"too many individuals explore, experiment and delve into the unknown...the problem comes when the unknown is not what they bargained for" Ftk


"Having deires (the Dao) is unnatural to have excessive deires and that having them will not only lead to a satisfying life but will paradoxically result in destruction, want, alienation, and self destruction."
"its called guns and hookers(Cant figure em out) and its just kinda like a guys point of view of not being able understand girls
its a deep track meaning behind it"
stay tuned for my friends mixtape on my blog!
he's a genius i think!
"Kill them with kindness"

"Falling asleep to wishful thoughts and banking on silly dreams..." I.L.

i like the guitar..enough said


shoot up the place
take it by storm
and the headache of rage
takes over
and the bubbling of the mind
spills over
the mental storm conjuring
like a bubbly stew
in a black cauldron
do. bot. touch.
do not ask.
do not question
just leave it in
to cool it off
in a different environment


"jealousy is a sickness
get well soon"
and this untitlement goes to you
see one thing is to see success
and crave it even more
not envy it
and dwell on it as the enemy
and the reason for all of your pain
we are all animals
anger and wrath brings out the true animal in us
no self-control
just plan for attack
and when jealousy over prey comes haunting
you pounce
like a cheetah on a leopard
this untitled
is meant for the jealous envious ones
help me understand why
the attitude?
the hate?
have i wronged you?
Or are you just bitter?
“The haters are truly your motivators” Y.White
And in that sense
That’s why you are kept around
To be used solely for the purposes necessary
So your mad now?
You found out you were being used?
But you were hating…


"just because your busy,
and you try to hide your fears engaging in a guilty pleasure
only suppresses your fears"
Artist Shanda Ferguson:
"Time has flown by and with my past lessons, hurt, love and disappointments I have finally learned to love myself...I control my sadness, my happiness and joy; I don't put up with nonsense, people or situations that are literally bringing me down or wasting my time. I love myself too much to allow anyone or situation to have that much control over me. This print is for everyone, every race...to love thy self, and for others to have their own meaning for the print." via diddyblog

sometime liar

think your slick
yea ok
but there are other tricks
the world has led people to believe
people are very dishonest
very untrustworhty
and want to use you for your own benefit
and then there's that sometime liar
the one that is used sparingly
when necessary to have a conversation with
we all have one
i actually just found one
but it's okay right
to be lied to
and deceived
but then the lies unfold
to me
and its not a big deal
but for season
that sometime liar comes around
looking for a ear to listen
and a support make shift
but the LIES were already known
someone told
then someone untold
what you already told to be true
that sometime liar
you are not needed
but good luck to you and yours


He's the young at heart
she's the one that
wants to start
them being now and in the future
but his plans seems far beyond futuristic
and she said her biological clock is ticking
so he must be forbidden
those days you said you like her
and the times you spent without her
seems far beyond your memory
those times she kissed you
the way she cuddled in your arms
the feeling she got
because you were an
attention grabber
its hard to fight for something thats forbidden
but she told you
Her kitty is closed

monolouge #3

Auntie always told me I would reap what i sow
and missed opportunities is what i would come to know
but she never teached me how to forgive
she never taught me how to offer a second chance
and be a fool in love for once
she told me I had to make sure no woman ever hurt
and if any woman did I wasn't man enough to keep her
but aren't all her teachings a learned behavior
you know the ones you experience before following her judgement
and what about the males that never had a male figure or a woman figure
present to teach them
what about all my friends with girlfriends
it seems as if I can't keep mine
because of my selfish ways
but this is monolouge 3
maybe ill find the answer soon
"silence, so I won't play myself"


You know

Woke up
tidying up
the summer heat struck
and the mind went into
ok mode
there is no reason why you shouldn't have a good day
you know
go out and take a walk with nature
and then...
that day you will always remember

this one's for you! ha!

"got one hater, need 15 more by the end of summer"

"love is spelled evol backwards" D.dixon

Getting there

drifting away
into your own spotlight
and shining so bright
it amazes you
and the next day will be even better
getting there
inch by inch
centimeter by centimeter
and yous
are no longer is plain sight
rather in hindsight
learning not to look back
getting there
with ease
and praise
and the true meaning of loving oneself
is you rely on no one
for your happiness
a wise man knows nothing lasts forever
and forever might as well be called infinity
and time might as well be 'bad"
because it only points in one direction
getting there
and missing all "free throws"
on purpose
for the purpose of yourself

"The would is no longer fresh so its time to stop pickin at the scab..." A.Ortiz..

