Humanity does not differ

"Written Out Finally My Life Hopefully"
Im weary of the ones with much more judgement to distribute
those that look at you as if they've never bee through
and yet they are the ones, the judgemental
with tongues as sharp as a gun
and they're judgement and their words that pierce and sting the most beacuse in the
back of your mind all you can do
is repeat:haven't you beenin my place at one point in time?
and if it's no:you're lying and im done trying to impress the impressionable minds
so maybe its about that time?
maybe i should embrace me
to live my life? Hm..maybe its a thought but hey i just thought
that it's be safe to just go on ahead and live this crazy life my way
because what's life without mistakes and giving all it takes just to better you
so that years later that better you can confront you in the past
and just laugh at those days when everyone put you under scrutiny's eye
now that eye is blind and i hope it never sees again because this go round
change it up and do things different
lets try living life for me.

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