how come

How come life is precious?
not knowing the value until the tables turn unto you?
Why do groupies exist?
How come most young ladies do not respect their bodies?
end result disrespecting themselves?
How come its taboo for a guy to turn down s_x?
Who said you can't say no?
How come their are no communities of men to turn to for wisdom?
How come suffering happens to the the best of "us"
Why are there still places in New Orleans that are tore up?
Why did you do that to her?
How come "you never know what you got till its gone"
Why is this a capitalist economy?
How come everyone doesn't appreciate honesty?
Why do people put their faith and trust in money?
Why do some girls have premarital sex?
Why is it rare that guys are virgins?
How come you ask for a lot?
How come you don't realize that YOU are the joke?
Why is Obama adored?
Why does your mom like calling your name?
Can you answer these questions?

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