Isn't she fierce! i got that album!

potential (monolouge that is)

See I thought you had the right stuff
but I didn't know what your potential was
you know
your capabilities
a wise man said never underestimate your opponent
and your potential is no longer in plain sight
the actions done is horrendous
as the lies come one by one
It's okay to deny someone
or tell them NO!
at least i'm ok with that
and now my respect for you
is gone
no emotion no strings attached
the potential
see those long nights
of chit chatter
and the calls and text messages have no value
your slowly fallin into that category
but I didn't lose control
because I still have my dignity
while you have hurt and hatred within yourself
but remember Bill,
I was always 10 steeps ahead of you
you may never see this but
thats why you were the rebound guy
I will never tell you
because you tried to play me
but plenty of people have beat you to it
so your mission has failed
and even if I'm wrong: FU** you :)
so you've proven your immaturity
and the potential you had is gone
but you were always on a different plane
which is why karma is a b****
And you suck at ......g
but then again you were always on a different plane
and your potential is lost
leave me be
and stop trying to hide from your feelings Bill!
COOL RIGHT!!! im using this! :)

COme back Kanye!

"everyone has a little bit of hater in them"

worth the while

"sitting down won't change your life"
and the wait is not over
patiently waiting
worth the while
while the while waits in you
and the patience is inevitable
nothing goods comes easy
and everything sour has a
pleasant facade
the contentment within yourself
is that of mind over matter power
fight for what you want and let no one take it away from you
and if you don't know what you want
"keep to yourself but warn others
its at your own risk"
and is it worth the while
maybe the patience you practice
will be captivating
and its worth the while
who knows?

I just figured out how to check my comments... so I responded to the past ones!

"it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us...we ask who are you not to be"
--MaryAnne Williamson

the point

The point of it all
to realize what was gone
but never forgotten
the point is to learn
and then re-live
and then re encourage
the point
is to not live with guilt
because it stands in the way
of the greatness trying to be created
and then the shattered pieces you created
within others and within yourself
you have yet to tackle
the point
is to stop blaming yourself ma'am
you did it in the best interest of you
because no one else has that weight on their shoulders but you
and the point is
get even with it
or get lost
let the burden go
and move the fuck on
the point
of it all

SHE's from philly! bahahaha enjoy

rise and grind

the rise and grind mentality
depicts the amount of success
you are willing to endure
it is an enduring process to engage in
and the lifestyle might not be what you asked for
so what happens when you join the Rat race
in this economic "downturn" time
rise and grind
like it is the only thing you depend on
and the fruits of your labor shall be savored
and the importance of doing what you love
whether its a starving artist
or a mentor
or a writer
or an artist
rise and grind
on earth
thats the only option you option you have
no opprotunity is ever missed
because someone else will gladly take it
"the minute you slack off there's always somebody waiting to steal your shine" Diddy

the memory..MONOLUGE #3!

the vivid memory
the faint touch of your lips
the music in the background
the memory of our speakers blasting
as the echo of our hearts were in tune
beating as one
and now as the song trembles
out of the back seat of my car
I remember that night...
(any thoughts)

silent attack!

And you spring up
and silently tear us apart
from two you make it one
and unsure if the appreciation is necessary
because very memory
every embrace
begins every tear cried
and every butterfly in the soul
cross the heart
do not know why
the silent attack
strikes back
and yet the illness that strikes the mind
is that of fear
" and when you enable fear, you tell your yourself you are afraid of the possible, NOT the
impossible" R.W.E.
the silent attack can no longer be suppressed
it must be awakened..


"BUT if she reminds you so much of happiness
why don't you want her anymore"
he said she broke his heart
she says his heart already had some mending to do
before she rolled in
and then roll out
And still she doesn't know
how he feels
how ANY man feels
no one cares enough to tell her
while she sits alone with her teddy bear and thinks
"Did I really do that?"
and finally he offers a hand of forgiveness
yet she has no words
see the last guy ruined it for the next guy
and the next guy was the last guy
same shit different body
different attitude
same lifestyle
But she still has hope
if he hasn't stripped all of what's left from her
and the trials of her relations with these
specimens keeps her pondering
knees quivering
and mind-boggling
will we ever get along
and what do you have to say for yourself
the silence in your spirit is too quiet for her
the next move you make was very uneasy
she ended it
and don't about her
she'll be alright
will you?
" I don't wanna be your charity case, so take your sh** and get outta my face" M.I. Abaga (pullin me back)

Happy fathers day!

