..and all of you..

..and all of you ended the same
same story
different body
and for some reason it seems to be hard
you would think breaking hearts is something
one gets used to
but it just aches the heart more
and strenghthens the mind
into knowing
there always another story
and god told you you could handle it
or else you wouldn't be going through it
and at the end of the day
..and all of you..
are still the same
in a different way
in a different mind frame
same tune to be danced with
different footwork all apart of an ultimate goal
and somewhere along the line
emotions get the best of you
and fear gets the worst of you
..and you all ended the same
and thats not a good feeling


Anonymous said...

i love the creativity of the poem but your right some<-(key word) of "them" are the same but you just haven't ran into the mature one who will be different in your eyes

ftk said...

lol thanks for the comment. these poems are loosely based, if at all from my personal experience. But of course their all always exceptions :)