
Easy Easy silly girl
the world is only one fourth of how crazy you think it is
and one half of insane beyond belief
so you met your match today
the criticism you long awaited came to you unexpectedly
and you almost got defeated and you ego/pride almost deflated
so that to ease up on the maddness causing you harm
you sit there
just sit there and
and stare at yourself through his mirror
You look at yourself through his lens?
but ease got you through it eventually
without a care in the worlds the feelings was reciprocated and karma happnened
and the demons and big scary dinosaurs that you thought weren't there
sparingly exist
and all good that happened in one day just shattered indifferent
like stained glass at the altar
"do unto others as you want done to you"
with ease please
and learn to harbor free-for-all forgiveness

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is good!