maybe its just

Maybe its just her spirit
maybe its just her poise
her faith
and maybe its just her
a wise man once said:
"In order to move onward and upward,
take the blame"
She been accepted
yup its ALLL her fault
she screwed up
shes the one to blame
and promised not to go insane
maybe its just you
from the elapsed time
to the present
you just took up a space in her mind
and your spirit is hurting inside
maybe its just she doesnt realize
and she must understand
being holier-than-thou
is in direct violation of his thought process
"her honesty scares me"
"is she being for real"
maybe its just th voices in her head
but she cant let then supercede
"who toys with peoples motions"
thats such an immature way to handle things
people still do that?
"im too young
so i didnt get bit in the a** yet"

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