Some say you ya'll are only meant to be sperm donors
and leave the rest ALONE
and some of you are in tact with the lives you've created
some of you have sacrificed everything
some of you have sacrificed nothing
father: a male figure who aids in the child's develepment from birth till death, prescence in mind, body, and soul.
Sounds pretty accurate
and to my father
who told me : "If a man tell you he loves you, tell him your daddy loves you more"
"if a man likes you
He's just looking for a visa"
"shouldn't you be talking to your mom about this stuff"
If he doesn't wanna meet me don't bother bringing him"
father might not be the typical all american dad
but I wish he raised all the men in the world
and would love for my son/husband to be at least half the man he is
I love you dad
you help me shine
YOu taught me how to be firm and strong
you are always supportive
words cannot describe how proud I am to call you my dad
Even though you always try to play me
but I know deep down you mean well
you taught me how to ride my bike
and how to fight
you are the epitome of what every man should be
not for you
but for those who love and care for you
dedicated to all the fathers out there
and the ones looking down on their children
Thank you!
this day doesn't get enough credit!

..and all of you..

..and all of you ended the same
same story
different body
and for some reason it seems to be hard
you would think breaking hearts is something
one gets used to
but it just aches the heart more
and strenghthens the mind
into knowing
there always another story
and god told you you could handle it
or else you wouldn't be going through it
and at the end of the day
..and all of you..
are still the same
in a different way
in a different mind frame
same tune to be danced with
different footwork all apart of an ultimate goal
and somewhere along the line
emotions get the best of you
and fear gets the worst of you
..and you all ended the same
and thats not a good feeling

Kid Cudi Cleveland Is The Reason..and philly is my reason..

smash 2much money! yessssss

psshhh who you tellin ;)

"It's inevitable, but everything and anything can be avoided, and if you try me, I'll stab the sh** out of your soul you'll never know people existed like that, so watch it" T.K.

"its not easy being mean" -cheetah girls


"I've seen your face before
This facade is too familiar
and it must take some getting used to
misery loves company
but the eclipse of the end
was caught glimpse
Maybe you'll regret
maybe you won't
the familiarity sparks
When you fear
the adrenaline rush when a dog
chases you for attack
the feelings heighten
and you run from it
like a slave to freedom
and act like it never happened before
Journalists can't ever be completely objective, They are subjective simply by choosing what stories to write." --KANE


"You might win some but you just loss one" - Lauryn Hill

Martin, Three Men And A Mouse lil richard!!

"Everytime I think you can't get any lower, you take me to the curb" Martin


"Watch the company you keep
and the crowd you seek"
for those you never expected
continue to prove you right
as to why people do and say things
and social networking isn't helping at all
the proximity in which one knows another
the hidden and basically subliminal messages
put you into trouble
so Watch now
and see how it unfolds
see how minds ass-uming
and conflicting interpersonally
see how thoughts get questioned
and self-expression gets lessened
and restraint with the mind and the heart battle each other
you just watch
as you open your big mouth
and put he or she's interpersonal conversation out there
for the whole cyber world to see
and yet your not that better at it yourself
why do you want that?
why can't people talk anymore?
why do you insist on text messaging?
even Emailing?
Watch how im gonna remove myself from all networks one day
then we'll see who wants to "watch" or talk!

Sarah Vaughan - The Sassy One..shes poppin

"theres too many sides to figure out the piece to that puzzle, its scary sometimes" FTk
"may not speak volumes or show emotions readily, yet rest assured there's an enormous amount of activity happening beneath the surface" S.P.
If u act like a victim,, u are likely to be treated as one -P.Coelho

Award goes to..

And the award goess toooooooo
and You
and You
nominated for
"best person to NOT learn from mistakes"
its been proven
I hope your happy now
The award gos to you
We didnt know
you were good at those type of things
Not saying NO
not giving a fu**
and Leading the whole thing (cast)
The award goes to you for
gassing up
then soon to doing what you do best!
you do the same thing over and over again
you get the same results
Did you need an award to tell you that?

The Supremes - You Can't Hurry Love

the same?

