What is the point
you don't wanna feel committed to anything
the word has meaning
it was invented for a reason
use it like you use
soap frequently
everytime to bath
who ever gets upset at no
it's their own problem
lies people tell
stories people say
particularly this story is funny
and the chance you had has been up
obviously you need to get yourself together
and upon all the evidence you have given
you are guilty of not having self-control
and saying NO!
the courts ruling is to send you to
maybe there you might find all the answers your looking for


CTokyo said...

I LIKE! but some people are afraid to say NO because they care about that person and dont wanna hurt them BUT i understnd that it will be better off to let the person know right away before the feelings increase and the person gets hurt more..(advice people)> just dont even bother talking to a person who wants to be committed if you dont

ftk said...

Thank you very much! this applied to all male/female young/old teacher to student! but I think it also applies to emotions about a person depending on the situation. at last I can say people are guilty of "guarding the othr prsons" feelings (compromising)