves there"
so maybe the tangent of their lives is still at a roadblock
and I refuse to be held back by emotional accidents
and heartbreak highways
but everyones tangent is different

BFF words

"admiration i cannot find from you
gave all i could for you...tore down my safe haven for you...and this is all i get?
not even a "thank you i appreciate it"
but as my mind has time to review this life in retrospect" M.A.M.

"I don't hate anyone, just don't prove me right or make a fool out of yourself" fTk

favorite author

It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

- Movie Quote from 'Rocky Balboa'

Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you are because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you. You're better than that!"
"you did it because it was in your best interest, regardless
of whatever bridges were burned, at that point, it wasn't
about them it was about doing what was best for you" --A.A. my ex(R.Assistant)

And at

"and at the end of it all it was you"
Release humbly
and act cautiously
not precariously
And at the end of the road
it is what you made it
no hard feelings
no more harbored hatred
no more surpressed emotions
And at the end of the day it is something
that a higher put in your life
knowing the beginning,
the middle,
and the ending,
if you are in the middle
please ask for guidance
and at that point
you let the wind sway it in the direction it was meant for

story of my life?

you wahn

you want something heavy to cherish
besides your obesity?
go get a boyfriend
and make him propose to you.
take your left hand
and count to the fourth finger
from the right
weight should be sitting on there
for the rest of your life.


"why everything thats 'pose to be bad,
make me feel so good?
What's your addiction?
is it money, cars, clothes?" kanyeezee!
The stronghold memory of you is very sharp
like that of a blades edge
addiction to good and satisfying moments ;)
yet they are no longer in sight
and around that certain time of the month
you creep back
addiction every time
tears well up
but don't come out
and that thing that use to cause a smile
with my heart.
"Why everything that supposed to be bad
make me feel so good"

happy birthday frida kahlo! :)

"why would I give you the road map to my heart"?

it is far better to be smarter than you look than to appear smater than you are.. W.A.

"my heart is not a free-for-all" anonymous


Easy Easy silly girl
the world is only one fourth of how crazy you think it is
and one half of insane beyond belief
so you met your match today
the criticism you long awaited came to you unexpectedly
and you almost got defeated and you ego/pride almost deflated
so that to ease up on the maddness causing you harm
you sit there
just sit there and
and stare at yourself through his mirror
You look at yourself through his lens?
but ease got you through it eventually
without a care in the worlds the feelings was reciprocated and karma happnened
and the demons and big scary dinosaurs that you thought weren't there
sparingly exist
and all good that happened in one day just shattered indifferent
like stained glass at the altar
"do unto others as you want done to you"
with ease please
and learn to harbor free-for-all forgiveness
"You can keep takin advantage and takin for granted what beautiful thing you have in front of your face until its So Far Gone...cus one morning ull wake up and it will all be gone... sadly at the end of the day you have noone to blame but yourself and all your stubborn ways." Y.Tesfaye

"nobody is perfect, as creatures we are all a work in progress" E.H.

eat your heart out?

"Every girl(boy) that ever tried to play me,
eat your mother fuc**** hearts out"
"everyone one my exs that ever cheated on me,
eat your motherfrigging hearts out"
thats what I have to say to that
"It's on to the next one"
ALLL of these are immature statements
"somone's mad"
"look who's talking"
eat your heart out?

via twitfolk!

"Evidence of Growth: Not taking things personally. The immaturity of others doesn't reflect poorly on me."

my stamp of approval!

My dad was jammin to this in the car! smh surprised!

that being

sometimes pondering the value
of the opposite sex
and its use and worthiness in its time-consuming
and when matters of the heart are intertwined
fear increases
while hope and patience dwindle
spirally downward
that being that you once thought was a good "hit"
or a good "fix" for one night
as the rebound
one night stand or jumpoff
has a life and a body of emotions probably unknown to them
that being might be confused
trying to find inner peace
triumph in god
or even a clean serene mind
so what is the purpose of that being?
"let no man put asunder, once joined together"

Lesson in session

Everything you have ever been through
is there for a purpose
for you to grow and learn right
and then when the hands of time spin on you
"the mother ship cant save you so your ass gon' get left"
You weren't born in this earth
to imitate your mother
live by the likes of your uncles and aunties
but you were born to pave your own
so that others can walk on
and put their imprints on it
lesson in session
like the first day of school
"experience is the best teacher"
And prayer and grace in actions should lead the trail you wish to make


It can now be seen
I can fully understand why some females
never have/had or desire to
have female acquaintences
or confindantes
Women in power
are a prime example
as well as grandmothers apply to this as well
seen is the conniving and deceitful women are
against themselves
jealousy has stricken in some of their veins
as well as in their genes
some predict a estrogen overload by 2020
seen as sisters
and supporters is what they would reach out for
most importantly as a pretense
love yourself


What is the point
you don't wanna feel committed to anything
the word has meaning
it was invented for a reason
use it like you use
soap frequently
everytime to bath
who ever gets upset at no
it's their own problem
lies people tell
stories people say
particularly this story is funny
and the chance you had has been up
obviously you need to get yourself together
and upon all the evidence you have given
you are guilty of not having self-control
and saying NO!
the courts ruling is to send you to
maybe there you might find all the answers your looking for


And when you want to get revenge with a woman
choose wisely
those species are very very conniving
and when dealt with fire
trust and believe she can and will light the torch before you know it
and you get burned
mentally or emotionally
even egotistically
you never know what anyone is capable
Women are smarter
if you want revenge
your best bet is to kill her with kindness
because she'll definately find your weekness
"If I wanted to,I could easily play the sh** outta you"
but it's already been done
you just will never know it ;)
you know who you are
so watch what social networking does
it only strengthens the woman bond to catch you easier
and some might want to run a train on you

"that that"

And its just..
that that that that that
complaints from left and right
every question
leads to another question
and every answer leads to another question
that is what it should be
that is what people tell it to be
that is what you be?
you don't think so?
"I wanna be left alone"
it seems as if that statement is forbidden
because no one respects it
as if it is the words of a mother
that is that!

"Women want men to show respect for they art Women don't be checkin for the chart They go straight to sister to sister and pick it apart Begin with the heart, our sisters is a living art" krs-one