"Such is life"
seems to be the theme of human
if she met you with goodwill
its not all in tact
the way you treat me and others
projects who you are as a person
If you would try that to me
then such is life begins
because your inherent desire is calling
does not man you have to shout it
or have the word: EAGER written across your face
and when human comes into play'
such is life
and it gets complicated after a couple of tries
couple of Coronas
couple of limes
the same as the human
you are
and were meant to be
the same? as the way your genus
has been acting
because your specie is the same
and such is life
when you lost your respect and dignity
J.C. via twitter>>>>"I soooo miss boo lovin' on the phone at night...ppl don't even talk on the phone no more...just text and tweet...no I want a real convo"

game 1

Role play
You won before we even started
but don't let game 1 fool you
my leg might be broken but my spirit isn't
were not even on an even plane field
and I fathom the desire to beat you at your own game
win before the match
I'll keep my leg and my integrity"
---Karate Kid 2010


pre-existing in the stratosphere
"Every wants it, but few people have IT"
IT has many factors
it makes you weak to your knees
it makes you as strong as hercules
IT doesn't require much thought
IT's just simple
How can two people want IT
but yet its hard to achieve
IT exists here on earth
its just a matter of patience
and not seeking IT
(so they say)
IT will come when you least expect it
(so they say)
(so they say)
who's ready to fight for IT?
A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterward. -- Jean Paul Richter

Monolouge prospective #2

Find a spot
so I can spark conversation
and figure out my thoughts
see I wasn't always like this
You can thank my first for that
Young and naive
pregnant at 14
prospective dreams appearing shattered
out of my poor 14 year old body
and you wonder why I overreact
when something gos wrong
I just want you
I want to know that I can talk to you
like my first allowed me too
which is sad because w don't even talk anymore
but I need to tell you what I feel
and let my ego go since it is the MAIN barrier
late in th night I wonder what you are doing
I dont think I consume his mind as much as he does mine
Its funny because my inside voice tells me
"Well he doesnt have to do shit basically,!
Are you guys dating?
Are you pregnant?"
But he is replaceable
which always seem to be my course of action
"on to the next, as they call it"
But in the meantime
I'm gonna get on this bus
and head to the coffee hut
so I can figure out my thoughts!

P.S. >> What do you think? Cool? Thought-provoking? funny?

"Only when you desire nothing, will you have everything" - Buddha >>TKT


Some level of consistency is needed in EVERY aspect of life

Martin Arms are for Hugging Part 1 HA!

Right as rain --adele

"Who wants to be right as rain it's better when something is wrong.
You get excitement in your bones and everything you do is a game.
When night comes and your on your own you can say i chose to be alone.
Who wants to be right as rain it's harder when you're on top."

ROSEMARY CLOONEY Sway>> take THAT pussycat dolls! lol


The long lasting effect
the stance set upon all 5 of your senses
were effective
"can't seem to shake you off"
and her eyes wandered elsewhere
as he tried to reel her back in
but uneffctively
I told her it will be okay
but hr must be more effective than me

I can forgive, but I cannot forget, is only another way of saying, I will not forgive. Forgiveness ought to be like a cancelled note - torn in two, and burned up, so that it never can be shown against one. -Henry Ward Beecher


"...Dusting attics remembering days and time and moments

When kindness taken as a weakness

It automatic I cant control this commentary

Won't be silent

Silence is compliance

Don't agree, wont be allowed, taken advantage

These seeds have born fruit

How does it taste?"
by: M."f-bomb" K.

"If you never shoot you ALWAYS miss"

Shoutouts to brooklyn new york!
Just because ;)


"Never say I love you
if you really don't care
Never say your going to
If you don't plan to start
Never look into my eyes
If all you do is lie
If you really mean forever
then say you will try
Never say forever
'cause forever makes me cry"


"in my past, you on the other side of the glass of my memories museum"

Those days

You knew those days
those calm days
those independent days
those "I don't care anymore" days
those bright and sunny days
and then the time you realize
LUST has entered your being
the lust that haunts you in your dreams
and the thought of acting
you dare to act upon
those days
are NOT over
if you thought they were
you will be rudely awakened
those days
are definately going to happen
and like you always here
the feelings ar bound to be reciprocated

"A man has always wanted to lay me down, but never wanted to pick me up" - Eartha Kitt

It's wondering

how her soul dies
when she looks into his eyes
its wonderful
when the unknown sparks
and search triggered mind
"and im trying to please the calling of your heart strings"
its wonderful
how two people saw and see
what is at stake
and matters get tossed and turned
around in different courses
but it always finds its way to reciprocate
and/or duplicate
"and I know how much you want me that you cant hide" ;)
it's wonderful just wondering about it

Billie Holiday - You Go To My Head im an oldies fan.. found in my archive!

Awon Ara Igbo Pt.2 by request only lol

Im reaching out to hold you close so I don't slip away, explore a whole new approach a whole new free i say"

and some people thought this was Drakes's saying smh "The hottest love has the coldest end."Socrates

Green Eggs and Ham

Don't Cry Because It's Over. Smile Because It Happened. --Dr. Seuss
"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells."
— Dr. Seuss
"Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope."
— Dr. Seuss
"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love."
— Dr. Seuss

"I'm afraid that sometimes you'll play lonely games too. Games you can't win 'cause you'll play against you."

Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.
Robert Frost

A certain media outlet banned this song \/ideo due to the content just watch lol

"Thank you for your tune to make love too, but iv'e heard it all before mr.radio"


the pull of a muscle
and the pull of a strand
the pull of a heart
where the arteries and veins stand apart
how could you after so many years of
learned behavior
so many kicks in mistake
often do-overs
and random thought
off the top of ones head
with caution
and step with ease
just praise before each move
for one leaves the nest
and either pulls
or jams itself together

"it can never be 50/50 because one of you has to be a fool in love"

"...because in this situation the feelings ALWAYS reciprocate"

Michael Jackson - "You Can't Win" The Wiz back to my theater roots...

No man's work

"Weak people. I think there are too many in the human race, I wish natural selection took place and weeded them out. At least I have."--C.M.O.
9 to 5
day in
day out
all work
no play?
no man's work
hardworking for another
by the byline of
:Another day, another dollar
no man's work
should go unseen
working from the bottom
in hopes of someone at the top
to give him a lift
no man's work
is for the uneducated man
the one everyone bypassed
the Mark Twain's and Socrates of the earth
No man's work
should be forgotten
just as long as he doesn't forget
to tackle bigger and better things
because the lift to the top isn't promised

No wonder

No wonder
why everything
to she is a question
as she sat in class and day dreamed about it
No wonder
he engulfed her state of mind
for a while
the indirect pressure
no wonder
why she won't
and settle
and just sit
once again
using the same routine
as she did her others
just a matter of time
before he

If you think she's dumb

If you think she's dumb
just remember she's always
2 steps ahead of you
because she left without a worry on her shoulder
and you sitting here moping around
an complaining
while she's on your brain
if you think she's dumb
You wont dare to know what she thinks about you
And your state of mind
is yours
but cautioned to use your brain
and endorphins wisely
for they have deceived you time and time again

once again! "A mind is a TERRIBLE HORRIBLE thing to waste, use it for advancement not as a crutch"

how can you tell

She said
then he told her
about these young brothers
from the motherland
their minds in the fast lane
tryna catch speed
how can you tell
when the time seems to mention
pointing to your mind
uh oh uh oh
he and she
how can you tell
the strong essence of each being is evident
that seize to capture
manuvering this new chapter
like a snail,
just drive slow homie.....

"let's b real, some people don't deserve second chances...if you put them second in your life" R.W.

"women want attention therefore women will complain" drake

Wale - "Diary" i never hear this song before?

Lupe Fiasco-The Coolest

"the moment you make th decision to seek help, is the moment you realize you cannot do it alone"

And sometimes...

"Within those dark moments
you discover enlightenment"
and sometimes...
mother nature gets the best of you
you know ignorance
those oh!
and a list of interjections that come to mind
when you pulled through your strength
and sometimes
you just want to listen to music
curl up in a ball
and never come out

"I hear echoes of your laughter in the corners of your mind, while I memorize each detail of your intricate design"

viewers choice lol

Yo. A. "blown....whats the point of tryn if im the only one....i give up"

maybe its just

Maybe its just her spirit
maybe its just her poise
her faith
and maybe its just her
a wise man once said:
"In order to move onward and upward,
take the blame"
She been accepted
yup its ALLL her fault
she screwed up
shes the one to blame
and promised not to go insane
maybe its just you
from the elapsed time
to the present
you just took up a space in her mind
and your spirit is hurting inside
maybe its just she doesnt realize
and she must understand
being holier-than-thou
is in direct violation of his thought process
"her honesty scares me"
"is she being for real"
maybe its just th voices in her head
but she cant let then supercede
"who toys with peoples motions"
thats such an immature way to handle things
people still do that?
"im too young
so i didnt get bit in the a** yet"

Those two options

And then there were two
on white one black
one was nice
one wack
and then there were two
one calm
on cool
one real brand new
those two options
led into a full circle
and that its complete
you can be free

on the D-fence

on the d-fence
sums you up
never validating responses
taking matters into
un called for discussions and arguments
on the d-fence
thats your life
where you are lost with yourself
and continue to PLAY: VICTIM
starring YOU
you claim to want to find yourself
not knowing help was and is most likely
if not almost certain right in front of you
and you don't even realize
or you let it go
your ego was threatened you let it go
your character was questioned
and you let it go
YOU don't give a damn
and you let it go
whats the point of living
if your not fighting for anything
on the d fence
your flaws are what make you human
and your outside depicts it unclearly
you wouldn't know what to do with yourself
if you found what you are looking for
on the d-fence
and you let her go
no wonder people let you go

this sums YOU up..whoever you are ;) lol

" I realize that not all guys are bad, but you bad ones are really ruining it for the good guys out there. It amazes me how dudes can treat females any kind of way without a conscience, but let ONE girl hurt their feelings, they bitch about it forever. Some people will never learn." I.N.P.

Ua Won Boyz -- "Eba So Soft.."! I cant explain in words just watchs!

Paramore: the fact that this CD is called riot is what made me buy it :)

"... but nobody's perfect so why are judging a disabled man"

and then

And there are the brighter days
Where resilience is crucial to maintain
whether good or bad
continue to push and pull yourself forward
and then when the time comes
thank your creator
and then there are the days
where music is essential for the soul
and you feel like rejoicing all alone
being selfish with your OWN glory
and then it only gets better
true happiness comes from engaging in what you love
some go to their family
some go to their spouse
or some go to a pen and paper
and then
RELEASE it all...

"In our so-called democracy we are accustomed to give the majority what they want rather than educate them to understand what is best for them." -Carter G. Woodson

Jay-Z - Lost One ft. Chrisette Michele--one of the greatest rappers i know

and the point is

"out of sight, out of mind"
and the point is...
cannot top the other competitors?
and the point is?
the ego shot you in the ass
you fu**** up
and the point is
you let that free spirit go
and it did all you wanted to undo
but it didnt do
what you really wanted it too
and the point is
and ignored
and the point is
because the "matter" is so foolish
you don't want to try
and you put your guard up
to satisfy the last
which rekindles the hatred
of your past
that you thought was divorced then
and the point is
the worse drug known to man
and the point is?

"Love was the forbidden fruit. I savored every bite. And now I am aware of the knowledge of your good and evil." J.S.

its not...

it's not
but yet it is
feeding her corny pick up lines
then she said
"well its not..."
yess it IS
it's not easy expecting nothing
knowing he or she has the potential of something
greater than its imagining
but their lives and fairytales get the best of them
someone once told her that this isnt a fairytale
she never fashioned them anyways
instead she'd just hope for honesty
some power rangers
and laughter that lasts

Ella Fitzgerald - Round Midnight shes a legend in my book!

"i wonder" >>kanye west

I wonder
if you know
what it means
to find your dreams come true
these dreams be waking me up at night
i wonder what his thought is
what does that natural high do to you
and why does it affect me
because one once said
the english language is a very complex dialect
i wonder if you know
to find your dreams come true....

The Weatherman - "Roger That" Freestyle lool

B.o.B - Don't Break My Heart.. nice song..props!

one of these days im gonna dedicate a post to martin lawrence.

Words cannot express how easy it is to make me laugh
the show to me depicts reality
and I need to get all seasons on dvd at my disposal
martin lawrence you make me
which at the end of the day is all i need to fall asleep
...they'll be more to come im sure...

window pane

As you dance of the windowpane of thoughts
the thoughts slow down
and remind
and then playback
the window pane has been shielded
with blinds
blinds for the outside world to be ignorant of
and the soul to indulge in and learn
a thing or two
but one thing window pane does is
emulate a form of expression
nothing is perfect
even through the blinds
seeps cracks from it
and most people do not care to explor whats behind the cracks
that forms you....
memorial day wish: do not forget the first black military airmen: Tuskegee airmen

This right HERE is...

honorable mention
she applauds your efforts as they were kindly appreciated
but this right here
has to be the oddest
most contemplating thing she could ever experience
cuz this
HERE IS is my swag!

if someone got me all seasons..Id be the happiest female on earth!